Can't connect to live

Mine is still not working, Optimum in Northern new jersey. Will work when wifi is off, and I'm using cell data
Sorry for the delay in my reply (I was away on vacation), I tried tonight, but I am still not able to play any live workouts (Optimum/Cablevision, Chrome, & Safari - Trenton/Hamilton, NJ).
Hi Terrydee and everyone else, though nothing is confirmed the evidence strongly points to this problem being caused when a few ISP's upgraded to a new PowerDNS that enabled a security check for what is called "dnssec". About 75% of the people that have reported this issue are using Optimum/Cablevision as their ISP.

We currently use IBM streaming for Cathe Live and they don't support "dnssec" . This is true of many other companies too. Hence, the reason your videos are not playing. IBM has contacted PowerDNS and the parent company of the ISP's as this will have to be fixed at their end, but they have not heard back yet. I'll update everyone once we know more, but I think we now know the cause of the problem and now we have to see if ISP's can fix this.
Looks like I will have to cancel my subscription to Cathe live. Such a shame. I have been a loyal subscriber
Hi Terrydee, I understand your frustration, but this, unfortunately, is not something we can fix. This issue seems to now only affect one ISP "Optimum/Cablevision" and is caused by an upgrade they did to their PowerDNS. We did have one other report from a customer in Canada using "Quicklink" that had the same problem as you, but her ISP seems to have fixed the issue and she can now connect to Cathe Live.

We are in the process of moving Cathe Live to a different platform in a few more weeks that will solve this issue, but as for now, your ISP is blocking IBM from sending their stream from their CDN to you. IBM has reached out to the ISP's about this issue several times, but as of last Friday had not heard back from anyone. This is not surprising as these are huge companies that don't move quickly.
Thank goodness. I guess Optimum finally got the message from IBM and finally did what they had to do. Glad to hear it's working again.

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