Floobert...I don't know anybody either (other than their screen names and Limecat's beautiful picture...LOL). I am not one to just go up and introduce myself to strangers either. But you know what? I will make an exception this once in my life. LOL See you there!

I won't know anyone either, and I'm usually a pretty introverted person. But I, too, am going to go on this trip, meet a lot of new people, and have a great time with all my new Catheite friends. :) I am as excited about meeting all of the wonderful people on this forum as I am about meeting Cathe. :D
>Can I go? I'm afraid I won't no anyone :(

I don't know anybody either, but I'm willing to go and make the best of it. Hope to meet you and others.

Luv2run - I'm coming from Canada:p I'll be flying into Philly as well. Maybe if our flight times coordinate, we can share a taxi or something?
Hi All!
I'm in. Coming from Rochester (Geneseo). Don't worry about not knowing anyone. I've been to a couple of these fitness weekend things before (the Cape Cod Conference, the Margaret Richard day in Buffalo and a Video Fitness lunch) and it's amazing how fast you make friends. I'm a tad on the shy side, and I've always had a great time. So take heart!

How about Cleveland Ohio area? Anyone? Two of us so far are in - if anyone else wants to road trip it with us, let me know!
I cancelled my weekend Kyacking trip, and now my Mom and I are coming! She will probobly kick my butt in the arobics classes! :p
How exciting lbeach!! Really! Can't wait to meet you! But now, you get stuck wearing Hello I'm LBEACH as a nametag the entire trip since we won't know your name otherwise!}( }( :p :p :+


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