Brittany Spears


Did any of you guys see her perform at the VMA's last night? I tuned in just to see that part. OMG, I was embarrased for her. I just feel sorry now. She couldn't even be bothered to make an effort to lip sync? Anyway just wondered if anyone saw it. It really was sad. She used to be such a cute girl. I remember when my little niece just loved he way back when.
I tuned in just to see the was awful. I was also embarrased for her. She couldn't lip sync- she even lost her ability to dance!:-(
I didn't see it but saw some clips of the performance on the news this morning. It's so sad. She's completely lost her performing ability--I couldn't believe my eyes when she actually stopped lipsynching!

To see someone that far gone makes me wonder if she is doing some serious "medications"?????
I saw part of the performance on GMA and thought it looked like she was on "something" myself.

After reading about this on the internet last night I watched clips this morning. It was awful! There were times I actually felt bad for her but she should have known better than to agree to perform when she clearly wasn't ready.
I don't think it was that bad, it just seemed like a rehearsal or something. She did seem kinda out of it. I do think she looks pretty good for someone who has 2 kids and parties all the time.

I thought she might have been on something (zanax, valium), but she might have just been nervous. She acted as if she knew the performance was bad and just didn't see the need to try.

It was so weird not seeing her with nice, flat abs. I used to envy her tummy, now she just looks average.
The whole performance was AWFUL! and I don't understand WHY she was asked to even perform????!!! She hasn't done anything remotely in the industry for how long? - why not let someone deserving open up?

Alishia Keys rocked the house :)

As far as Brittany's body - no its not what it used to be, but VERY poor choice of costume!!! She could have been sexy still in a tuxedo style jacket that covered her tummy at least - very pathetic....

I have zero respect for her and don't think she deserves a comeback now - she's been caught, smoking, drinking, drugs, and what about her sorry relationship with her kids and her mother ( not a good role model )? That says something and to me she doesn't deserve the comeback - she needs to earn it and she clearly hasn't..
Yeah, she doesn't have the pre-baby body, but I appreciate that at least she doesn't look anorexic like so many actresses and singers these days. And you're right about the poor choice of costume--she even looked a bit self-conscious. I never know whether to feel sorry for her or disgusted by her. I guess it's both. Poor nasty thing.

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=teal font size=+1]***Lainie***

"The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself." -- Mark Twain[/font]
I gotta be honest, people, I ran over to youtube hoping to see a "car-wreck" of a performance - and I didn't think it was that bad. She looked a little uncomfortable dancing in the heels, and perhaps a bit self-concious in the outfit, but the moments when she was comfortable she performed pretty good.
And I'd KILL to look that "bad" any day!
I'm not a fan, I think her behavior is terrible and I don't think she has worked for anything in a long time. I feel bad for her because she is just another "child-star" being taken advantage of into her adulthood by both the industry and her mother.
It's amazing that fame and fortune are so often accompanied by such sad stories :(
This particular performance, however, I didn't think was that bad.
I do wish the poor girl would retire her role as the world's sex toy and decide to instead try to use her truly extraordinary voice (yes, I hate to admit it but the girl has one) recultivate her legitimate dancing skill and stop using it to strip in front of millions, and attempt to excell at and ENJOY her role as a mother.
I can't believe it, but I'm off to say a prayer for Brittany Spears.
It was sad and it was sad what Sarah Silverman said about Brit's babies "being the cutest mistakes" Ouch! Not nice

But, I think I am in love with Justin Timberlake...I know...I'm too old, but DARN!!! (I went out and got his cd this morning!! LOL!!) His concert was just on HBO - WOWWWWW My husband is jealous already.
I did not see the performance. can you post the link of it on youtube. I could not find it there either.


*Edited to say that I found it*

** Edited again to say that I think she was either out of it or this was planned for the publicity. Everybody is talking about her now**
That was such a sweet post Laura. I agree, she is not what she was, but she is a mommy now at a very young age, going through a divorce, struggling with addiction and surrounded by a bunch of losers themselves.
She would have looked great more covered up, she looked better than I have seen her look in pictures anyway. I hope she gets it together really soon for her sake,its time to refocus on her babies and her mental well-being. Listen to me, like I know her. I guess when someone is in the public eye all the time, you feel like you do.
The comment about the cutest mistakes, was not cool. I love comedy, I hate plain old mean. Sarah said something pretty raunchy about Paris Hilton one year too, I thought that was pretty bad.

I was on the strip Sunday.No start sightings though, I am sorry to report!
I had a 'boring" weekend at home basically. We did watch "Field of Dreams" though, whatta wonderful movie.:)
>>But, I think I am in love with Justin Timberlake...I
>know...I'm too old, but DARN!!! (I went out and got his cd
>this morning!! LOL!!) His concert was just on HBO - WOWWWWW My
>husband is jealous already.

OMG!!! I feel the same way. I went out on Friday and got the CD. His concert was incredible! My DH is totally making fun of me but I think he has a lot of really catchy songs and he really is an amazing performer.
>I did not see the performance. can you post the link of it
>on youtube. I could not find it there either.
>*Edited to say that I found it*
>** Edited again to say that I think she was either out of it
>or this was planned for the publicity. Everybody is talking
>about her now**
Go to

You can watch the whole show there or just the clips.
LOL Pippa - I am glad I am not the only one!! ha ha

We should start a married women's fan club of Justin! Nerd alert!

Next time he is in Chicago - I am there!!! With my gray hairs and all.
Can someone post a link to the youtube for this performance as I can't seem to find it. I would like to see what happened.



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