////////// clean & tidy monday \\\\\\\\\\

I feel so guilty even coming in here... I am so busy, clean eating is the last thing on my mind these days! Also, I haven't workout out since Friday. I had every intention of doing Step Blast this morning, but apparently I slept for AN HOUR AND A HALF with the alarm going off next to my head. I woke up at 6 (thank goodness it wasn't any later!), and came downstairs and apparently I set my coffee for PM instead of AM. It just was NOT in the cards for me today!

I have errands to run on my lunch hour every single day this week, so lunch will be on the fly and potentially unclean.

This week I am going back to heavy lifting, and I have several workouts to get accomplished in not that many days. Here is what I am planning...

Tues GS chest & tris
Wed Step Blast
Thurs GS BSB
Fri step cardio - not sure yet - and GS Legs
Sat off - my best friend is getting married (!!!), will be out of town
Sun cardio

Here is what I know about my menu today...

B cereal
S strawberries, string cheese?
L ???, on the fly
S protein bar
D shephard's pie
Katie, Do the best you can this week. Sorry about your harried AMour body needed the sleep after such a busy weekend. Asa far as WOs go - movemax/cleanmax took care of that! For lunch get a grilled chicken salad or sandwich if you're eating on the run. Keep your chin up - don't be too hard on yourself!

Crazy day for us today. It's the last day of Spring Break - wah!!!
At 9 I'm meeting a friend for a KB class. She wants to get more working out so I agreed to meet her there. Glad I'l be getting my WO out of the way in the AM. Leaves my night free!

For lunch - yuck. One of Gina's friend's mom called and wants to meet us at McD. Did I say yuck?! They'll have fun playing. I'll take along extra fruit and get a salad.

b - smart start, grapes
s - ???
l - salad, fruit
s - ??
d - ???

bbl to update the ???
Morning clean peeps!

Katie, sorry about the crappy start to the day, i find when that happens, its one thing after another!!

Kate, awesome to workout with a friend, and in the morning!!! I wish i had a friend that worked out! Mine dont even walk :)

Sorry i didnt get back, i'm having a rough time with some personal issues, i think that's why i'm having tummy troubles, not sure.

Busy day at work too, i'm off tomorrow, but have a big presentation Wednesday.
Workout after work, Stepbox i think, and core
B: egg whites, and lots of added weirdness
s: cc/pp/almonds
l: corn chowder, veggies, hummus, apple
s: ryveta, nat pb
d: omelette, ezekial, salad, berries, yogurt

Our director is retiring, and i'm putting together a dance number...good Lord, i have to rehearse this afternoon with the runs. lol

Sorry I was MIA yesterday, but my "quiet" weekend turned into let's clean out the cupboards, closets and storage. The house has not recovered yet nor have I. I did not exercise yesterday and my eating was way off. D**M peanut m&m's.

Today is lower body & shoulders, step-boxing and core.

Menu will be clean and portions will be controlled.

Katie, Hope the day goes better and quickly.
Kate, Have fun at your KB class. Salad is a good pick for McD.
Steph, Hope you feel better. Thanks for the advice, but I eat enough fat. I think my carb addiction is just a bad habit....that I am putting to an end!

Hello Jenn, Colleen and Robin! I'll try to check in later. :)

A friend in fitness,
Morning ladies.

I had a crazy morning also.
Shirl trying swapping carbs for peanuts and seeds.

Katie I'm doing GS this week also.
Sorry about your tummy problems Steph.

I'll chat more at lunch.
Good morning ladies,

I have today off because tomorrow is tax day and the post office may be busy. So I will work tomorrow instead.

I just had a little retail therapy session for myself. I bought a new step, a high step and slanted risers all from Cathe. :7

Yesterday we went to see College Road Trip. Very cute movie. We laughed a lot and the kids loved it. We walked out and Shelby said I hope daddy won't be that bad when I'm ready to go to college.
The sleepover was fun. It was nice to just hang out with a girlfriend and be silly after a bad week.

Katie, McDonalds makes some awesome salads if you need something semi clean.
STeph hope everything gets better soon. (((hugs)))!
Shirl I have some major spring cleaning to do also. Especially DD's room. I just keep putting off and shutting the door.
Kate enjoy KB class. I love MCD salads. I had one yesterday for lunch.
Hi Robin and Colleen!

