Cathe, I've included a link to your site on my homepage!!

Hey Carol...

You know what? You ought to write to the friends who you saw at that wedding and give them the link to your website. I think they'd be thrilled for you, and delighted to know that reconnecting with them was the trigger that fired you off onto this wonderful path you're on now.

I know if I had that effect, even indirectly, on the life of an old friend I'd sure love to know it, and I'd be tickled pink!:7 :7 Kathy S.
RE: Hey Carol...

Great idea Kathy! Boy, we never know the effect we can have on others but it sure would be nice to know we did! Go for it Carol!!!!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Hey Carol...

That's a great idea, and I've already seen them! My friend who got married last summer had a BBQ at his house two months ago, and my husband and daughter and I were there, as were most of the friends who were at the wedding! Needless to say they were shocked all over again ... LOL! In a good way, this time! Thanks!!

RE: Hey Carol...

Hi again Debbie! It's so true - we really don't know the effect we have on others at times, and it's nice to find out we've made a positive difference in people's lives! I have seen the people who were at the wedding - just two months ago in fact, and I talked about Weight Watchers and Cathe's videos!! LOL! I also talk about Cathe at work all the time. I work with only one other person who exercises routinely. The rest don't, but that doesn't stop me from encouraging them!

RE: Hey Carol...

Kathy, to tell you the truth, it was HEAVEN! LOL!! Seriously, they all wanted to know what I had done, and their wives were listening too! And yes, it is good to be noticed! I admit it!! LOL!!

Congratulations on your success!:) :) I have lost 23 pounds this summer with Weight Watchers and working out with Cathe. I love WW - it's so easy to follow, and I discovered after years of dedicated exercising that what you each matters just as much!
Thanks, Carolyn Jane! And, congrats on your own success!! What you eat really does matter, and I'm glad I finally figured that out myself! Eating this way is so natural to me now, and I feel better overall because of it.

Just had to share this with all of you!! I did it!!!!!!!!!! I'm in size 6 !!!!!!!!!! My daughter didn't have school today, and we spent the day together. We went to Wal Mart for a few things, and I tried on a pair of size 6 jeans for fun. THEY FIT !!!!!!!!!!! I am SO HAPPY!!!! Sorry to shout ... but I had to share with all of you!! I've put an updated pic on my homepage, because of course I bought them!!

THANK YOU, CATHE!!!!!!!!!!! It's your awesome, incredible workouts that have done this for me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (sure hope she sees this!!!!!!

I've been on Weight Watchers 24 and a half weeks, and I've lost 38 inches, 36 pounds and SIX SIZES !!!!!!! I'm in shock and awe. This is like a miracle for me, and I'm not kidding. I so wanted to be in size 6 for my birthday, and I beat it by two weeks! I haven't been this small since college. No kidding.

Thank you for listening, everyone!! Have a wonderful day!!!

:) :) :) :) :) :)

Thanks, Kathy! The next goal ... gosh ... I really don't know! LOL! I guess I didn't believe in myself enough to make it to this one, but I did. I've never been smaller than a size 5/6, even when I weighed around 110 pounds in college. Isn't that strange? I'm certainly more than 110 pounds now, but I'm the same size. See what muscles will do for you? LOL! At this point, I would just be happy to maintain and to keep working out, flattening my abdomen and getting even more definition in my arms and legs. They already look so different than they ever did! I'm so unbelievably thrilled with Cathe's workouts, and I can't imagine right now ever stopping! She is awesome!!

I just saw this wonderful post of yours and want to chime in to say CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

I keep gaining little bits of weight, and I'm getting interested in Weight Watchers. How much does it all cost? Last time I checked it looked like there were all kinds of fees. I'm petite like you and gave away all my size 6 stuff to my sister-in-law last year. It might be nice to fit into a size 6 again. What's the bottom line on WW? Thanks. You look like a million bucks!


hi carol! i think you look great too. i am also an ohio RN and find my biggest problem is stress related are surely an inspiration to me!! if a night shift ccu nurse can do can i..i had refused to give my size 6's away!! i'm in cinti...are you close?? joanna

Hi Joanna! Cool - another Ohio RN!! I live in North Ridgeville, which is about 25 miles SW of Cleveland. I love Cincy!! Have been there lots of times!! It's a great city!!

