Yep, you're right, the "test" videos no longer work.........they did a long time ago, because that is what I used to see how I would do................As for crappy internet, I probably have the "crappiest" internet of all!! As an example, I recently purchased 2 CL was 25 min. and it took me approx. 45 min to download it.......the other was 37 min and it took about an hour plus. That being said, I just start it and let it go, checking periodically to make sure it didn't fail, etc. They did ok this time. BUT, I have no problem streaming YT videos, video workouts thru a couple apps I use for machine workouts, and I have no
problem streaming ONDemand workout blender workouts using the Lowest Quality option and the videos are just fine.........CatheLive is set on an "automatic speed" which I think means that it detects your internet speed and adjusts accordingly. As a rule, I have no problem streaming CL workouts either.
They might be phrasing out many have...............there apparently have been some serious problems with LM&R..........somewhere along the process...............either the production itself or other things happening..............cause all of this has not been the "norm"................"this ain't my first rodeo" or in this case-my first presale and it certainly has been different for sure........... I will be happy to finally get them and let all of this be over.............(I I go again

) if they are not chaptered like
their previous standards, I will be very disappointed.............