No offense to the Taebo fans, but I could only stand Billy Blanks once and gave away the dvd (I got the advanced one that had two workouts on it and hated it). The problem is not so much his cheering and jumping around, it is his off counts. Sometimes he kicks X number of times on one leg, jumps around the room, then forgets to do the other leg. With Cathe, you know that you won't miss a leg and might rarely miss a count. Cathe is no-nonsense, no prancing around, mugging for the camera, and exhorting us to this and that.
I haven't tried Janis Saffel but it gets good recommendations from what I read on and
I have not heard of Guerilmo Gomez. However,'s P90X program has a kenpo dvd in it. I don't find it as challenging as KPC but it is good for those not-so-energetic mornings!