RE: Oh Briee!

What a wonderful to look at the women of Cathe.com. :) Sisterhood, I like that. And I think Debbie embodies all the qualities one might request when creating a sister. And you Briee, are like the sister who can never resist going for the punchline. I have a delightful sister who's all that and a bag of chips. Reminds me of my dad with that twinkle in his eyes. My daughter, Sydney's like that too and I have to steal Alexis' line and call her a sparkling child. She's wedged between two intense and dramatic creatures and she's like a breath of fresh air! LOL!

Lately, this is the only thread I've hit here and I need to remedy that. Need to go for a run too. Then get into the yard before the temp soars. I am battling my beautiful and beloved tree which makes the most incredible mess in front of my house. Right now, it's seed pods. But it's a beauty and I love it. The one thing that broke my heart when I moved to the desert was that lack of shady lanes and towering trees. And this particular tree picked me, blowing in and taking root in my yard. I also spent many hours in the yard with my dear old dad and doing yard work keeps him present though he's been gone for many years. He'd be tickled pink by my tree. I was the kid who always helped him out in the yard, the garage. Built a shed with him and was always willing to get my hands dirty, work in his gorgeous garden and can tomatoes and put up veggies from his labors. It's a nice way to spend father's day. Sadly, I didn't inherit his green thumb but I do try!

Hi, Susan! Right back at you. You are another woman who's got it going on, whom we get to hang with, thanks to this website. You'd be surprised how often I think of you, but I do, whenever I do Bootcamp. It's your workout, you know? I've been doing it quite frequently and I'm getting pretty good at it! I took five weeks off from strength traing doing so much studio yoga and pulled it out to make sure I hadn't lost too much. I was delighted to find that the yoga does indeed develop me in the shoulderrs, triceps and posterior delt, those area I have to work for. I won't say I breezed through the workout but pretty darn close! :D And my powerful, albeit skinny legs, have enabled me to master the standing poses which twist in spite of the pronation probs. Totally groovy and another thing that reminds me of you!

And Happy Father's Day to all the women, daughters and wive's who make the guys look so good!
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

- Mary Oliver
RE: Oh Briee!

You're so sweet, Bobbi. Believe it or not, I think of you often too, especially when I do yoga or when I'm devising a new rotation (keeping the "skinny fat" model in mind).

I've been at my parents' house in NJ since Wednesday where my video workouts consist only of yoga and Pilates. I know you've been doing a lot of yoga for the past few months, whereas I've been neglecting it (other than post-workout stretches and one power yoga session a week, if that). I agree, power yoga really helps develop the shoulders, triceps and posterior delts. It's great for the core, too.

I'm leaving for Germany tomorrow with my 12-yr-old son (just the two of us!) while my poor husband works and my parents watch my other two kids. We'll be staying with some cousins of mine and I've already checked with them to see if they have a DVD player. Between Bratwurst, Bier, visiting friends/relatives and sight-seeing, I'm going to stick with yoga and Pilates for my video workouts. I did the best teaser I've ever done today (my goal for 43), but it still wasn't quite "goal-worthy."

Sounds like you had a wonderful Father's Day. We did too!:)
RE: Oh Briee!

It was a good day! I can't wait to get to Michigan to see my mom. We are leaving on the third of July. Germany sounds fantastic as does being the mother of an only if only for a while. My lovely Sydney is off to camp for the week. I'll miss her. She's a great babysitter for yoga days and her big sister who'll be standing in is much less patient. Poor Sam! LOL! I have been so crazy busy I am looking forward to a quiet week and restoring order to my house. Had it spick and span a few days ago. What happened? LOL!

Have a wonderful trip!!!
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

- Mary Oliver
RE: Oh Briee!

You have a great trip, too! We'll be leaving at 7:40 tonight and are SO excited! He's never been and I haven't been in 13 years. I'll probably get online now and then when I'm over there. (The internet still amazes me.)

Oh, and the teaser is my goal for 42! (I made myself a year older!:p )
I haven't read all of the posts in this thread, so sorry if this has already been answered. I remember from biology classes that cellulose is the name for undigestible plant material, ie fiber. So, no, the calories don't count as this is the stuff that goes straight through.

Thank you! What a sweet compliment! I am sooo blessed to have two sisters. Unfortunately, they live in Florida and I in Ohio, but when we do meet up, we have a BLAST! Thanks for sharing all those neat memories of your Mom & Dad! You are blessed too!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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