(I posted this in the "which ones are knee friendly" thread also, so you may think you are experiencing déjà vue--LOL! I just made a typo and typed "déjà bu" instead, which would mean "already drank"!)
I just did Cardio Core Circuit the other day, and LOVED the workout. Well, MY VERSION of the workout.
I modified, but I didn't feel like a weenie doing it!
Some of these ideas may help those of you who are concerned about the level of impact in the SC workouts (and may 'save' some of the workouts for you that you might be thinking of getting rid of because they are too high impact).
Before doing the workout, I knew I'd be modifying some moves (tuck jumps? NEVER! say my knees), but I decided to make it a challenge for me: see just how much I could modify to low-moderate impact while keeping it high intensity and keeping the emphasis on the core (in fact, some of my modifications aren't to make it 'easier,' but to add core involvement. And some moves I'd decided on a modification for, I didn't have to modify, so did as-is).
My criteria for modifications:
1) must be high-intensity and not just a watered-down version of the move. My goal was to feel like I had earned the rest between moves
3) must mimic the basic movement patterns of the original move (for example: instead of jacks and plyo jacks as a sub for a rolling core move, I do another type of roll). Lateral moves subbed for lateral moves, etc., so I didn't feel like I was doing a completely different move from the crew.
4) an additional challenge I gave my self: keep the movement in a 6 x 8 foot space (cuz that's how many puzzle mats I'd set up!).
5) bonus modifications: no 'running around the mat' moves (I just didn't wanna! And I also think my knees also don't like sharp turns.); use some equipment and props (especially my new Bosu sport); remove all push-ups (I do those in my weight workouts).
Tip: I found it rather empowering to write down my possible modifications ahead of time (sometimes with 2 options), thus giving myself 'permission' to modify, so that during the workout I felt like I was 'doing the workout' and not 'HAVING to modify'. (maybe no one else needs this little mind game, but it worked for me).
So here is how I did the workout (along with some other additional modification suggestions). All moves should be 'clean' with good ROM.
Squat digs: no ''air" on these (though I could have), instead, to keep the intensity (and actually ADD intensity, but YMMV) I did these close to doubletime (like Tabata squats).
Mountain Climbers: I did these with hands on sides of Bosu (platform side) to increase core involvment
Lateral jumps ("apple pickers"): I did these as-is, but thought about modifying by staying grounded and moving a med ball through a large ROM up and down while doing squats; or again doing Tabata squats
Knee-ins (core): I did these seated on the Bosu (round side)
Hop forward 2x, squat-thrust push-up, two jacks turning: I stood back from the Bosu (positioned to grab the platform for the squat-thrusts), jumped forward and back into place (rather than forward only), did a squat thrust (no push-up) with hands on sides of Bosu platform, stood back up and did 4 jacks (no turn) while moving back into place.
Sumo squats: as-is
Lateral slides: as-is (but I made the side leg lift more of an 'unchambered side kick": more power to it)
Triangle choke holds: as-is (but could be subbed with a Kettlebell 1/2 get-up, as the move seems simliar in some ways). Fun move!
Air Jacks: first round, I did these as lateral squats with 1 foot on a Valslide, moving that foot out and in. Second round, I did these as squats, with both feet on a Valslide, feet moving out and in. (Could also do as low squat jacks: go deep instead of high)
Scoot-knee front-knee side-knee front: as-is (but did the 'knee ups' more as 'knee smashes')
Split jumps: as-is (but could modify by doing 4 lunges in place, going onto toes at top, going deep at the bottom, then stepping to switch)
Butterfly sit-ups: did while holding a 4# medball
Lateral jumps with little tuck, then jog around mat: did the jumps--but had a wide carpet rather than a mat out, so just jumped side-to-side from one puzzle mat to the other--subbed a fast low squat (touch the floor) for the tuck, then jogged forward and backward (I like moving backward!): run forward for 8, back for 8 and forward and back again for 8 for the first 2 sets, then do 6 forward and back for the last set (to allow a bit of recovery time before the next move: no recovery between sets)
Grounded switches: I did these with a 90-degree turn instead of 180 degrees---will increase percentage as I improve! (but thought of doing them in place with no turn, and just going to toes)
Squat drop and roll: did the roll, then to a 90-degree angle squat rather than full stand, pause at top, then roll again (good for working the low end of the squat move)
Cross-body push-up: no push up. Hands on Bosu center of platform (I couldn't do the arm lift and use the BOsu at the same time, so I used this hand position to add a bit more core instability to work against) knees cross in.
T-jumps: as-is (but second time around, I started the move going backwards (my body LIKES backward movement!), which I think gives me 1 or 2 more backward jumps than forward
Skips around step: did these forward and backward, continuous with no break (they take a bit of a break)(I also did this with at least one other move--no break when they took one---but can't read all my notes and don't remember which one it was)
High kicks: did first time as-is, but didn't like my form, so second time (this is why I like the repetition!) I did as 4 front kicks alternating. Will work on a more satisfactory (for me) substitute. Needs a bit more oomph.
roll-back into 'dive' push-up: did roll back, with step back (as Cathe demonstrated), no push-up. But by this time, things were getting a little messy, LOL!
I really liked this workout: its got fun, motivating music; the crew is motivating; the outfits are great, but also the modifications kept me thinking a bit (but not too much! like with complex choreography). I felt like I accomplished the goals of the workout (cardio challenge with a core emphasis), the time flew by, and my modifications were intense rather than wimpy (the hard-core jumpers might not think so, but YMMV)! And no knee or hip complaints after the workout, though I felt I'd gotten "well worked'!
