Cathe~fun thread

I put off posting to this because I have a difficult time with all of them initially. I feel pretty dumb about that, but I spend hours every day learning a new tape if I need to. Rhythmic Step almost had me. I truly believed that was one I was never going to get. The second section music didn't seem to go with the steps for me, and I was having a terrible time. I did finally get it and now it's one of my favorites! I had trouble with around the worlds too. In retrospect that seems so silly, because I have no idea what I thought was so hard! I also had trouble understanding how to rebound back. I could not understand that I had to kind of hop back on one foot and put the other foot back. I am not a person who gets choreo quickly, but I am very determined and I can do all the moves now. All-Step was a killer too, but now it's a piece of cake. I worked HARD learning that one.
I am still struggling with the shuffle repeater (think that is what it is called?) in I-Max2. I almost have it but I look like a total spaz. I found I can do it if I keep the move real low to the ground but when I try to do it full-fledged, oh my, let's just say, I am glad there are NO cameras around! Also had trouble with the shuffle down the board, A-step, richochet move in IMax2, but finally got it when I realized Cathe was shuffling down the outside of the board every other time. Duuuuh! FUN thread Donna!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Those Dang figure 8s had me for the longest time too! I felt like a complete idiot. I was turning the wrong way on the floor.Duh! That simple,and it took me forever.
Horse straddle horse. Can't remember which video it's in, but this one frustrated the heck out of me. Sometimes it still screws me up.
Hi Donna! This is such a "cute thread". I guess I would have to say its those DREADED toe taps in IMAX2. I can still only get 4 out of the 6 because my feet are killing me! Also in C&W? I think where you have turn the opposite way & do the power scissors; after 6 times I finally decided not to concentrate & what do you know I got it!! But I'll tell you after trying some of Christi Taylor, Cathe's a breeze! Also Janis Saffell is quite hard to get but once you figure what direction she's going in, then you've mastered her. Kathy:7
RE: Mikie..............

Hi Donna -

The funniest thing to me is that now I consider those moves to be quick little breaks from intensity but in the beginning they were the ones I dreaded because they were so mentally challenging!!

I would deserve the moron award for those darn figure 8s - I was literally putting my VCR on slow-mo and doing the move in slow-mo along with them and COULD NOT GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!

Aaah, but look at us now!

omg it took me so long to do turn back step back power scissors in C&W. I finally realized that if you do EXACTLY what she says it works. But that was after A LOT of tries ;)


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