nancy: I am with you on the low GI thing. Cutting out processed breakfast cereals and sugar has changed my life. Can I ask you...what kashi cereals are low GI?
Re: Soy Milk - The brands I've tried that taste good and have the consistency of milk all contain Guar Gum, which has been proven to cause cancer. The brands that don't contain Guar Gum seem very watery and thin. I'm not one to fall for the latest cancer-scare, but the evidence on this one seemed pretty solid. Does the soy milk you like have Guar Gum in it?
Joey, I did a web search of guar gum and found nothing about guar gum being carcinogenic. In fact, quite the opposite seems to be true. See this link: http://cancerres.aacrjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/41/6/2518

Guar gum is a type of fiber, produced from a legume. It is used as a thickener and as a medicine for dabetics as it acts upon blood sugar levels. My soy milk does not contain it but I see Breyers Ice Cream, a staple around here, does. Nothing I found about guar gum would make me reluctant to use it. It's a common additive and therefore must past FDA standards.
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

- Mary Oliver
> Re: Soy Milk - The brands I've tried that taste good and
>have the consistency of milk all contain Guar Gum, which has
>been proven to cause cancer. The brands that don't contain
>Guar Gum seem very watery and thin. I'm not one to fall for
>the latest cancer-scare, but the evidence on this one seemed
>pretty solid. Does the soy milk you like have Guar Gum in it?

Just this morning I was looking up some of the ingredients from some of my protein drink mixes and the only two I found anything really negative about was carrageenan and acesulfame... carrageenan is frequently added to chocolate drinks and ice cream as a thickener and one site compared it to vaseline even though it comes from a plant source. The other ingredient that didn't have great reviews was acesulfame potassium (or K)...it is an artificial sweetener, one site listed that as a possible carcinogen. I couldn't find much negative about guar gum which is another ingredient I looked up because it's in the Beachbody Whey protein I just bought.
Sometimes as in the case of saccharin,it is found that massive quantities produce cancer in rat or sometimes mice. But as a food additive, consumption tends to be in very small amounts that compared to those which bring about cellular changes in unfortunate lab animals. There was a particular red dye that was banned. I found evidence that guar gum was tested to determine it's efficacy in delivering drugs to the colon. This is one reason it's important to read labels and to try to eat whole foods as much as possible. I like to buy Small Planet Bakery breads. They contain flour, honey or mollasses, yeast, sometimes canola oil. Some of the ingredient lists are long and it makes you wonder why they need so many things in such a simple food. And some additives do indeed prevent spoilage and they aren't all bad but do like to minimize the unneceassary stuff. I'll take good old sucrose over saccharin anyday and for the most part, I buy unprocessed foods. I read many years ago that it takes humans longer to decompose due to the consumption of preservatives. Alot of the additives are perfectly harmless components of plant foods added for thiickening to appeal to our palettes when fat and sugar are removed. I'm hooked on Kozy Shack No Sugar added pudding. It has Splenda, which I usually don't use but it's delicious, creamy and has 90 calories to the 130 calories of the regular pudding.

Joey, my soymilk is 8th Continent Origianal and contains xantham gum and it's delicious. If you don't care to use products which contain guar gum, I highly recommend it!
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

- Mary Oliver
Bobbi....I have very concerned lately about the amount of time it will take my body to decompose once I die...thank you for the info. LOL. Sorry, I'm being a brat. You had wonderful information regarding the reason one looses weight on the lo carb diet. (1gram carb/3 grams water). Thanks for sharing your knowledge once again :7 :7 :7

I love 8th continent soy milk - VERY good.

I would love to find more info on what Supra is doing to us all. Seems you can find some incredibly radical views on both sides of the spectrum via internet.

I really prefer milk over that soy stuff, I drink 8th continent as well. My hubby really likes it though, and that is great, since he rarely drinks milk....

Interesting conversation..very funny Briee!! LOL!!! Bobbi....as always, you jump in with alot of great information. I was waiting for you to find this thread!!:)

:) I hear you! This morning I was thinking I really need to bone up on my food addivitve knowledge. I am planning to get a nursing degree and specialize in nutrtion for the geriatric population so abudandant in Tucson and it never fails to facinate me! LOL! I am always happy to pass on useless as well as useful knowledge. And trust me, there's more where that came from!