I just did Cardio Core Circuit the other day, and LOVED the workout. Well, MY VERSION of the workout.
I modified, but I didn't feel like a weenie doing it!
Some of these ideas may help those of you who are concerned about the level of impact in the SC workouts (and may 'save' some of the workouts for you that you might be thinking of getting rid of because they are too high impact).
Before doing the workout, I knew I'd be modifying some moves (tuck jumps? NEVER! say my knees), but I decided to make it a challenge for me: see just how much I could modify to low-moderate impact while keeping it high intensity and keeping the emphasis on the core (in fact, some of my modifications aren't to make it 'easier,' but to add core involvement. And some moves I'd decided on a modification for, I didn't have to modify, so did as-is).
My criteria for modifications:
1) must be high-intensity and not just a watered-down version of the move. My goal was to feel like I had earned the rest between moves
3) must mimic the basic movement patterns of the original move (for example: instead of jacks and plyo jacks as a sub for a rolling core move, I do another type of roll). Lateral moves subbed for lateral moves, etc., so I didn't feel like I was doing a completely different move from the crew.
4) an additional challenge I gave my self: keep the movement in a 6 x 8 foot space (cuz that's how many puzzle mats I'd set up!).
5) bonus modifications: no 'running around the mat' moves (I just didn't wanna! And I also think my knees also don't like sharp turns.); use some equipment and props (especially my new Bosu sport); remove all push-ups (I do those in my weight workouts).
Tip: I found it rather empowering to write down my possible modifications ahead of time (sometimes with 2 options), thus giving myself 'permission' to modify, so that during the workout I felt like I was 'doing the workout' and not 'HAVING to modify'. (maybe no one else needs this little mind game, but it worked for me).
So here is how I did the workout (along with some other additional modification suggestions). All moves should be 'clean' with good ROM.
Squat digs: no ''air" on these (though I could have), instead, to keep the intensity (and actually ADD intensity, but YMMV) I did these close to doubletime (like Tabata squats).
Mountain Climbers: I did these with hands on sides of Bosu (platform side) to increase core involvment
Lateral jumps ("apple pickers"): I did these as-is, but thought about modifying by staying grounded and moving a med ball through a large ROM up and down while doing squats; or again doing Tabata squats
Knee-ins (core): I did these seated on the Bosu (round side)
Hop forward 2x, squat-thrust push-up, two jacks turning: I stood back from the Bosu (positioned to grab the platform for the squat-thrusts), jumped forward and back into place (rather than forward only), did a squat thrust (no push-up) with hands on sides of Bosu platform, stood back up and did 4 jacks (no turn) while moving back into place.
Sumo squats: as-is
Lateral slides: as-is (but I made the side leg lift more of an 'unchambered side kick": more power to it)
Triangle choke holds: as-is (but could be subbed with a Kettlebell 1/2 get-up, as the move seems simliar in some ways). Fun move!
Air Jacks: first round, I did these as lateral squats with 1 foot on a Valslide, moving that foot out and in. Second round, I did these as squats, with both feet on a Valslide, feet moving out and in. (Could also do as low squat jacks: go deep instead of high)
Scoot-knee front-knee side-knee front: as-is (but did the 'knee ups' more as 'knee smashes')
Split jumps: as-is (but could modify by doing 4 lunges in place, going onto toes at top, going deep at the bottom, then stepping to switch)
Butterfly sit-ups: did while holding a 4# medball
Lateral jumps with little tuck, then jog around mat: did the jumps--but had a wide carpet rather than a mat out, so just jumped side-to-side from one puzzle mat to the other--subbed a fast low squat (touch the floor) for the tuck, then jogged forward and backward (I like moving backward!): run forward for 8, back for 8 and forward and back again for 8 for the first 2 sets, then do 6 forward and back for the last set (to allow a bit of recovery time before the next move: no recovery between sets)
Grounded switches: I did these with a 90-degree turn instead of 180 degrees---will increase percentage as I improve! (but thought of doing them in place with no turn, and just going to toes)
Squat drop and roll: did the roll, then to a 90-degree angle squat rather than full stand, pause at top, then roll again (good for working the low end of the squat move)
Cross-body push-up: no push up. Hands on Bosu center of platform (I couldn't do the arm lift and use the BOsu at the same time, so I used this hand position to add a bit more core instability to work against) knees cross in.
T-jumps: as-is (but second time around, I started the move going backwards (my body LIKES backward movement!), which I think gives me 1 or 2 more backward jumps than forward
Skips around step: did these forward and backward, continuous with no break (they take a bit of a break)(I also did this with at least one other move--no break when they took one---but can't read all my notes and don't remember which one it was)
High kicks: did first time as-is, but didn't like my form, so second time (this is why I like the repetition!) I did as 4 front kicks alternating. Will work on a more satisfactory (for me) substitute. Needs a bit more oomph.
roll-back into 'dive' push-up: did roll back, with step back (as Cathe demonstrated), no push-up. But by this time, things were getting a little messy, LOL!
I really liked this workout: its got fun, motivating music; the crew is motivating; the outfits are great, but also the modifications kept me thinking a bit (but not too much! like with complex choreography). I felt like I accomplished the goals of the workout (cardio challenge with a core emphasis), the time flew by, and my modifications were intense rather than wimpy (the hard-core jumpers might not think so, but YMMV)! And no knee or hip complaints after the workout, though I felt I'd gotten "well worked'!