Brittany Spears

LOL. I heard about that but hadn't watched it till now. I heard that he is gonna be on a bunch of talk shows. I see 15 minutes of fame for him!
>Two words about the "Leave Britney Alone" bawler:
>Holy cow.
>Okay, three more:
>Is that eyeliner?

It sure is!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!! This one just freaks me out and makes me LOL at the same time. He reminds me of the psycho killer in Silence of the Lambs. -->
<Yeah, I kind of depend on this forum to give me a break from the seriousness of the world.>

And that is okay but for the fact that fact too many people know far more about celebrities than they do about their own government, wars wages on their behalf, environmental issues etc (stuff that matters!). So if one can name Brittany or Paris' multitiude sexual partners but can't name their government officials or they know the latest celebrity scandal but had no idea about the daily atrocities Darfur then perhaps one needs to get a grip.
Not at all! Just a general statement about society. Now go back to reading the scandal sheets! (Just kidding!)

If it makes you feel better, I know more elected officials than celebs. Problem is in NJ they're more scandalous than rock stars. }(
I used to work for such a government and read some of your posts laughing out loud with those knowing giggles!

BTW, I should have crafted my earlier statement a bit more carefully as it was not directed at anyone specific. Apologies!

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