Chocies for a beginner to weights:


here are the three that I am interested in:
Slow & heavy
Pure Strength
Pymarid Upper/Lower body

Of these three is what order would you say to purchase them. I have 40 more lbs. to lose until I reach my goal weight and have yet to effective add weights into my routine. All suggestions are welcomed and greatly appreciated.
Hi Tishee

I can't say for SH and PS because I've never done them (and hope you don't mind that I am still trying to make a suggestion here:p ), but I am a beginner too, and I've done PUB and PLB once on Discovery channel. They are great and I just received them in the mail yesterday!! I don't mean they are easy, and they really work you out. It really depends on how hard you want to work and how much weight you use...

Come to think of it, you can just do any of the three and modify to the desired weight...;)

Anyways, if you really can't buy all three at once, as a beginner, I'd say PUB and PLB since they are what I am starting off with.

Hope I helped a little here :7
Another vote here for the Pyramids. I think it's very do-able, no matter how much a beginner you are. Have fun with it!
When I started, I purchased my weight DVDs in this order:
Pure Strength

I alternated a week of PS with a week of Pyramids and the workouts in the Power Hour DVD. I added S&H much later, which, until now, I use only once or twice a year for variety.

Really, you can't go wrong. I do agree with getting the Pyramids first as it is a 2-day split. Later on, as you get stronger and your body needs more time to recover, you can get Pure Strength. I know it's "dated" but I still use it and enjoy it a lot.

I know you ordered alreayd, but I would have said PUB/PLB as a first choice, too. Once you've gotten used to this one, add the S&H series, and you might do what I did: I did the PUB workout, then tacked on a few sets of the S&H to supplement PUB. I got great results this way, but S&H on its own provides good results.
catwoman and hippahips thanks SO much for the suggestions......will def. purchase the S&H and PS dvds. My birthday is in Oct......guess what's on the list?LOL!!
With the PUB/PLB dvd how many times a week do I use each?
So far I have set aside Sun. Tues. and Thurs.and I plan on alternating that with Mon. Wed. Fri. every other week. Would it be better to keep the weight days the same every week? I plan on doing cardio 4 days a week for 40-60 min.,on the days that I am not doing weight training, at the gym but was wondering how to add the weights into the routine. Should I do UB 2/wk and LB 1/wk or vice versa?

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