Happy Friday everyone!! WOO HOO!! I am looking forward to a weekend of NOTHING!! I was hoping to celebrate with some muscle relaxers but it seems my doc is out of town and the doc's won't prescribe them over the phone...can't imagine why...
They don't have any more appts. available today. I called yesterday to get scheduled for another cortisone shot, so I'm still waiting. I wish I'd thought of the muscle relaxers yesterday-might have been able to get in today! Though, the pain isn't as bad today. I'm still not back to where I was a week or so ago. I do think I pulled something and that's why I had this setback. My mom startled me in the hallway on Sunday morning. Haven't been the same since.
It was good to spend time with my mom. Her husband, I could have done without!! He is so loud and annoying.
I think that is part of my setback too--the stress. Oy!!
I didn't workout yesterday or this morning. I'm being so careful because I don't want to make anything worse. I plan on taking a few walks this weekend. I haven't been tracking my food but I don't think my eating has too bad. I knew I was in a lot of pain the other day because I couldn't even bring myself to eat, cook, or anything. That is NOT like me. Usually nothing gets in the way of my food!
I've interviewed 4 people for the receptionist position. 1 to go. I like them all so far. That makes it harder. I still can't believe the situation that caused the position to be vacant in the first place. I thought there was a lot of flirting and was actually going to caution her about "emotional affairs" (they are both married) but apparently, I was too late. So sad and distressing.
Did someone say "Biggest Loser"?! I LOVE that show and am so excited for Tuesday!! Looks like a good season too. Last season was excellent. The season before, not so much. Some nasty people that time around. I watched the preview and was already bawling (I cry at least once during each episode). The contestant that lost her family---wow. I'm gearing up for some Fall TV next week! In addition to BL, Survivor is starting. That's another show I've seen every single episode of. Now, if only they brought back 'Friends'.
Rhondalyn: Hope you're feeling better! Shorter workouts are definitely the way to go until you feel 100%. I have to say this again: I love your smileys!! That spaghetti face is hilarious! You are really involved at your church.
Before I moved "up north" to get married, I was really involved in my church too. I miss it. Still haven't found a church home up here.
Jacque: I see my mom once or twice a year. Which sounds horrible when I type it!
Flights are so expensive to Seattle from MN. She's retiring next year and I hope she'll be out here more often. She just has to leave her husband at home!!
Hope you're week went well. Sounds like you got all your workouts in!
Nancy: Good job on branching out and trying premixes!! I love premixes! Like you, I don't like MIC either. Now I'd have to modify the floor portion so much that it's not even worth it!! However, RS is one of my very favorites! Did you get anymore rain?? It seems that AZ had a very hot summer!!
Lacy: WOO HOO!! Doing a happy dance for you! 1 pound!! So what does Muscle Milk Light taste like? Milk? Nestle Quick?
I've heard of Dr. Oz but don't watch Oprah so I haven't seen him. I'm curious as to what his show will be though. I might have to set my TiVo!
How'd the first week of school go for your little one? My nephew just completed his first week of K as well. He liked everything but the lunches. He's a really picky eater...
Melissa: Don't feel too bad about the 1lb. That will come off very quickly! Did you enjoy the Timesaver's this week. It is *so* hard to get up early. I get at 5:00am to workout, and sometimes 4:45. It's worth it though! How's the house hunting going? I love the warm up part of Imax. It's so challenging! Gets my heartrate up really high. I sometimes use that as a warm up for days when I'm just doing weights.
Heather:You are really rockin' that STS!! And of course, your Zumba!!
I am waiting for STS Cardio!! But not to do with STS-I don't even have STS. I just hope I don't have to modify the new cardio too much.
Linda: Hope you had a good week!!
Well, I hope everyone has a great weekend. I'm hoping to take it really easy this weekend. I'm sure there are some movies to catch up on. I was reading the "saddest movie ever" threat on OD. Might have to rent a few that I haven't seen!!