breast implants


Active Member
Has anyone had breast implants? How long did it take for you to get back into strength training after getting them? I would love some opinions. I will be getting implants in 2 months and I'm trying to really step up my workout and eating until the surgery. I'm just worried about after the surgery.

my sister had implants, i'm not sure how long her recovery was, i don't think it was too long. i just remember that she wasn't allowed to push or pull anything for at least two weeks. don't know if that's too helpful.
My sisters got them and the recovery was heinous. Don't lift your arms, pain. I have no boobage to speak of but I have 3 kids and I have to lift my arms! I was surprised at how difficult it was to get back to normal and they were not avid exercisers.
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? - Mary Oliver
If you're really serious about doing this you need to do your research, especially if you are a very fit person with low body fat. I have heard all sorts of stories about boob jobs not being all the person expected or having to have additional surgeries to correct problems, like the implants moving and such. There are two ways implants are done so you need to decide which is best for your situation. I also read recently that most boob jobs have to be redone after so many years as your body changes etc.

My point is....don't go into this lightly thinking only about getting perky breasts or bigger breasts.

Ask for doctor referrals, check their records and ask if you can speak to prior patients.

Check out - seems like a wealth of information there and a forum where many personal experiences are shared. I have often thought of doing this, too - I have practically no breast tissue left after breastfeeding for more than 4 years combined! But I am so terrified of complications, recovery (not being able to exercise for 4+ weeks), and struggle with the whole "giving into cultural standards of beauty" thing. I wish there were better solutions - God played a very cruel joke on me when She put my boobs on my butt!:p Research well, and make the best decision for you...good luck!
This thread is about recovery time, and I don't know if you want to hear this, and maybe you will just ignore my post. I have to say this, though. I know a dozen people who have gotten implants. All excluding one look TERRIBLE. I mean, there is nothing natural about them. They look hard and uncomfortable and tight. The only girl it looks good on is about 35 lbs. overweight. If I thought that implants enhanced your body, this post would be from someone who had better t*ts. But real looks better, even after nursing 3 years combined, than plastic. My husband and I discussed this subject a while ago, and he, being a guy who loves big knockers, agrees that floppy is better than fake. Please consider all the pain and recovery you will need for something that may not be what you expect.

ETA ignore my signaure in this instance :p
I have implants.(under muscle, anatomical, crease incision) Recovery was more than I expected, I admit. However I did much research before hand and am pleased with the results. They are natural looking and you can't tell with clothes on. They are 6 years young. Go to as stated in an earlier post. Take a look at as many before and after pictures from your doctor as you can, to get an idea. And speak with actual patients form you physician.

I resumed walking (3 mlies or so) the first week and low impact exercises with in 2 weeks. Upper body workouts with in 6 weeks but I omitted chest work for probably 3 months. No bid deal I got back to my regular amount of pushups (with in 6 months).
My sisters all look really good and I know they all love the results. One of my sisters had a brow lift and an acid peel and her recovery from that made the breast job recovery look fun. I know she's glad she did it though.
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? - Mary Oliver
I am considering implants and went for one consultation and he showed me the implants he uses, and sounded good, then I went to a message board about implants and almost everyone there said they had to do re-do's and they ALL had rippling, you can feel the implants, can't see it but you can feel it. That part scares me some, I am going for my second consultation at the end of April
Me belonging to the Itty Bitty club I now want to join the other club? I no longer want to be the young and the breastless.
I don't know how other small chested women feel but I hate mine, in school the boys rated the girls chest from the biggest to the smalles and I came in as the smallest! I hate that. I can't find bra's to fit me so I go braless about 90% of the time, I would like to wear nice bra's and have them fit me for once.
How big did you go? My smallest breasted sister went only to a B. She is now almost 50 and she can go braless and not look 50 at all! That impresses me. Even small breasted women are suject to gravity and if you nurse,well, let me tell you, I may not be able to throw 'em over my shoulder but they have gone south! :)
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? - Mary Oliver
Your funny Bobbi! I can relate...after breastfeeding for almost 4 yrs. I feel like you could suspend me from the ceiling with mine. dmd:)
your brave danimais. I have observed the same thing in looking how do you say, not so good. I was watching on time on firm video. then I saw another with the same lady and did a double take. What!!! I know I just saw her one way then all of a sudden she's Barbie.!!!

