You ate a very high carb breakfast! Did you find yourself hungry soon after? If you skipped the English muffin and added some yogurt or an egg, you would round the breakfast out and cause it to digest more slowly and hopefully satisfy you until lunchtime or snack time. I rarely eat three squares a day. I snack on nuts or cheese or soy products and eat about 5 or 6 times a day. The meals I eat tend to be small but I am full because I have eaten periodically. I also make sure I feel hunger before tucking into anything. It's so easy to pack on the pounds when you reach for a snack out of boredom or habit!
I think women are trained to be afraid of fat and blame it for all our woes although carbs are getting the same treatment these days! It's all about balance.
I wish my kids would devour our fruit! I end up eating most of it so it won't go bad. I actually prefer vegetables though. Only one of my three kid's is a good veggie eater.
I think the most important thing to look at on a food label is the list of ingredients. The first thing listed is what is most abundant in the food and the further down the list the less an ingredient is present. If the first ingredient is wheat, say in bread, (100% whole wheat hopefully) but the second is sugar, it could be a food that parades as nutritious but is in fact a simple sugar fest! Also sugar is listed as sucrose, fructose, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, brown sugar and all of them can be present in one recipe!
As for fat, look out for partially hydrogenated oil, hydrogenated oil and saturated fat. The sat fat will be listed on the nutrition fact label but you have to read the ingredient list to find the hydrogenated or trans fats. Trans fats are horrible and lowel good cholesterol among other things! Soon they will be listed on the label.
I hope I haven't put you to sleep! If you want to read up on this, I highly recommend a book called Eat, Drink and Be Healthy by Walter C. Willet, M.D.
It's a very clean diet but doesn't go overboard one way or another in regard to fat and carbs. And remember this: there is no forbidden food. It's okay to eat any food you love as long as it is eaten within a healthy diet and in moderation! I am a red vine fan myself!
Chicks's Rule! Bobbi