Thanks Elsie. You mention they work great with STS. I plan on starting the STS series in May, so it might be a good time for me to buy these (with 30% off with the presale) to prep for that. Do you use the MMA workouts on the non weight days or added on to an STS workout? Or do you use them exclusively for the rest week?
Thanks for your advice!
I've used them as written in the STS Strength and STS Shock Cardio 3 month rotation.
It's a 6-day-a-week rotation, so if you were tweaking it for your schedule and needed to double up, I would think you could add the easier ones to either a weight day or a cardio day. Definitely use how Cathe has scheduled the harder/easier cardio's as a guideline: i.e. the MMA's are usually scheduled around a leg workout, etc.
For rest weeks, I've done primarily yoga--but these workouts would probably not be too much. There are several threads on what people have done on rest weeks.
I have to add that when I received my Shock Cardio preorder and first tried the easier workouts, I was
quite disappointed. But I hadn't done STS yet, so I tried to keep an open mind. I started the STS Strength/Cardio rotation a month later and was immediately impressed by Cathe's genius in putting all this together. Um. . . truthfully, it was "thank goodness she put this shorter/easier workout on this day because I'm completely spent!"
It was the same feeling of gratitude as when Cathe gives you a short breather after a tough blast.
Although it did take me a while to convince myself that I wasn't 'cheating' by not going 'hard' and 'long' all the time. It helped to remind myself that this was all part of a 'plan' and that Cathe knew EXACTLY what she was doing in designing the rotation--which she did.
I'm doing a 6 1/2 month rotation this time around (just started my first week). I plan to do 1 week with STS Cardio and the repeat week with LIS and running. And I am looking forward to the MMA's and Circuit Blast--I've missed them.
Edited to add that I do the MMA's with 2 lb (each hand) weighted gloves to get my HR up to a moderate level.