Hi Nancy! WW sometimes runs specials where they waive the sign-up fee, or it's half price. As for the monthly online fees, they're $14.95, and you can pay by the month or for three months, where you save about $5.00. I don't know what fees are for meetings because I don't attend them, and from what I understand, each center is a little bit different since they may be owned by the company, or by a franchise, but I think most are comperable to the online charges. I once read a thread where people were talking about how much it cost to go to meetings, and the costs varied quite a bit. The online cost is the same though - $14.95 a month. I can't remember what my sign-up fee was, but I think it was somewhere in the neighborhood of $30. I resisted for a long time "paying someone to help me lose weight", but then I figured how could I put a price on my health? I guess it's all how you view it, and it comes down to a matter of personal choice. The reason I tried Atkins last summer was it's free, but it didn't work well for me. Whatever you decide to do, I wish you the best of luck!!! Hope this answers your questions!!

RE: So Carol, you did WW online?

Wow, thanks!! :) What you do online is join, and then you have access to everything on the site. There are over 60,000 foods in the database so you can look up the points of what you eat, including name brand foods. Also, you can look up the points of anything as long as you know the calories, fat grams, and fiber grams of the portion size. You have access to recipes, and you can plug in the ingredients and portion sizes of any recipe of your own, and it will calculate the point value of each serving. You can swap and post recipes too. You have access to hundreds of articles, a BMI calculator, a safe weight range calculator, and tons of self-assessment quizes to help you find your exercise type, help you with identifying triggers that make you overeat, etc. There are more resourcs on that site than I've had time to explore! There is also an extensive eating out guide, with foods from dozens of restaurants listed, along with their point values. They add new ones all the time. There are success stories, and stories from Sarah Ferguson, who is one of their spokespeople now. You can buy her books from the site, as well as some WW cookbooks. You also have access to the message boards, although you don't need to join WW to post on them, so you have to be selective about what you read and believe on there. They get a lot of trolls. They are NOT like this forum at all, and that's all I feel comfortable saying about that particular topic ... LOL!

You log in your weight once a week, on the day you choose, and the computer keeps track of it. There's a progress chart so you can see that line going down - LOL - and you set your own goal weight. You do get information about maintenance when you reach the goal you've set (and you can change that goal anytime you want, as well as your weigh-in day if you want), but you don't reach Lifetime as you do in meetings, because there is no way for them to verify the weight online. It's kind of like an honor system.

Paying for WW online gives you your online journal, or Points Tracker as they now call it. You plug in your food each day, and your exercise, and it calculates your points, whether or not you've gone over your target (which is set according to the points range for your weight), how many activity points you've used (they call them AP's, and you can earn as many as you want in a day, but they can only be used on that day), and any points you use over that. Right now, they have the Flex Points system, which gives you 35 extra points to use per week, anyway you want, or not at all, and still be considered within your point range. Some people like it, some don't. I kept using the journal the same way when they changed to the new system in August, so I don't see any difference.

For instance, for my weight I'm supposed to eat 18 to 23 points a day. A point comes out to roughly 50 calories, but lots of veggies and things are zero points, so you're eating more than 900 to 1100 calories a day. My target points for this range is set by WW at 20. If I eat over 20 points a day (which I almost always do), any AP's I earn that day are used first. After that, if I still eat points over that number (I typically earn between 5 and 7 AP's a day, depending on which Cathe workout(s) I do!), my Flex Points start to be used. I typically average 23 to 24 points a day still. I found that when I tried to eat in that 18 to 23 a day range, I wasn't losing weight. Remember ... you need to fuel your body when you workout vigorously, or it think it's "starving" and your metabolism will shut down. I wasn't losing weight at the lower end of points, so I went back to what was working for me. It's not as complicated as it sounds, and the computer does the math for me, but I track my points in an Excel spreadsheet, so if I run into a couple of weeks where I don't lose weight (which has happened two times now), I can identify patterns and see what I need to adjust.

There is a formula for AP's that I use, because it takes into account intensity. I don't use the pre-set AP's for specific exercises built into the Points Tracker, because it sets the intensity the same for any exercise, and when I do Cathe's workouts, I am working at HIGH intensity!! There is also a formula for points, so even if I'm out somewhere and I can't get online to check the points for something, as long as I have a rough estimate of the calories, fat and fiber in a food, I can estimate the points. I've found that I'm usually right on target with it. It becomes easy and second nature after a while, and as long as you're honest about journaling EVERYTHING, the program will work!

I hope this answers your questions! If anyone has any more questions, please just ask and I'll be happy to try and answer them!!

Hi Carol, So sorry that I have not been able to get here before now .....BUT WOW, you look wonderful and I am so inspired by your success. You have accomplished so very much and I admire you greatly. You have changed positively both mentally and physically and your focus and determination is commendable. How nice of you to post a link to our site and give me so much credit, however, I can only say that I am happy that I was able to contribute in some way. It was truly your determination, commitment, and follow through that took you to where you are now. I'm so happy for you and wish you continued success on your health and fitness journey. Good luck and happy hugs:)

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