breast implants


You are right, the actual surgery is not a complicated one to perform per say. It is quite straight forward. Breast reductions are far more complicated.

Congrats on your lipo! I can only assume by your comment that you are very happy with your decision and your results!:)

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img]
Sorry I took so long to reply.
Well, a lot of women start our lopsided, enough that there is no bra that will "fix" it. Also, misshapen in one way or another. At, there are before and after pics. You can click on some and see what so many "befores" are dealing with. It gives you a whole new appreciation of the surgery for all those women.

That's a really good suggestion. When I was researching my lipo I came across some before pictures of breasts that were severely mishapen. Also, women who have lost lots of weight can have breasts that can actually appear deformed when the weight is gone.

It's really up the the individual. They have to foot the bill and put up with the pain.
Me too Candi! I had a rhinoplasty 8/2000... I was almost 30... wish I would have done it much, much sooner.

Research is so important... and knowing the risks, benefits, etc.... oh, and realistic expectations... finding the best doctor you can.

Hmmmm.... you ladies have me thinking about augmentation again... I think I need lipo first.

Best of luck to anyone having a cosmetic procedure!

Ladies, one more question

Beth you mentioned that your breasts are stretched out after your pregnancy. Did your doctor mention that getting breast implants will help out with the streched out tissue and the stretch marks? I want to know if it would help that problem as I'm going through that. My question to all of you ladies that have them done is if you had the same problem as Beth pre-op and if getting the surgery helped.

By the way you ladies rock! We have a group of really strong minded women in here.
RE: Ladies, one more question

Hi Rose,

If you get implants that are of adequate size, they will fill the now "empty space" in your breast and make them full again. I don't think there is anything you can do about the stretch marks though...

HTH :)


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img]
EDD: 05/19/05
Hi beth!

I got mine sept 2003 and am very happy with mine. Recovery time was alot longer for me than I expected. It was a month before I could do any exercise. If you are getting them under the muscle DONOT do pec exercises until after your surgery. The tighter the muscle the longer for it to loosen up over the implant. That was my problem.

I also went to implantinfo at the recomendation of my doctor before the surgery.

Good luck!
Hi Wendy,

I am very blessed, I have a hubby who is totally supportive, thinks its a great idea....... I guess that also comes from being married for almost 24 yrs.... I know there will be pain after wards and a few weeks of recovery, but I am ready... and yep I am doing this for me, wanted this for a long time, now that kids are out of the house, I finally get to do this..... although hubby will benefit:p .... Rhonda:7
I have had implants(under the muscle) since in Nov 2003. My surgery was a piece of cake, but it isn't the norm for most patients. I also needed a lift at the same time. It was if I didn't have any surgery or anything done. I didn't experience any pain or discomfort, or any of the other things many experience. Recovery was super easy. I was allowed back on the threadmill the next day as long as I didn't get my heart rate too high. I was allowed back to lower body workouts by the end of the week. Then I was allowed back to upper body and high impact cardio at the end of 3 weeks. First thing I did was go running, I felt no difference.

I had(have still) very stretchy skin, and my boobs just sagged so much. I was unhappy having worked so hard to get in shape and then left with very saggy boobs. I hated wearing padded or push up bras...always having to find the right bra to go with the right shirt. They didn't look real anyways. I even tried the gel shaped cutlets. They fell out one time, and it was the final straw. I just wanted one consistent size from morning to night. I wanted my normal size back, so it's what I did. I am very happy. Yes, I wish I had done it sooner. (I'm 39).

Mine look very natural. Your "end" appearance will be based upon what your natural look is now. If your boobs sit high on your chest then "one" will tend to get a grapefruit look than somebody with lower set boobs. How far apart each boob is from each other will also make a difference, along with a few other details.

Nobody even knew until I told them several months down the road.

I worked out until the day before surgery. Just plan for a tough recovery, it's what I did.
I am actually thinking of a lift down the road. I am a C cup so I don't feel I need anything added but my cosmetic surgeon told me that typically an implant is required with a lift to help with the negative effects of gravity. I'm still pretty firm thanks to weight training but don't know how I will look 10 years from now.

We'll see.
My doctor said that my stretch marks will be gone. I would guess that if I ended up having them removed someday that they would show up again. My breasts are very saggy so he is putting the implants on the outside of the muscle to improve the sagging so that will cause my breast tissue to stretch giving me the appearance of perky breasts with smooth skin and no stretch marks. I can't wait!
> Unless they're
>deformed or something, what's wrong with a women's natural
>breasts that a bra can't take care of?

Ditto Nancy.

Thank goodness DH prefers the natural look on me. He told me he'd never want me to do that. He does not like the fake look at all. Phew... I'm too chicken to go under the knife anyway and I'm very happy with my C's.

I just heard of a woman dying last week from getting a nose job!

Make sure the doctor is certified at a hospital!!! He or she should have passed all hospital standards. Ask to see his credentials. Ask to see the credentials of the anethstesiologist. The doctor should have passed all hospital standards. If not, you are taking a big risk.

Please make sure your doctor is certified here:

Also please check out this site:
IF I were a 34C I would be happy and not thinking of implants, but I am not... my under breast measures 29.5, my around the breast measures 32 ...... I think that is an A cup..... not enough to sag... Rhonda
My husband has told me that he loves my body the way it is. He feels that I don't need anything done. But I am doing this surgery only for myself because if I could change anything it would be my saggy breasts. I have done a lot of working out and have really toned up so when I look in the mirror I just don't see the toned look when my boobs are pointing at the ground. He won't even give me his opinion when I show him research about implants- he's just staying neutral. Anyway, I just wanted to emphasize that I'm doing this surgery for me only.
The doctor that will be doing the surgery is one of the best in town and is a clinical prof. at the local univ. He is board certified and excellent. He actually performed my mom's tummy tuck and breast reduction about 5 years ago. I totally trust him and his opinion. The surgery will only take an hour and I will have lots of lab work about a month before the surgery. I am making sure I'm taking my vitamin every day and not taking advil or naproxen until after the surgery because of the risk of bleeding during or after surgery.

The same for me with my lipo. I was getting very discouraged with all the work I was doing and not seeing the results I wanted. DH offered to pay for my surgery because he saw how frustrated I was getting. Actually, he kissed my fat goodbye the night before surgery cause he said he would miss it, LOL!

Like I said, some people get really worked up about cosmetic's all doom and gloom and such a scary place. It is critical to do your research but you are an adult and it's your body so you will make sure you take care of yourself and do what's best for you!

I was not afraid and had a positive outlook. Everything worked out perfectly and I healed extremely fast.

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