I talked to one lady on here about her's and she was very kind in explaining why she did it. In her case it was a good reason.

But just to do it... I say leave em alone. Leave your azz alone, leave your lips alone. If you ain't got it it's awful scary getting in bed with someone and finding out what you was thinking ain't there.

Found that out from a man's perspective. Then these are dating men also.

Just this morning, the spin instructor, looked so ahhhhh.. don't know how they think they look good. These are just my thoughts on it also.
I thought you all said if it ain't broke don't fix it. :) You got broke breasts? LOL (in humor in humor)

Working towards Perpetual Motion
I know two people with implants. They don't look real and they both spent lots of money on the implants. They look okay when covered with clothes except they look wide on the chest. In low cut clothing, you can see the round shape. Also, if you don't have much breast tissue, then the outline is easier to see. Check out the website of to see some of celebrities who can afford expensive doctors.
but if you're going to mention that site, then you can't forget it's sister site

there are a lot of people who get implants and they look good. i think the thing people don't pay much attention to is what will look good on their body. a small person with little body fat, is not going to look good with a C or D cup. it looks like two half grapefruits stuck to your chest (this is also the look that happens when implanted over the muscle instead of under). plus the technology has come a long way. just do your research and find a good doc willing to take his time and talk to you and you'll do fine!
Oh man! Thank goodness there's a good plastic surgery site. That other link was scary. I agree with everything Maddie said. Plastic surgery is a very personal and risky decision, but just because someone has had awful results that doesn't mean it will happen to everybody. People just have to do their research carefully and have to go into the OR with realistic expectations.
There's a joke about an old woman who had lost her husband and couldn't go on. She decided to end it and called a hospital to find out exactly where her heart was located so she would not mess up doing herself in. She was told her heart was located under the left breast. The next day, she was admitted to the same hospital with a gunshot wound to her left knee.

Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? - Mary Oliver
>just because someone has had awful results that doesn't
>mean it will happen to everybody. People just have to do
>their research carefully and have to go into the OR with
>realistic expectations.

Very well said! I couldn't agree more!

I have a few comments as well...

At first all of the "horror" stories were getting to me...but as you research you will see that most have good luck with implant surgery but ofcourse it's the ones who have problems that reach out for help so those are the ones that you will most likely hear about. Plus, the websites that focus on the scarey side of plastic surgery are put there by people who are against it and are doing it just to scare you. PLEASE don't let those sites influence you! Research research research! Get the WHOLE picture before you decide!!!

I am not saying that implants are the way to go for everyone, cause they are not...and I am not saying that there is ZERO risk or that you are garunteed to have ZERO problems because you are not...BUT you really need to research it thoroughly in order to make a truly informed decision.

ETA: The surgeon you choose plays a MAJOR role in your experience and your outcome! Make sure that he/she is board certified and PLEASE make sure you that are comfortable with him/her. Also, please know that there are ways to do a background research on any possible surgeons you may choose. HIGHLY recommended!

I had my surgery in September of 2002 and never had a single problem.

Just my 2 cents.:)

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img]
> Plus, the websites that focus on the
>scarey side of plastic surgery are put there by people who are
>against it and are doing it just to scare you. PLEASE don't
>let those sites influence you! Research research research!
>Get the WHOLE picture before you decide!!!

While I agree with your statement that "research" is of utmost importance, I disagree that the websites that show the bad results are just there to "scare you". I think it's truly courageous of these people to share what they've been through in the hopes of helping others make informed decisions. Everyone knows that breast augmentation surgery has some good results and some bad results. To claim that people who have had bad, or even life threatening experiences are just trying to scare others isn't fair, in my opinion.

Honestly, I think the bad side of plastic surgery should influence you just as much as the good. If not, you aren't being very smart or informed about your research.

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