Cathe Videos


New Member
Could anyone suggest Cathe videos to start with. I'm new to Cathe's workout. I've been working out for years, but her videos appear to be very advanced. I have the Cross Train Express Series, but I'm having a hard time following some of the footwork on some of the step portions. Those heal toe combinations on the step are driving me MAD!!! I can't quite get them. I figure if I try something easier, I will eventually get it. Please help.
I have an old copy of Step N Motion 1, her first step video, which also features weight work. I never use it. I would be happy to mail it to you. Email me your address. CTX is awesome but I am confounded by 10-10-10 and All Step. Keep doing them regularly and it'll come. I got CardioHits and Classics and, at first, I thought I'd never master them but I have, except for StepWorks where the choreography is so tricky! I do it weekly. I'll get it, I know! Practice makes perfect,so don't give up, rewind, it'll come! Chick's Rule! B bbi
Cathe's step videos have too much choreography for me. However, I love her strength training videos. Her Pure Strength series is fantastic!

I had a lot of trouble with the footwork on my first Cathe video (Body Max). It was complicated and moved quickly; and not being familiar with Cathe's routines, I became very frustrated and was going to give up. I got some forum advice to try some of the earlier tapes and the Wedding Tape. Both Mega Step Blast and the Wedding Tape are much easier from a choreographic perspective and I have been doing fine with them. They are still intense workouts, but the choreography is not so complex and Cathe goes through a little slower the first time. I also got Power Hour, which is a strength tape, and I really like this one. Cardio Kicks is a good cardio tape and the choreography is relatively easy to follow even for a klutz like me.
Mega Step Blast is the one I'd start with next. Then Step Heat and Step Max and the Wedding Video.

My 2 cents.

There is one step tape where the heel-toe-diagonal over, jack, heel toe diagonal over jack is broken down and taught slowly. Which tape is it? Step Jam?
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-27-02 AT 06:19PM (Est)[/font][p]Whoa this is me, Connie1. Sometimes I sign on by Connie0001 by mistake. In other words, Connie0001 and Connie1 are the same person (me!)

I'm pretty sure the heal, toe move is broke down in Step Heat. I Love that move and tape (ofcourse)!

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