
Active Member
Everyone that has purchased the 3 new dvds and have received them this is a question for you.

From what I read the Advanced dvd is great!!!

I am seeing alot of people in the other posts asking how are the 1st 2 dvds that are beginner and intermediate. But I am not seeing anyone answering that question. I am advanced and I am waiting to see if these first 2 dvds can be changed into more advanced dvds for myself or if i should just by the advanced.

Anyone out there that is advanced, did you order the 1st 2 dvds that are intermediate and beginner and if so what did you think?

I think this is a question that all of us are having right now that waited to purchase, should we or should we not buy the beginner and intermediate dvds?

Can we make them harder to suit our advanced level? Would these make good tapes when we just don't have as much energy on certain days?

Thank You!!
Hi, I ordered all three. I did the Highstep advanced training yesterday and it was great. I posted details yesterday. I previewed the other two and will be doing the intermediate highstep circuit today and will post later but from my preview it also looks like a great workout with the builtin ability to increase intensity. For example, the step height can be increased for cardio intervals and dumbell weights can be increased and the resistance of the tubing can be increased. I have three sets of resistance tubes, each with a different resistance. I tried out the resistance tubes and I don't believe this workout is going to be easy.
Also, although the beginner step seems like it will be easy it can be combined with the toning and Ab segements on the DVD to make it more difficult or you can use extra step risers or just use it with a low step after a tough workout day or when you feel not quite up to a super tough workout. IMO these workouts are worth every penny.:)
Here is a review for High Step Circuit that I wrote and also posted at VF:

For background, I consider myself high intermediate, with a lean towards regular intermediate for cardio, and maybe a lean towards low advanced for upper body strength. I don't use a step for cardio (just do step tapes directly on the floor because of knee issues), but I use Cathe, Christi, and Kristen Kagen pretty much exclusively. I use Cathe exclusively for weight work.

For this workout I DID use a step (the short end of my Reebok step), and I used heavier weights than the 3 pounds Cathe and crew were using. I also found it difficult to use my red tubing (perhaps the resistance was just too high for this particular workout), so I used dumbells: 8 and 10 pounds, and I could have gone higher in some spots. In addition, in the future I would just use my step in the regular position rather than using the short end (or a high step if I had one), because I found it awkward to do the cardio portions on such a small surface. I think using a regular size step will make it a little more intense. Because the workout doesn't require much room, I just set up my step next to my Rubbermaid Tool Box, and I was fine.

Ok, so the workout consists of 6 cycles, each one containing a cardio section, a leg work section, a compound weight section, an upper body section, and a core work section. There are two variations on this theme: one cycle does 2 compound moves in a row rather than a compound and then an upper segment; another cycle omits the compound section and does an extra upper body part...

The cardio segments are basic, but they are also short, so I didn't get bored with the basic choreography. Moves include basics, repeaters, karate kicks, alternating knees, etc. VERY easy to modify the intensity up by adding power to each move, and as I said above, using a full length step will also increase the intensity. Because I did the workout by adding power to each move, I'm not sure how the intensity will be if done as shown, but with power my heart rate was comfortably high. Nothing like Boot Camp, but still a good workout.

The leg portions include leg presses and a couple of variations on leg presses; side and back lunges; and those genie things from L&G but faster and on a lower height. I will add dumbells to some of these moves next time, and I used my stool for these (it is 13 inches high) where it seemed apporpriate. Cathe and crew seemed to use anywhere from 8 to 12 inches. My legs didn't feel much during these segments, but my heartrate stayed quite high from having just come off the cardio segments.

The compound moves include: plie squats with upright rows; squats with overhead presses; lunges with side and front raises; lunges with hammer curls; and a compound deadlift/deadrow combination. Cathe and crew used 3 pound weights for these. I used heavier weights. The speed of the reps allows you to go heavy. It isn't as if Cathe is using light weights because she's doing millions of reps (ala Margaret Richard). She's using light weights at a speed very similar to her other weight workouts, I think.

The upper body moves use the tubing. I used weights. Overhead press, upright rows, bicep curls, overhead tricep extensions, rear delt flyes, pushups and tricep dips (not nec. in that order!) The upright rows are done with the plie squats.

The core work seemed pretty easy, but I'm used to doing Cathe's core work. Very easy to modify if you want to. She did planks from the high step--I did them on the floor. Crunches, oblique things on the step--pretty basic, but nice.

I liked the pace of this workout. Cathe is in a good, energetic mood, and doesn't bombard us with beginner/intermediate talk, but she is catering to that audience more in this workout. (Comments like "you can use less weight if you need to," -- nothing annoying, really, but it does seem a little forced coming from Cathe.

Cedie shows some modifications (unless I'm getting confused with the Upper Body add on from Basic Step/Body Fusion, which I did immediately following High Step Circuit...)

