Chocolate abs?


Cathlete's nothing kinky (and I KNOW some of you came into this thread thinking it was, LOL!)

I picked up a book on weight training while I was in Paris, and was amused to see that what we refer to as a 'six-pack' in English is called "carrés de chocolat" (chocolate squares) in French.

Now I'm worried that when I do ab work, I'll get a sudden urge to chow down on chocolate LOL!
That's interesting. Kinda shows what are different cultures value. ;) I like the sound of chocolate abs much better. Makes them sound just yummy. I suddenly feel like doing crunches...:eek:
I was hoping this was a thread about how to get good abs while eating lots of chocolate. But, alas, darn, it's never that yummy and easy. :(
How come they can make a nicotine patch but they can't make a chocolate cake patch?
If they can put a man on the moon......
If only I could get a six pack from eating chocolate. :D

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