what a start to my weekend

bad night of sleep, and work all day. i am done now, and i broke out in a lovely rash (look like i have the measles, all over my body) - surely from the family stress this week. anyways, i went for a run this am and did some cnditioning drills for 30min and some short yoga. tomorrow after clean max we are going to the beach for 2 days
kate, sorry about the classes. i love to sweat, but i hate how i get home from a run and my shoes are squishing they are so soaked and i have to wring out my clothes.
becky, hope your spin went well and your yard max. we are in need of grocereis, but i think dh is going out soon....
hi wendy - oh, i know how you can be disappointed in the lbs, but you are doing so great. enjoy your rest days.
colleen, great rotation idea. enjoy your weekend.
katie, so glad everything went well at the dr.
i better run. please pray my rash goes away. it totally looks awful with a bathing suit