I think there should have actually been a bit more form pointer talk in this, and although there is a safety guidelines section, it doesn't give specific form pointers on each exercise. Since the target group was beginner/intermidiate, I would have thought there would be a bit more. Saying "watch your form" is not enough in some cases. Saying "keep your head in alignment with your spine and your shoulders retracted" is enough, but I didn't notice much of that in this workout.
(end of review)

I absolutely think that an advanced exerciser can make this suit thier level, if only by doing plyo moves during the cardio, raising the level of the high step, and adding heavier weights. The question is whether one likes to modify a workout that much... I think the flow of the workout will not be interrupted by any modifications. It is very well suited to being modified up or down.

Keep in mind that the tempo is a bit slower than you're going to be used to, and there are less reps than normal. But, you can heavy up because of that.

I really think this can work for any level of fitness...
I totally agree with Cathy. There is no way the other two DVD's are obsolete because they "say" they are for beginners/intermediate exercisers. You can adjust the step height and increase weights. I got a great workout yesterday doing the Basic Step and Body Fusion workouts together--80 minutes total! There is also the add-ons on that dvd. I decided a long time ago that I had to have ALL of Cathe's workouts, the new ones included and I'm so glad I ordered them. I'm planning on doing the advanced workout today, previewed it yesterday and all I can say even though I'm an advanced exerciser is YIKES!

Well I did the highstep circuit today after doing the advanced highstep yesterday and I really like this workout. It can be easily modifed to increase the intensity as I thought when I previewed the workout.I increased the height of the step for the last two cardio intervals and will likely vary between 6 inches and 8 inches the next time i do this workout. The step can be also increased for the leg work. Let me tell you, I thought I had very strong legs but the lunge kick combo made me wonder. You can also increase the dumbell weights.The use of resistance tubing after dumbell work is absolutely works your muscles very differently than dumbells... does anyone know why this is. My are muscles were shaking trying to get to the peak extension and my triceps are killing me. Can't wait to try body fusion and the addons but it will be KPC first and then some Slow and Heavy work over the next 2 days.
So, the other two (beg/int) DVDs ARE at lower intensity since you guys mentioned about increasing the step height. At this point, I REALLY do not want to increase step height to get my intensity up. I don't think the higher step height is good for me. I would rather use Cathe other workout at higher intensity but using the same step height as usual.
>So, the other two (beg/int) DVDs ARE at lower intensity since
>you guys mentioned about increasing the step height. At this
>point, I REALLY do not want to increase step height to get my
>intensity up. I don't think the higher step height is good
>for me. I would rather use Cathe other workout at higher
>intensity but using the same step height as usual.

In the High Step workout, I think increasing the height of your high step during leg presses is feasable. I used my stool at 13 inches, which is less than the height used in, for instance, ME and PLB.

Today when I did Body Fusion, I used a 6 inch step height, which is what Cathe used as well. I wouldn't recommend raising the height to more than 8 inches, but again, I think this is a feasable way to up the intensity for advanced cardio people, without going over their usual, or the recommended, step height.

I think, at least in Body Fusion, the intensity is lower purely because the movements are mostly low impact, and because the tempo of the music is slower than Cathe's normal stuff. I personally didn't need to raise the step higher than 6 inches, but I'm used to working out directly on the floor for most of my step workouts, due to knee issues.

Just adding some thoughts, here. :)
I consider myself an intermediate exerciser and I did use 8" for the Basic Step, I normally use 6", and got a pretty good workout. Today I did Body Fusion on the 6" step which was plenty high enough for me. I was sweating buckets. The Basic Step workout does not have any high intensity moves at all. Body Fusion is a little higher impact including moves where you go across your step, over face in go over, and in the last cardio segment she does uneven squats, goes over, uneven squats and then lunges where you're doing the swimming motion with your arms. I really enjoyed this workout. There were a couple of segments where I felt it took to long to get the higher impact sections, but this is a beginner/intermediate workout so it made sense. For anyone who does the Firm, in my opinion Body Fusion was tougher than any of the GT Firm cardio workouts.
I did the High Step Circuit for beginner/intermediates. Quite honestly, I don't think I will use it very often--maybe not at all. I did increase the height of the step to 14 inches for leg presses; I did use 5, 8, and 10 lb. dumbbells because the 3's being used I knew wouldn't do anything for me, and sometimes I replaced the tubing with weights when I didn't feel I was getting much resistance. All of this is okay, but I couldn't get my heartrate up for the cardios, which I thought were so minimal in length and intensity that I knew they were not doing anything for me. For people who are choreographically challenged, this will be a real boon. For me these little step routines were boring--or maybe not boring, since they are so short. Dull. The abdominal workout on the stability ball is excellent.

I liked the advanced circuit, but even this one isn't close to Circuit Max in intensity. Have not yet tried the other beginner and intermediate DVD.

