Cathe, need a suggestions for losing 20-30 lbs

Cbelle I was wondering the same thing?? Does anybody know if you do PS and S&H series one time or twice a week?


Thank you for all that info! I will definitely try to find the book. Thanks for sharing.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: David!

I'm going to look into that too, Debbie! Love a good health book!

Welcome to the forum David- nice to have a doctor around! Congrats aon all of your success so far.

Congratulations on your weight loss (and career change)! You have insprired me to reserve this book at my local library. Thanks!
RE: Cathe, a follow up question...

Hi Debra! Start with just once a week and if you feel you need twice a week you can add that later. But always start with less. S&H is pretty intense and can fire up your muscles quite nicely if done with the right weight and focus.
RE: Cathe, a follow up question...

>S&H is pretty intense and can fire up your muscles
>quite nicely if done with the right weight and focus.

Don't I know that!!

Thanks Cathe.

Hi Christine! In weeks two and three I would not suggest using S&H or PS Series because you are going to use them for three weeks straight later in the program. You can use some of CTX though since you will only have that for one week at the very end of the 12 week program.

I mention doing two body parts in an hour session here but you can substitute doing shorter workouts if you like. An hour weight workout was only suggested to meet the posters request for long workouts.

A 30 minute total body would come to about 2 exercises for each major muscle group at about 2 sets of 10 reps per set.

Sampler exercises:

Legs: Squats and lunges
Back: One arm rows and barbell rows
Chest: bench press and fly's
Shoulders: overhead press and lateral raises
Triceps: overhead extensions and kickbacks
Biceps: hammer curls and traditional curls
Abs: reverse crunches and bike maneuver (one minute of each exercise)

A sample workout between weeks two and three is as follows:

4 Day Weight sampler for week two: All workouts should include a warm up and cool down. All exercises "of choice" should be 2 sets of 10 reps.

#1) Standing Legs from Pyramid Lower Body and 4 to 5 Shoulder exercises of your choice.

#2) 4 Back exercises of choice, 4 Chest exercises of choice, 10 minutes of core work.

#3) 4 Bicep exercises of choice, 4 Tricep exercises of choice, plus 5 minutes of ab work.

#4) 6 leg exercises of choice (ie: squats, lunges, inner thigh, outer thigh, deadlifts, and calves), plus one set each of your favorite exercises for upper body group (back, chest, shoulder, bi's tri's) 5 minutes of Ab work.

4 Day Weight sampler for week three:

#1) Leaner legs up through all of legs, then CTX Power Circuit Back and Abs

#2) CTX Chest and CTX Tricep and Abs only from Leaner Legs

#3) CTX Bicep and CTX Shoulders

#4) Pyramid Lower Body plus Abs

If you do not need to lose a lot of weight than monitor your cardio workouts. You may find that 4 days a week is plenty.

take care
Start with just once per week and add the second round per week if needed. Sometimes I don't find I need a whole second round but like to repeat just legs and shoulders. Find what works for you. Enjoy!
Dr. David!

Thank you, Dr. David and welcome to Cathe! I will be checking out this book, for sure! My husband and I are both 46 (he with a very hectic work schedule) and need to lose some middle age poundage! Hubby does Cathe and thinks she is insane and very much enjoys the workouts! You will definitely get a great workout with her!

Congrats on your successes, both career and health! Check in with us once in a while. We would love to hear about your Cathe experiences!

Take care,
RE: Dr. David!

Thanks to Chap for starting this thread and THANKS so much to Cathe for all the good advice. This was just the type of thread I have been looking for. Copies are coming off my machine as we type. ;)

Thanks for the reminder to eat clean! ( on Monday morning after mother's day brunches and etc.......) :+ Feels like an Imax 2 day.....
RE: Dr. David!

Your welcome, I have started this rotation and I am feeling great. I am entering my 3rd week of accumlation period, and have already lost 5 lbs. I tried the body for life plan, but got discourage because of the naste of the protein drinks. They are not appealing to me at all, so I returned want I didnt use back to GNC. I know that if I have to eat or drink something that doesnt appeal to me, I will lost interest and my goals. So basically I adopted the south beach diet and I am enjoying that program very well. The only problem I have is that I love Coca-cola products and slowing wean myself for sodas. I use to drink 2-4 20oz of coca/sprite-remix. But know I am down to 1/2 of 20oz of soda every other day. Hopefully by the end of this month I will be down to 1 per month. But so far I am having get results with this rotation. Which now I can call the "The Chap routine". Good to health to everyone.. Chap.
RE: Dr. David!

