Morning clean peeps!
Katie, sorry about the crappy start to the day, i find when that happens, its one thing after another!!
Kate, awesome to workout with a friend, and in the morning!!! I wish i had a friend that worked out! Mine dont even walk
Sorry i didnt get back, i'm having a rough time with some personal issues, i think that's why i'm having tummy troubles, not sure.
Busy day at work too, i'm off tomorrow, but have a big presentation Wednesday.
Workout after work, Stepbox i think, and core
B: egg whites, and lots of added weirdness
s: cc/pp/almonds
l: corn chowder, veggies, hummus, apple
s: ryveta, nat pb
d: omelette, ezekial, salad, berries, yogurt
Our director is retiring, and i'm putting together a dance number...good Lord, i have to rehearse this afternoon with the runs. lol