Butts and Guts DVD Premix Suggestions?

Cathe Friedrich

This DVD contains the most Bonus footage of all the DVds we filmed this time, including:

Bonus Stability Ball Ab Routine (17 min)

Bonus BALL: Bonus Ball glute squeezes
Bonus Footage Sit and Stands
Bonus Footage Leg Press

Including all the Bonus Footage this DVD has 105 minutes of footage.

We should finish the editing of all 4 workouts by the end of this week and we hope to start the authoring of the DVDs starting next week. We’re planning on having around 3 to 4 premixes for each workout and we would like your input and help in choosing and designing the Premixes. We already have several ideas of our own for the premixes, but would like to hear your input too. We’ve listed the chapter points from Butts and Guts below. With a premix you can change the order of the chapters points, eliminate chapter points or double up on chapter points. Please keep in mind that you can only use video and Bonus footage from the Butts and Guts workout for premixes on this DVD. Please only post your suggestions for the Butts and Guts premixes on this thread. We will have other threads for the premixes for the other DVDs.

Butts and guts Chapter Points:

Lower Body:

Alt front lunges with the ball
Walking Lunges
Deadlifts w/ toes on handweights and a 35 pound barbell
One Legged Squat
Forward Thrusting Hammer Punch
Squats w/ barbell
Walking Lunges
One legged squat
Side to side thrusting hammer punch
Freestanding lunge/squat combo
Squats w/barbell
Low Pulse Lunges


BALL: Outer thigh raises 16 slow pulse high 16)…repeat left side
BALL: Hamstring roll ins


Glute Squeezes
RT LEG: Inner Thigh Raises
RT LEG: Hamstring/Glute/Outer thigh
Switch sides (going back to the inner thigh raises on the left side)

CORE (with 5 pound handweights and 2.5 ankle weights)

Roll down 4 counts and roll back up 4cts and

Using one weight and ankle weights... just one leg lowers while the other one rests on floor. 8 reps and switch sides immediately for 8 reps.

Both legs and arms go up and down (still one weight for arms)

Hip lifts with bent knees 2 sets 16 (resting in between sets)

Seated Torso Twist

Core/leg combo...Put weight down and roll onto side...aim elbow to sky and lift torso and leg at same time

Windshield Wipers...
Bike Maneuver

Frog style sit ups

Bend knees and pulse

Legs straight in air and pulse high

Rollover and do an elbow plank ...

Bonus Chapters

Bonus Stability Ball Ab Routine (17 min)

Bonus BALL: Bonus Ball glute squeezes
Bonus Footage Sit and Stands
Bonus Footage Leg Press
I would definitely suggest a Timesaver on this one. (35-45 min.)

A premix that includes the stability ball exercises only.

Ooh, and also a premix with only the leg floorwork and abs so we can spend most of our workout time lying on the floor.


Some kind of timesaver would be nice: one for the butts, one for the guts, and maybe one combining butts and guts.

Maybe you could have a premix that has all the lower body exercises that don't use weights (the barbell).

Ok, I need to stop daydreaming about all these new workouts and get back to work before I'm fired. ;-)

I'm thinking that while one Butts & Guts workout will be fabulous, I might also like them to be separated into a Butts workout and a Guts workout, both including bonus footage for that body part.

I also like the idea of a walking lunge burner...walking lunges lean out the legs like nothing else and you're always making us do them in your rotations anyway ;-) so that might be a great add-on!

Thank you for asking for our input!!!
Premix #1:
Core & Floor Add on:
Regular Core work
Floor Work
Ankle Weight Work

Premix #2:
Core & Stability Ball Routine
Bonus Stability Ball Ab Routine
All leg work that uses the stability ball including bonus ball glute squeezes
Then those who wanted a complete lower stability ball routine could pop in PLB and do the stability ball segment.