My menu is up in the air.
B- 100 cal english muffin, pb and honey, coffee
after that I have no clue.

I think my workout today will be KPC/LG combo. Then laundrymax, cleanmax, and grocerymax.

I might golf with DH this afternoon.

Jenn, It sounds like you had a great weekend! Spring cleaning is a pain, but it needs to be done. Retail therapy sounds nice - great purchases. Enjoy your day off and I hope you can golf with your DH today. :)

Robin, Thanks for the advice. I just need to consume fewer calories altogether. I've been keeping track for the past week and a low calorie day for me is 2200 calories. I'm getting enough good fats, carbs and protein plus lots of extras. I didn't even add the extra bite here and there. YIKES

I have to get groceries and then go to work. I'll try to check in later.

A friend in fitness,
Lunch time and I feel like I've been dreaming all morning. My imax3 step w/o was sluggist and I guest I did not sleep well, but I slept all night.

Shirl have youn tried to cut back on carbs in the evening?

YAY Jenn cathe shopping is very motivating.

My menu has been clean but not tidy I guess I need to watch my calories also.
Oh, I won't be able to attend either road trip session. We are going away in August. We have a wedding that weekend in July. Hopefully next year. Anyone else planning or wanting to go?

A friend in fitness,
Okay I just have a quick sec - making dinner, etc.
I was checking my email and saw about the RTs.

WHOS GOIN"!?!?!!?

I really want to!!! I'm worried I won't be able to keep up though.
Oh well - who cares - its RT!!!!

Shirl, I see you can't go. Bummer
Steph, are you going again?
Hi Everyone,

Still fighting allergies. Went to the doctor's today and told me to take everything until I feel better. So now I will be hungry, tired and allergic (my allergy medicine makes me hungrier). I just want this headache to go away. I overslept this morning so I have been behind all day.

b: oatmeal w/ almonds
s: banana
l: open faced turkey sandwich on high fiber english muffin
s: multigrain tortilla chips & salsa
d: tilapia I think

Katie, grilled chicken should be your friend for lunch this week.
Shirl, good luck getting over your carb addiction. I am not trying any major diet modifications until I get rid of these allergies.
Kate, can you really go on the RT? How was lunch at McD's?
Steph, sorry you are not feeling well. hope you shake it soon.
Robin, I guess everyone is tired today. Glad you were able to get your workout in.

I don't know if I am going on the RT. I am free both weekends but the first weekend is better for me. I plans to go to Philly to visit family the following weekend and I hate to same place back to back. I guess I have a couple of weeks to think about it.

Hey ladies, quick check in. I am very excited about the RT!! The first one is much better for me, I have a work thing in August but I *could* go then if I can't get in to the first one.

I am still feeling terrible. I have had a killer headache all day long, and my stomach is upset again. I ate a good dinner, and I will be in bed by 830 or 9 am tops. PLEASE send me good workout vibes for the morning!!
Colleen, I would think the RT would be okay for me. I'll be just starting my 3rd trimester. With 4 WO's planned for Saturday I will be dead-tired by the end of the day but I reallyreallyreally want to go. Esp. if any of you gals are going! I'm sorry you're feeling so yucky still. Did you try the chiro or acupuncture?

Katie, Sorry you're feeling down too! Sending vibes your way for a good WO in the AM!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sleep tight! Put a Cathe DVD under your pillow so you can get vibes via osmosis!! LOL! It *could* work!!!
I just about peed my pants when i read about the RT!!!

Okay, who's my roomate??? Katie, if you can do July, i'm so in! Kate, Robin, come on...
Shirl, wish you could go...Colleen? Any chance?

I'm totally serious, already looking at flights! If someone will go with me!
Kate, you can totally keep up. One woman last year was pregnant as well, we'll work out all day, and eat all night :)
Hi ladies,

I too would love to go on the road trip. It would be so much fun. I could drive down to NJ, since I'm right in NY. I have never been on a RT.

Today was a good day.
b-english muffin pb & honey, coffee
l-nothing ( golfed with DH and then did some shopping)
s-protien shake
d- lean cuisine sesame chicken


Katie good morning workout vibes coming your way!!

STEPH!! I"M IN!! Let's try for the 1st one and if we don't make it there's always #2.

Jenn, Sounds like you had a nice day. How lucky you could drive to RT! Let's all go!!!

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