I just have a quick comment on your struggles with Coca-Cola etc. My wife and I have been on the Eat To Live type plan for months now, and I had an interesting experience. I had not drunk any coke for a month or more, and had discovered that "ordinary" stuff like apples, strawberries seemed to taste much better than I had remembered.
One evening when my wife was in bed, I saw a bottle of Coke in the 'frig and just wanting a few extra calories at the time, decided to drink it. I got it out, took a big swig, and ran to the sink and spit it out ! It tasted terrible! (this is from a guy who had drunk Coke all his life, and had a particular liking for it over Pepsi etc.)
I tried analyzing the problem, and decided that even though it fizzed when I opened it, it was in one of the big 2 liter bottles, and had been previously opened, so it must be it went flat or something.
So, I got out a fresh upopened bottle, poured some out, took a big swig, and. . .
Ran to the sink and spit it out again !
It's amazing. I have now concluded that over the previous month or 2 of ultra healthy eating my body had gotten so used to what food and drink SHOULD taste like that my body rejects the garbage that we all have grown so used to in America. The fresh Coke tasted sickly sweet and syripy to me, because that's what it really is, if you eat healthy and don't acclimate yourself to stuff that's bad for you!
Anyway, best wishes on your path back to health and fitness.
PS, read Eat To Live, you'll find out that the South Beach diet, although maybe healthier than some others, and maybe able to help you lose some weight is still not all that great compared to what you could be doing. And I'm not talking about forcing yourself to eat healthy while resenting it, but about eating so healthy that your taste buds blossum into what they are supposed to be able to taste, and tastes getting so much better that you can enjoy healthy foods and find that they actually taste better than any of the junk foods that used to taste so great to you. My wife was recently entreated at an office party to "relax, live a little, one piece of cake won't hurt you", to which she told me later that it was funny that people that eat the ordinary diets in America (which I call "The Crappy American Diet") can't seem to comprehend how good actual good food tastes, and can't understand that she doesn't Want any of the junk foods anymore because the stuff that's good for you tastes so much better once your body gets used to it!!
Best Wishes
Sorry, can't seem to break away, PPS: Here an example of a healthy dish you'll probably like, if you have a VitaMix, or a superstrong blender that won't break under the strain of making this. Take 1/2 cup of soy milk, the best tasting brand is Silk, made by White Wave, pour it into a VitaMix (go to if you don't know what one is), add about 2 ounces of organic Walnuts, then add 16 pieces of frozen banana (how to prepare in a second) and blend slowly until everything is a well mixed blend of creamy smooth stuff and serve. Voila! Quickly made delicious Banana Walnut Ice Cream! With all the flavor, but none of the mucous causing and cholesterol raising effects of regular ice cream.
Now about the frozen bananas. First buy organic bananas they really taste much better, then wait until they are completely ripe, no green on the skin at all, even if they are a little overly soft to where you might not want to eat them ordinarily (but not to where they are rotten or bad tasting). Next, cut them up into approximately 1 inch chunks and put them in an air tight freezer bowl and freeze for 2 days (not just 12 hrs or one day). Then use them as above. Got to sign off now, or I'll never leave! Bye!
RE: Dr. David!

I know exactly what you mean about the Coca Cola. I had a similar experience with Pepsi years ago when I started eating a whole foods diet for the most part. Prior to that, I LOVED Pepsi,and had at least one bottle a day. After I had given it up for several months, I was visiting my parents, and there was some in the fridge, so I poured myself a glass (there wasn't anything else around to drink except questionable tap water). It tasted SO BAD! Artificial, too sweet, like nothing I could imagine even having liked.

I also used to hate "dark" breads, and ate lots of white. Now white bread (unless it is homemade with only a few ingredients) almost literally makes me sick to my stomach if I should try it.
I wanted to revive this thread to see if anyone has been sticking with this ambitious plan and if so, how's it going? I'd love some reports!
I have posted in the Open forum here about great results with Eat to Live. I read alot of what Dr David said in another thread besides this one and never thought I could go vegetarian or my DH for that matter. So far we are on our 9th week. DH has lost 30 lbs without much exercise (guys are so lucky that way) and I have lost 18 lbs. I am also following a P90X workout rotation with some Cathe and some running. After 2 years of letting myself eat crappy but still exercising it truly amazed me I could loose weight this fast and easy by majorly cleaning up my diet. And the results from exercising are fantastic. Glad you revived this thread...:)...Carole
I was also wondering what kind of success the original poster or anyone else has had with this rotation.


I was also wondering what kind of success the original poster or anyone else has had with this rotation.


RE: Dr. David!

Dr. David,
I'm sure the book is great, but where does one even find great, fresh, wholesome food anymore? I would have to walk about 10 extra blocks to get to the health food store that sells the organic produce, and then everything is much more expensive. I've tried eating the blueberries they sell in the supermarket across the street from me, but they make me sick. These days finding good organic produce takes so much time, effort and money, it's just sad.
RE: Dr. David!

Dr. David,
I'm sure the book is great, but where does one even find great, fresh, wholesome food anymore? I would have to walk about 10 extra blocks to get to the health food store that sells the organic produce, and then everything is much more expensive. I've tried eating the blueberries they sell in the supermarket across the street from me, but they make me sick. These days finding good organic produce takes so much time, effort and money, it's just sad.

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