Can't Decide!!!


Okay... I eventually want all of Cathe's DVD's but only have some money right now for a few. What should I pick? I can't decide between buying the Step with her 3 advanced workouts or if I should get some high step DVD's along with KPC/LG. I really do want all of them so it makes it tough which to start out with and on the same note, I can't buy any of the step DVD's because I don't have a step.
There are so many to choose from! HELP!!!
I guess too, I was wondering if the step exercises bulk up your thighs? That may be the reason why I haven't purchased it up until now. Because I have a pear shape and want to trim my lower half down.
Since you dont have a step, I'd suggest KickMax. Do you have the high step? KPC/LG is a great DVD too!
Susan C.M.
Since you dont have a step, I'd suggest KickMax. Do you have the high step? KPC/LG is a great DVD too!
Susan C.M.
I do have a high step and I love it. That's what I was debating. I think I will hold off on buying the step and get more high step DVD's along with Kick Max (I love kickboxing), and KPC/LG. She has the best workouts. Thanks Susan. Sometimes it takes another voice to make up my mind!!! :)
Those are great choices. If you're looking for a high-step workout, I'd also say go for High Step Challenge. I like this one a lot and the exercises use a band, so they are a bit different than HSTA.

Good luck!

Hi Heidisue,

If you are looking for a deal on a full-size step, currently on Amazon they are selling the The Step F1011W Original Health Club Step (the gray version only) for $59.99 shipped. I just bought this one because I needed some more risers. :) (This might free you up some money to buy some more Cathe step workouts.)

Thanks so much Teresa!!! That does free up money and I like the grey version a lot better then the colored version. You know what I am about, more money to buy more DVD's!!! :)Awesome, I'm excited now!

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