Jeanmarie and Joanalona - sent you a copy M.
D DoingIt4me Member Jun 13, 2006 #83 (waving arms) over here! Please. thinbytes at Thank You! Char
A AusMish Cathlete Jun 14, 2006 #85 Hi Could you add me to the list too please - Thanks in advance... Michelle
B Boybert Cathlete Jun 14, 2006 #86 Michelle, you have mail! Live with sincerity, love with passion, and dance like you mean it. Debbie
S shauny Active Member Jun 14, 2006 #87 if anyone is still out there, would i be able to get a copy too? maaaaaaaany many thanks in advance
if anyone is still out there, would i be able to get a copy too? maaaaaaaany many thanks in advance
pussycat Cathlete Jun 14, 2006 #88 Thanks Carole!! This is excellent info and Lunacat did an awesome job!
B barbara27 Cathlete Jun 14, 2006 #89 I finally figured out how to get on the forum after a year! I have been dying to get the cathe compendium! Could someone email it to me please?? Thank you in advance! Barbara
I finally figured out how to get on the forum after a year! I have been dying to get the cathe compendium! Could someone email it to me please?? Thank you in advance! Barbara
C Chrissysu Cathlete Jun 14, 2006 #90 So sorry, but may I get a copy of the Cathe Compendium too? Thank you! Chrissy
marnold Cathlete Jun 14, 2006 #91 OH MY! I guess I have been lagging on this discussion. If you would not mind, please send a copy my way: Thanks! Melissa Paragonah, UT
OH MY! I guess I have been lagging on this discussion. If you would not mind, please send a copy my way: Thanks! Melissa Paragonah, UT
marnold Cathlete Jun 14, 2006 #92 OH MY! I guess I have been lagging on this discussion. If you would not mind, please send a copy my way: Thanks! Melissa Paragonah, UT
OH MY! I guess I have been lagging on this discussion. If you would not mind, please send a copy my way: Thanks! Melissa Paragonah, UT
C Carmel Active Member Jun 14, 2006 #93 Could I get it too? Had no idea this was even available....thanks so much!
Mckmain Cathlete Jun 14, 2006 #95 shauny, barbara27, Chrissysu, marnold, Carmel and shaun13, I just sent you all a copy...
K Kat25 Cathlete Jun 14, 2006 #96 Can I pretty please have someone sent it to me also? Thanks a bunch Kathy
ShyWolf Cathlete Jun 15, 2006 #99 Well I've been away from the boards due to internet connections but I would love a copy also. could you email it to me here: prmamiATgmailDOTcom Thanks muchliy
Well I've been away from the boards due to internet connections but I would love a copy also. could you email it to me here: prmamiATgmailDOTcom Thanks muchliy