Sorry in advance! I know people will rush to the defense, but this is just MHO.
Hi, Misty. I did the Advanced yesterday. It was tough but not too tough and great fun. I did Basic Step this morning on a ten inch step with a few jumps here and there and then added the cardio segments from Fusion. What a blast! The tempo is slow so it makes the step height doable and the work is basic enough or familiar enough ( in Fusion) that it didn't trip me up and boy, the sweat was flying! I loved itt! I am doing the High Step Circuit tomorrw and can't wait to see what comes of that!
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

- Mary Oliver
I did the High Step Circuit today using 6" and it was way too easy. I like the workout, but will try it next time with 8" and heavier weights. This workout is way easier than Body Fusion, for me anyway.
I did Body Fusion yesterday, and didn't really feel anything during the weight segments--definitely thought they were too easy at the time...

However, I am feeling major DOMS in my triceps (I did both arms while Cathe did one at a time, so I did do twice as many reps...), lats, and shoulders! I NEVER get DOMS in my shoulders! I used 8 pounds for everything.

Just thought I'd share.

Also, I agree that Body Fusion is tougher than High Step Circuit.

Remember that it is good to have some easier days in your rotation. We don't HAVE to make these intermediate workouts into advanced ones! :)
I like the feedback. I really would like to know from those who have done the advanced one, are the moves similar to her previous vids? It sounds like bootcamp with an Imax fare to it. Is there any fresh coreography? As much as I love plyo stuff, I have enough of it. I'm looking for fresh material. Thanks for any input. :)
Hi, Fab. It's not nearly as killer as Bootcamp but it's not too similar either. For one thing, the cardio on the lowered High Step, although familiar, it has a flare all it's own. The segment that had us steping wide around the platform, then up onto it, back and down with a jack which then becames a hop around the step, a jump onto the step, back down, jack and here came the plyos. Very fun and tough stuff too.For the leg presses, I used one extra riser and two 8 pound weights. I consider Bootcamp in a league of it's own and I'd chose the Advanced when Boot camp is more than I can face doing. One of the things I like about all these workouts is they can be made quite hard by substituting heavier wieghts, adding power options which we know all too well, having done Cathe's workouts for so long. The slowerr tempo of the beginner and intermediate workouts are, to my mind, a boon. That's going to let us add lots of advanced moves but safely. Bootcamp moves so quickly, that in itself makes it deadly! :)
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

- Mary Oliver
I just got the advanced DVD and I have only done it once. I felt it was a great workout- I was spent. Some of the moves are new, other are old moves with a new flare. I was worn out doing the leg presses by the end. The weight work was challenging with the weights, and you can always go up on the weights- the barbell is set for our convenience. I do wish there was a separate core workout at the end- sort of the 20 min bonus that was promised.
Overall I enjoyed it and I happy I preordered it.
Hi Garance,
I appreciate your total honesty, I haven't decided yet what to get but your quote will help me make my decision I believe.

Does anyone have an opinion on if they had to choose from the 2 beginner intermediate dvds which one would be the toughest?
I received my DVDs yesterday. I split my order with a friend -- I'm getting the advanced one only. However, I did preview the Basic Step + Body Fusion DVD.

Here's my opinion -- this DVD IS for beginners. Basic step is exactly what the title says. It is an introduction to stepping. Cathe teaches the basic terminology for stepping... basic, repeater, step-knee, L-step, etc. And it was at a slower pace... like somebody said at VF -- Cathe in slo-mo.

Body Fusion, to me, is the next step to basic stepping... after you've mastered Basic Step. It has mainly Cathe 'signature/staple' moves. This is at a higher pace, but not at her regular/fast pace. The weight work uses the dumbell (3lbs) and bands.

As far as this DVD for the advanced... I would say no. The cardio is at a lower intensity. Definitely has to vary the weight poundage if you are advanced weight lifter. However, I do think Cathe did a GREAT job at making this workout. Something a begginner stepper can start with and eventually move on to regular Cathe. Or any other instructors for that matter.
I received my DVDs on Friday. Due to being in the middle of a move, (have not worked out in a couple of weeks) I wasn't able to do one until today. I did the Basic Step and loved it! When I previewed it I chuckled as it seemed so slow for Cathe, but, don't let that fool you, the pace was actually good, for me anyway. I have had such a hard time learning Cathe's step workouts since I have never stepped before. The Basic Step workout fit the bill nicely! I was able to keep up, heart rate was up and I was sweating buckets when finished! The length was just right, too. Invigorating but not exhausting.

Body Fusion is the next one I'll try and the Advanced HS Workout will be there when I'm ready to move on. ;-)

If you can only get one of the beginner/intermediates, I would go for the BS/BF one. In my opinion, Body Fusion is tougher than High Step Circuit. Also, that DVD has upper body, lower body, and stability ball add ons.
Thanks Bobbi for the review. I most likely will order this on in the Fall. I am on hiatus from ordering during the summer, since the kids are home from school and summer is so short. I like to be by myself when I learn new routines. Weird I know. Thanks for the details!

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