Premix #3
Lower Body Push Pull (Probably not the right name) but...
WU then alternate an exercise that works the quads with a hamstring exercise, followed alternating an inner thigh with outer thigh, alternating exercise for the calves with a glute exercise...don't know if this is possible...just an idea I'm throwing out there

Premix #4
WU followed by all lower body exercises that get your heart rate up such as walking lunges, forward thrust hammer punches, fire walkers, side to side hammer punches, low pulse lunges, bonus footage sit and stands, bonus footage leg press....

Thanks for taking our ideas...
Angela:7 :7
I like the idea of separating the butts and the guts. I like the idea of timesavers. And I love Gogigi's premix #4 idea of the one that uses the higher heart rate exercises}( }( . Yeah baby.

Premix #1
A shorter premix about 40 mins long of abs/butts that doesn't use the barbell - that way it elminates us getting out all the equipment if we are short on time anyways...

Premix #2
Lean Leg Burner - Goal would be to choose exercises that get the heartrate up there without using alot of equipment again and being able to use lighter weight to get the burn - the freestylers would really like this one

Walking Lunges
Alt Front Lunges with Ball
Walking Lunges

One legged Squat
Forward Thrusting Hammer Punch
One Legged Squat

Fire Walkers
Walking LUnges
Firewalkers (heart rate mania)

Lunge/Squat Combo
Low Pulse Lunges
Lung/Squat Combo

Plus the Floorwork twice :) Ouch!

Premix #3

Double Time Circuit mix...

Two of the leg exercises
Two of the ab exercises (repeat for a nice 45 mins workout)

Thanks for letting us play with the premix ideas :)
Premix #1:
The premix you have listed in your blog is awesome!

Premix #2:
Standing legs

A mix of the standing moves from the Butts & Guts workout as well as incorporating some of the standing moves from the bonus footage (maybe including a set of the leg presses at the beginning of the premix and then again at the end of the premix too.)

Premix #3:
Floor work only

A mix of the lower body floor work from the original butts and guts workout, the bonus glute squeezes segment - and then a mix of ab work from the original workout and the bonus ab semgent.

Premix #4:

A mix of the Butts & Guts footage (perhaps in a different order than the as-produced version, to keep it fresh) and the bonus footage so that you work your glutes and abs in about 45 or 50 min. (including warm up and stretch).
PREMIX 1 and 2 - A Butts workout and a Guts workout, both including bonus footage for that body part.

PREMIX 3 - Gogigi's premix #4 idea of the one that uses the higher heart rate exercises

PREMIX 4 - I agree that a mix of the Butts & Guts footage in in a different order than the as-produced version and the bonus footage so that you work your glutes and abs in about 45 or 50 min. (including warm up and stretch).

Thanks for asking,
I love the workout blender option from your Bodyblast Timesaver DVD where you can select up to 5 different sections from the workout.
Having a workout blender would be wonderful!

Premix #1 Standing Leg portion 2 sets option premix where you repeat the standing leg portion twice..ouchie but goodie;)

Premix #2 Floorwork only option premix with the option of doing it 2-3 sets

Premix #3 Stability ball workout

Premix #4 Butts and Guts superset circuit...where you do 1 leg exercise and then 1 ab exercise. So while your legs are resting, your abs are working.

Premix #5 All lower body weight work. This would mean leaving out nonweighted or band exercises. It would be a timesaver.
I like Jillybeans too!!

Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry and you cry with your girlfriends.
-Laurie Kuslansky-

Stability Ball Butts and Guts

Butts and Guts with Body Weight only

I can't tell how long each section is, but it looks to me like you have enough footage to make some nice add ons or workouts based on equipment. I would REALLY love to have an all ball premix for any and every workout. :)
I second a time saver option.

Also, how about an all floor work and ab option?

One suggestion - if you have to cut out either a warmup or a stretch to make it shorter - please don't leave out the warmup.
I would like to see a "Butts only" workout and a "Guts only" workout incorporating the Bonus footage.

I also like the overall legs idea.

Thanks Cathe!
Cathe, I really appreciate you asking for our opinions.

I would like:

Butts only
Guts only
all stability ball
all body weight

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