HELP! Collin woke up in the middle of the night AGAIN and (***tmi alert***) puked large amounts of liquid. He barely ate yesterday, but he did have a peanut butter milk shake at mid-afternoon. With all of this unexplained vomiting (and he doesn't have a fever or any other symptoms), I guess I am suspecting some type of food allergy. I am doing some reading online, but I guess I just need to take him to the doctor.
Anyone have any experience with this?
We skipped church last Sunday because I didn't feel well, and it looks like we will be skipping again today because Collin doesn't feel well. I feel guilty
but I guess I should let him sleep as long as he wants. Poor little guy, he is such a trooper...
Anyone have any experience with this?
We skipped church last Sunday because I didn't feel well, and it looks like we will be skipping again today because Collin doesn't feel well. I feel guilty