I woke up this morning w/ a bad case of "disc 6 butt" I noticed it before I even got out of bed. oohhhh, my tush!!!! I decided to go ahead w/ PP but dial back a notch if need be, but then I tacked on V8 steady 2 and challenge 2 at the end. Tonight is wine and movies night, so I need a little wiggle room
My booty was fine once I got going, but now that I have stopped, showered, and am sitting, I may never, ever get up again.
The rain stayed away so I got outside with the workout. My Ipod wasn't juiced up this morning, so I thought I would be stuck inside, but by the time I got my shoes on and ready to go, it was ready as well. Those little suckers charge fast. We've had an oddly cool summer, and it was in the mid 60s and sunny when I started, and mid 60s and cloudy when I stopped, with a nice breeze, so it was perfect for running.
I ended up at 84 mins, and 7 miles covered. Woosh! I think I have room for some wine this evening. Other than PP, it is going to be a lazy day today. Groceries, lunch, cross stitch, and reading in that order. I'll walk the dog later. I think Vlad was a bit dissapointed that he had to stay home this morning, but I didn't feel like running with him today.
The workout was for my BIL who has been dealing w/ alcohol/drugs issues for a while, and finally announced to the family this week he is going sober. Best of luck, BIL!!!
The rain stayed away so I got outside with the workout. My Ipod wasn't juiced up this morning, so I thought I would be stuck inside, but by the time I got my shoes on and ready to go, it was ready as well. Those little suckers charge fast. We've had an oddly cool summer, and it was in the mid 60s and sunny when I started, and mid 60s and cloudy when I stopped, with a nice breeze, so it was perfect for running.
I ended up at 84 mins, and 7 miles covered. Woosh! I think I have room for some wine this evening. Other than PP, it is going to be a lazy day today. Groceries, lunch, cross stitch, and reading in that order. I'll walk the dog later. I think Vlad was a bit dissapointed that he had to stay home this morning, but I didn't feel like running with him today.
The workout was for my BIL who has been dealing w/ alcohol/drugs issues for a while, and finally announced to the family this week he is going sober. Best of luck, BIL!!!