And hey, if I can set up one of Briee's zingers, it's been a pretty good day! LOL! I grew up in a household with nine sisters. It's like being home again! :)

Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

- Mary Oliver
Bobbi.....I'm so proud of you, specializing in nutrition. You can clue us in to all of this fascinating "stuff"....we are going to use you big time girl.

And perhaps one day you will be able to answer the real "burning nutrition" question.....

HOW ON EARTH CAN ANYONE MAKE A HERSHEYS CHOCOLATE BAR FROM SAWDUST. And one that actually tastes like chocolate....this is just too much for my tiny chocolate drop of a brain to fathom.


You have NINE sisters?????? Is it really true or are you toying with us? In the past I think you mentioned 3 sisters. (I'd be happy to have just one! :-( )

I do, Nancy. My mom had a son and then a daughter, two more sons and then 9 girls, one right after the other. Eight are older than I and they called me Boobless when I was a child! Maybe they still do! LOL!

Briee, has this been done or are you waiting for it to happen? Would this be a way to increase your roughage while enjoying chocolate? Mmmm, Hersey's is my favorite milk chocolate. I hit the Trader Joe's Bittrsweet chocolate last night. And the Breyers vanilla ice cream. No chocolate for me today!
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

- Mary Oliver
Bobbi....I was refering to the locarb hershey's bar that Janice mentioned up above :7 :7 :7 . I haven't tried it...Janice does it taste like sawdust???

I can't believe you have that many brothers and sisters, your house must have been a blast to grow up in....or a zoo. Ours is a zoo sometimes....but we only have 8 (total - 6 kids plus us). So do you have any "when I grew up" stories, I bet you could write a book.

Hi Janice:

I work for a food manufacturer and I asked our Director of R and D about what the deal was with these low carb items and how they get them to be so high protein/high fiber. (I have been curious about this as well.. )

Basically they replace some of the simple carbs with soy proteins and fiber. The protein then gives the product structure and the fiber retains water so that product stays moist,relatively speaking.

That is why the products are so nutritionally superior.. they have replaced the empty calories of simple carbs with protein and fiber. Alas, that is why they are so much more expensive. The soy proteins are much more costly than flour/sugar.

The other thing that I learned was that there is alot of controversy on what the caloric value is for the artificial sweeteners they use in the products.. specifically the sugar alcohol ones..malitol, lacititol, etc. There have not been any valid studies done on how much of the sweeteners are actually absorbed by the body.. could be more, could be less. Also,If you read the labels on alot of the "net carb" products, when you add the total calories from protein, carb, fat, the total calorie value is significantly higher than what the label states for total calories. Again, there have been no conclusive studies on how much energy the body absorbs from the carbohydrate sources derived from fiber.

That caloric difference can range up to 20% higher than what the label states it should be. That can be significant esp. if you are watching your intake of total calories.

I have been buying alot of these type of products lately too because of the nutritional quality, not because I am watching my carbs, but I do watch caloric amount. I really hope that the FDA cracks down on some of these manufacturers on what they are stating on their labels.

Take care, Lynn M.
Thanks for all that Lynn! It is great information, just what I was looking for!!

My BURNING nutrition question has been exstinguished!! Thanks everybody!

Well, duh, Briee! How quickly they forget! LOL! Maybe, it's because I don't think I have tried any lo/carb products.

I loved being a part of that zoo. It was great fun and being that I was one of the youngest, the older girls say we had it pretty easy. Of course, there are draw backs to having so many "mother"'s on hand. They used to lock us up and make us clean and keep us from our dear mother who had no idea! LOL! But it was what was normal for me and I never really thought about it as being anything but. My mom should write a book! She has a fabululous memory and lots of stories. She is a very special woman, very calm and patient and well suited to the task of raising her brood. My dad was the one who wanted the huge family and he was her opposite. She's 5 feet nothing and he used to joke she was six feet tall when he married her. :) He was gregarious and outgoing and she's very quiet and gentle and shy outside of the family. I admire her so much. My three kids keep it bustling and crazy around here and sometimes I feel like running away! I am very excited that my youngest is going to first grade this year. He came along, unexpectedly, when my then youngest was about to start first and I was going to have that 6 hour block of me time. :) I love that you said "only 8"! Eight is probably not so very different from 13 when you factor in the older kids leaving and starting their families as we younger one's came along. My oldest neice is three months younger than I and my mom has quite a number of great grand kids and thirty grands. My husband is an only child and he's relishing the idea of two weeks on his own when we head off to to Michigan in a few weeks. By the time we get back, he's so lonesome he could cry and the teenagers are eager to get home which is why we quit scheduling three and four weeks in Michigan. He still hasn't come to terms with having three children and he can be quite a fuss budget when it's noisy and messy around here as it so often is. There are usually two or three neighbor kids and friends of the teens on hand too. I have no problem filtering out noise and working around all the creatures and I am pretty sure that stems from growing up in a huge family. He still keeps expecting quiet orderly children and an immaculate house like HIS mother had!
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

