Cathletes Gettin' to Goal 10/25 - 10/31


Hi all!

I did High Step Circuit. I'd never done this one before. It must have been one I got when I bought my step or something? I'm not sure. Anyway, it was supposed to be beginner/int but I definitely think it was beginner. I found it a bit boring. At least I know now. :D

We won the game last night!

Keep with us Melissa and just check in when you feel like it. :D I'm so happy your DD's EEG was okay. Hope you're settled in nicely by the holidays. :)

Nancy, how sweet is that! 31 years is long time. Congrats!
It does feel safe in this thread, doesn't it? I sometimes have to remind myself, though, that anyone can read it.
Good point. Sometimes I just don't care though. :eek: ;)

Lisa, I'm so glad you were able to enjoy your step. I love to step. :D Hopefully this will work out for you.

Well, I stayed home today but I'm not getting too much accomplished. LOL I guess I need to do something.
Hi Melissa! I'm so happy your DD's EEG was normal. I can't imagine how scary it would be for you to watch her have a seizure. :( Maybe it's something she'll just grow out of? Woohoo on closing on your new house!! Since I am a compulsive cleaner, I can understand about wanting every square inch cleaned and/or sanitized before moving in! :eek: How fun that you get to have a decorator! :cool: Don't worry about posting personals, just check in when you can. :D

Nancy, you have me so intrigued with the workouts you are doing. Is it low impact or is it plyo-type stuff?
Oh! Happy-Meeting-Your-Husband Anniversary!! :D What a cute story. Totally made me tear up! I love hearing how people met their spouses. Especially, when one or both parties proclaim "love at first sight". :D
I think I might try the Pamprin loading!! :eek: It will help with the bloating too!:confused: Seriously, I'm going to try it. Thanks for the great idea!

Well, I over did it this week. Not on food (phew!) but on exercise. I took my feeling really good as a sign that I was SO much better. I am better but apparently not "better enough" to do lower body work! Those squats and lunges from ME (part of The Viper) have my hinder and legs cryin'! And not in the good DOMS kinda way like my upper body is now experiencing from PUB. :( :confused: Well, (another) lessoned learned. :rolleyes: I'm concentrating on just stretching today and tomorrow.

DH and I are going to help his sister and BIL take their 3 boys (5yr old and twin that are 18 mos. old) trick or treating tomorrow night. I think she's dressing one twin as a cow and the other will be a spider. Cuteness!

Have a great night and weekend everyone!!
Hi Rhondalyn! Congratulations on your win! Woo!
I have done much today either. I've been at work all day and have accomplished very little. My employer is SO lucky to have me!! :eek:
I've never done HSC either. Good for you for pulling it out and trying it! Even if it was not so advanced. :D
I really love step so I hope I can pull it out once a week. I'm currently working the theory that I have increased pain due to squats and lunges. It can't be the step.. :confused: it just can't be....

Melissa, great news all around -- good results for your daughter (although still baffling, I'm sure) and a new house to get ready to move into. Since it was a previous habit, I'll bet it doesn't take you long to get back into the routine of getting up in the mornings for your workout. Good luck!

Rhondalyn, congratulations on winning last night's game. Did the rain hold off for you?

Lisa, Lisa, Lisa -- what are we going to do with that back and leg pain of yours? I take it that it's pretty much trial and error to find out just how much you can do without going over the edge into strain. I hope you can get back to manageable over the weekend. I'm glad you liked my "meeting" story. There's more to it that would be a mini-novel to write. If (when!) we see each other again, I'll have to tell you the whole thing. I'm not sure what you mean about my workouts. If you mean CLX it's Chalean Extreme, which is Chalene Johnson's (Turbo Jam) 3-month program that she came out with last year, I believe. I bought it used through Amazon and am starting week 7 tomorrow. It's a 3-day split weights workout, sort of, as each workout also includes some legs. They're very short and each exercise is only one set. There is also 1 cardio/endurance weights workout and one athletic drills-type cardio workout included, as well. I wasnt sure how I would tolerate Chalene, as I don't like her much in Turbo Jam (one of the few workout sets I've ever sold) and I don't like her gangsta-rap style. But I had heard that she's not like that in this series so I took the chance, and I'm okay with her in it. Did that answer your question? Have fun trick-or-treating!

Jacque, I hope you're doing okay with Senior Night at the football game. I'll bet it was cold!

I just finished Cardio Coach V1 a bit ago. I am trying to get ahead of the CLX rotation since I'll be gone for 5 days in a few weeks, so won't have time to do Press Play Saturday tomorrow since I'll be doing CLX. I was going to do it today, but ran out of time. I can count on just a few fingers the times I have done a full workout, other than just leisurely walking, after dinner, but decided to try it tonight. I knew PP was out of the question on a moderately full stomach, so chose V1 and did it in the spirit of PP. It went surprisingely well. Did you guys catch the Shock Cardio preview video taken at the Daytona trip posted on YouTube by Cynthia (RetroFit)?
...I really love step so I hope I can pull it out once a week. I'm currently working the theory that I have increased pain due to squats and lunges. It can't be the step.. :confused: it just can't be....

I think that's an excellent theory -- I'm behind you on it!
Friday night

Hi everyone! I just got home from the football game a little while ago and wanted to pop in real quick! Safford won 48-0 against Globe. :D It was a great game. Parents night went well (I choked up a little bit walking across the field to meet my son). I also got a little sad when I thought about it being the last time I would see him play football on that field. (There's a small chance they may get to play a playoff game there but it's not likely.) :( The quarterback for the Globe Tigers was named 'Nacho Sneezey'. I kid you not! That was his name. I would laugh every time the announcer would say it. (Childish, I know :p) I was cold Nancy. I'd say it was in the upper 40's.

It's late so I'll go to bed now. I'll be back tomorrow for personals. :D

Jacque, I'm glad it all went so well at the football game, despite the emotions associated with our kids growing up. I very well remember the last time I knew I would see my daughter playing in marching band on her high school football field and then her last UA Band Day as a member of the Pride of Arizona. Time marches on.

I completed CLX Push Circuit 1 today to start the third week of this phase. I should be able to get through the fourth week before I leave for Connecticut. I'll take some travel-type workouts with me, and then pick up with the final CLX phase when I get back. It should all work out just fine.

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