

I saw this over the w/e. I'm a HUGE horror fan--well, horror movies that have a good storyline & build suspense, not horror movies that are based on blood & gore a la Hostel or the Hills Have Eyes.

So, back to Cloverfield--this movie rocked! It was unique, had a good SL, was well written & fairly well acted, very suspenseful & generally scared the crap outta me. Anyone else?

Oh, & a quick edit w/a question--those who did see it, do you know where the movie's name came from? B/c I did not hear the word "Cloverfield" mentioned once during the entire film.
I've been curious about this movie and am tempted to rent it. I had not heard of it or seen previews until I saw a poster in Walmart.
I saw this one a few weeks ago with a friend. I'm not a big fan of these kinds of movies, but thought it was pretty decent. I do know that it's called Cloverfield because that's the military code/file the whole situation was called. There's a quick clip of it at the very beginning.

Glad you enjoyed it!
Amazing film! Although a little sad in the end...

I haven't seen the alternate endings on the DVD... I wonder what they are.....

I'm going to have to rent it. I went to see it with my 17DS, but we never saw the last third of it. And funny this thread came up because I just told this story to his friend over the weekend.

Being filmed with a hand-held camera and all, about 2/3 through the movie, DS said he wasn't feeling well. Next thing I knew, he bolted from his seat. So here I am watching the movie (alone) and it's dark, onscreen there are loud rumblings and screams in the theater. Then this unmistakable bellowing of, "MOM!!!!!"

It's my son, holding on for dear life at the entrance of the theater. He got so dizzy he couldn't walk. So I get to him and I'm trying to steady him as we walk down the dark hallway. And good lord, I hope to never have to deal with him if he gets drunk! He stands 5'11" and I'm only 5'2", so I was at a real disadvantage. He slammed us into the wall a couple of times before I pushed his back to the wall and made him sit down on the floor.

Well, neither one of us were inclined to go back into the theater after that. I had read when it first came out of people leaving the theater because of being nauseous. Never expected it of my kid though. I imagine on the small screen it wouldn't have that affect though. I'm curious to see how it ended, but I've been told the ending.

Oh Diane...Funny you mentioned this. We rented it from Netflix and DH had to leave the room halfway through because he felt nauseous. I can imagine it would be much worse in the theaters. Funny thing is, I am the one with terrible motion sickness but it didn't bother me. Weird.

Anyway, I did like the movie.

Saw it in the movies but got so sick I couldn't watch. I have never had motion sickness. Son and hubby loved it.
My DH liked it so much, he bought the dvd. I also like suspenseful horror w/o alot of gore, so this was a keeper for me, too. Have you see "The Strangers?" Very frightening, with lots of jumpy, hide-your-face moments. Does have a little gore, but definitely not the likes of Hills. We also bought the foreign ghost film, "The Orphanage," which is scary and suspenseful, and touching and sad, too, with no gore.
I had my eyes closed half the time in the theater, ugh. The vertigo is supposed to be much milder if you watch it at home, since your brain has your (stationary) surroundings as a reference.
I seen this movie too and it made me very nauseous. In fact, I couldn't watch it after about 45 minutes into the movie, I thought I was going to upchuck. I think it would have been an excellent movie had it been filmed right. I had the same trouble with all the Bourne movies. What is it with filming that way? Very hard to watch.
That's funny, my sister had the same problem when we saw Blair Witch at the movies. We had to leave halfway through b/c she was threatening to hurl.

Personally I love that kind of film style, it makes it more realistic & therefore scarier. }(
>We also bought the foreign ghost film, "The Orphanage," which is scary
>and suspenseful, and touching and sad, too, with no gore.

Delfin - I LOVED The Orphanage!!! Even my DH liked it and he HATES subtitles.
I resisted reading your post, because I hadn't seen the movie yet...

Just watched it....LOVED it! I love movies that make me scream out loud!

My husband had seen it in the theaters, and was dying for me to finally watch it. What I especially liked about it was the fact that due to the nature of how the video was filmed, there was no mention of what the heck that thing, and it "babies" or whatever were. A couple of speculations, but the point of the movie was just a "what if a monster attacked Manhatten." When I told this to my husband, he had me watch the very last bit of the movie where the couple is on Coney Island and there is a relatively long camera shot of the beach I believe from the ferris wheel. If you look just right of center out on the horizon of the ocean, you see something drop in the water. Apparently, that was supposed to be the "thing" hitting earth from outerspace. You would only know to watch for this if you read about it online, but it was there for sure!

> What I especially liked about it was the
>fact that due to the nature of how the video was filmed, there
>was no mention of what the heck that thing, and it "babies" or
>whatever were.

In the DVD extras, they mention that the monster (that they call "Clover") is a frightened newborn, whose destruction is mostly unintentional. And the things that dropped off him are referred to as parasites (so the baby had lice?). They also talked about how influenced the writer was by the Godzilla movies, and wanting to give New York its very own monster.
I watched the movie at home and I also get motion sickness. I felt nothing during this movie thank goodness. However, I was a little disappointed because it did not seem like there was enough to the movie. I don't know exactly, but I did enjoy it. I did not know about the alternate endings so now I will have to rent it again!

Now I know what to watch for at the end also ;)

I am also a fan of Godzilla movies.

Oh my gosh! I just finished watching this. It was very well done. I actually enjoyed the way it was filmed which I thought added to the scarry elelment. I wish I had seen it on the big screen. I can see how it would make some people sick though. I like that I was scared without being subject to an extreme amount of gore. I think it takes a lot more talent to produce and film this type of movie then some of these other "horror" films that are really about how much gore can we show and how can we outdo the gore from the last film. Anyhoo, just my two cents. Loved Cloverfield!

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