Cathe and the BodyRx


The yolk or yellow portion makes up about 33% of the liquid weight of the egg. It contains all of the fat in the egg and a little less than half of the protein.

With the exception of riboflavin and niacin, the yolk contains a higher proportion of the egg's vitamins than the white. All of the egg's vitamins A, D and E are in the yolk. Egg yolks are one of the few foods naturally containing vitamin D.

The yolk also contains more phosphorus, manganese, iron, iodine, copper, and calcium than the white, and it contains all of the zinc. The yolk of a Large egg contains about 59 calories.

It is the yolk which is responsible for the egg's emulsifying properties."

And Last but not least"

"Eggs are a natural source of goodness because they contain so many nutrients. Canada's Food Guide to Healthy Eating suggests one to two eggs as a serving from the Meat and Alternatives group.
Eggs are an excellent source of high quality protein. Protein is essential for growth and development. Eggs contain all nine essential amino acids making them a complete protein. In fact, the pattern of amino acids found in eggs is so perfect for our bodies to use, that scientists use eggs as a standard to measure the protein quality of other foods. In addition to protein, eggs also contain a significant number of vitamins and minerals, yet one egg has only 71 calories.

Eggs also contain a small amount of fat, about 5 grams per egg. More than half (52%) of this fat is unsaturated and one third (31%) is saturated. Fat is a compact source of energy, it also helps the body absorb fat soluble vitamins (A,D,E,K) and makes hormones and bile acids.
Cholesterol is another type of fat found in egg yolks. In the past some people were concerned about eating foods that contained cholesterol. Current research suggests that dietary cholesterol has a minimal impact on most peoples health, and that the most effective means of decreasing blood cholesterol levels is to reduce your intake of saturated fat. As a result, foods such as eggs, milk products, meat and shellfish, that contain cholesterol can be a regular part of a healthy diet."

So if you like eggs and don't have a cholestral problem, enjoy them!
Wow! thanks for all the info. I am going to take a look at the book, please keep posting any new information you deem relevant. There comes a time when you are sooo ready to try something different! Glad to hear about the egg, I for one, never did throw away the yolk, that's the best part.
RE: Cathe and the BodyRx/MIINDY

Hi Mindy,

I have been trying for the last two weeks to join your group but I'm getting errors after errors when I sign up using that passport. Can you help me out so I can come and join you guys. I had to stop the programme after I end up getting 3 bronchitis and 1 pneumonia.

I want to start back on the programme and I need all the help I can get. My e-mail address is [email protected]. Looking forward to hearing from you soon!!!!!
RE: Cathe and the BodyRx/MIINDY


I just clicked on it and I'm still having trouble...I need your help to get onto your site again...
RE: Cathe and the BodyRx/MIINDY

>I just clicked on it and
>I'm still having trouble...I need
>your help to get onto
>your site again...

RE: correction

I don't think my nutrition textbook is incorrect.
RE: Cathe and the BodyRx/MIINDY

Hi Mindi, or anyone else!! A friend mentioned that the body can only use so much protein a day, and that over this amount is just a waste. I have just started the bodyrx this week, and really loving it thus far, but wanted to know if any of you had more info about "too much protein"

Thanks in advance
RE: Cathe and the BodyRx/MIINDY


It is NOT too much fuel. Really, you should try it!!

I think I know everything about an egg now!!LOL!! Boy, I had no idea there were so many vitamins!! Thanks Mindi!!!

RE: Cathe and the BodyRx/MIINDY

Jayne and everyone, for questions like that one, I think Dr. Connelly is the one to ask to get a proper answer. I wrote him recently and asked him to come post on the original BRX board which he has graciously agreed to do. We set up a Q&A board for him at: TheBRX board that I mention above is primarily for we who use Cathe workouts, but the BRxVillage board encompasses all, gym and home users. So if you have a question that you'd like to ask Dr. C, please come by and do so!
RE: Cathe and the BodyRx/MIINDY

Jayne and everyone, for questions like that one, I think Dr. Connelly is the one to ask to get a proper answer. I wrote him recently and asked him to come post on the original BRX board which he has graciously agreed to do. We set up a Q&A board for him at: TheBRX board that I mention above is primarily for we who use Cathe workouts, but the BRxVillage board encompasses all, gym and home users. So if you have a question that you'd like to ask Dr. C, please come by and do so!
RE: Cathe and the BodyRx/MIINDY

Jayne and everyone, for questions like that one, I think Dr. Connelly is the one to ask to get a proper answer. I wrote him recently and asked him to come post on the original BRX board which he has graciously agreed to do. We set up a Q&A board for him at: TheBRX board that I mention above is primarily for we who use Cathe workouts, but the BRxVillage board encompasses all, gym and home users. So if you have a question that you'd like to ask Dr. C, please come by and do so!
RE: Cathe and the BodyRx/MIINDY

Jayne and everyone, for questions like that one, I think Dr. Connelly is the one to ask to get a proper answer. I wrote him recently and asked him to come post on the original BRX board which he has graciously agreed to do. We set up a Q&A board for him at: TheBRX board that I mention above is primarily for we who use Cathe workouts, but the BRxVillage board encompasses all, gym and home users. So if you have a question that you'd like to ask Dr. C, please come by and do so!

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