- Mary Oliver
Bobbi, that is sooooo interesting. I suppose I should email you off the board, but since Janet's had her burning nutrition question answered, I'm sure she won't mind. I find it amazing that coming from such a large family you married an only child. I can't imagine how different you two must be with drastically different family "lives". Your parent sound so sweet. I bet your family reunions are a major event. AND you SHOULD encourage your mom to write a book, at least for the future generations (of which there should be many!!). I never had a sister, but like Nancy always wanted one. Actually I had one briefly. My parents were going to adopt a little girl after me and it was all set, but another family they knew wanted a little girl so my parents stepped down to let the other family adopt her. My two brothers and I were all adopted as well (from birth - right from the hospital). This was just prior to Roe vs Wade, had I been born any later....chances are there would be no Briee. Actually, had your parents planned on the "average number of children per family" there would be no Bobbi. I personally am glad that your parents proceeded and there will be thousands of elderly patients that will be nutritionally better off thanks to you and your parents!!! Thanks for sharing some of your family history!! :7 :7 :7
Well, thank you! My dad always used to say, "If the pill had been invented, you might have been prevented." :D Of course, it was invented in 60 and I in 62 but he did love to talk. Family reunions are insane. Our average family holiday dinners averaged 50 people. My mother always astounded me in her ability to throw together food no matter how many peopled appeared at the door, expected or unexpected. She no longer cooks. My dad would always say things like, "don't trip on your way to the table, and "keep one eye open during the blessing." Interestingly, we all got along pretty well and still do, big gushy Irish clan that we are. My daughter's are 18 months apart and only tolerate each other which I find rather sad although they have gotten better as they have grown up. My yongest sister, who is a love, was my best friend when we were growing up. The next oldest tortured me but I have worked through that! ;) Rich grew up in The Big Apple and I in a tiny town in Michigan and we are indeed very different. I guess it's true that opposites attract but we are very compatible and it works.

Again, I find your history much more interesting than mine and I think adoption is so wonderful. And if you ever need a sister, I can loan you one or two or four. I have to warn you, some of them are pretty nutty! I'll bet you get a reaction with the size of your family. I think big families are wonderful. When we were kids, our friends always loved coming to the Bailey's and hey, what's another kid or two when you have a baker's dozen? My mother is an angel and I feel very blessed to be her child. My house is still like that and I love that there are a passle of children out there who know they are always welcome. And by the time this place empties out, I intend to be taking care of the grandma's and grandpa's of this generation, making sure they eat well and maybe, get a little exercise. :)
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

- Mary Oliver

Sorry Janice! Just one quickie post to Bobbi! Bobbi...DO encourage your Mom to write that book. I'd buy it in a heart beat. If she is anything like you with her writing, it will be fabulous!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Bobbi!

Bobbi, I could read about your family all day. As they say in P90X land....write it down!!

Thanks also for the sister offer.....I think being part of this forum has given me a few distant sisters!:7 :7 :7 And I'm so thankful for all of you!! EVEN Debbie ;-) ;-) ;-) . She tends to be the sister who talks the most :p :p :p , although Debbie you've been a little quieter lately...maybe I've just missed some of your threads. I tend to catch threads here and there.....just don't have time to read them all. I was feeling like I've missed you lately.......keep talking!!

Oh Briee!

Don't you worry! I won't EVER stop talking!!! (Let that be a warning!) Life has been hectic lately, running nonstop with hubby and also myself! It's actually been hard fitting in my workouts but I am doing it. We've had tons of family get-togethers lately, Kennedy's 3rd. birthday party, Bunko Club, a funeral and so forth. I usually get here every day but posting hasn't been as normal. I'm sure that disappoints most! Yeaaah right. I'll be glad to be a sis to anyone here. LOVE the friends I've made and don't know what I'd do without you all! HAPPY SATURDAY all!!! :7
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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