Attention CatheLIVE subscribers, Thursday, August 24, 2023, at 9:30 am EST, we’ll be doing “Strong and Fit: Back and Biceps” Live! This is the first in a series of challenging workouts that will focus on moderate to heavy weights at a moderate pace. In this back and bicep
workout we’ll start off with back and then do a few back and bicep combos before moving into biceps to finish the workout.
Equipment Needed:
A chair
A light 5-pound barbell with the ability to load at least a big, medium, and small plate on each side. I will include an extra set of bigs in addition to this recommendation.
Moderate to heavy handweights (We’ll be using 5’s, 10’s, 12’s, 15’s (and optional
20’s on one arm rows or other exercises where you feel stronger)
A medium tension resistance tube
A fitness mat
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