breast implants

I respect your opinnion, JeanneMarie. Yes, anyone who is thinking of having this done should know the good and the bad, ofcourse.

I just hate to hear of women who are researching this topic coming across one of the explantation type sites and running away from it screaming in horror. It's just not realistic. These things certainly DO happen...but any site that focuses SOLEY on one side of the issue and not the other is being very unfair IMO..wether that be the bad side or the good side.

Everyone who is thinking about any kind of plastic surgery needs to get the facts, both good and bad. I just don't think the sites soley based on the BAD experiences is the way to go. Again, JMHO.:)

If you go to a site like and go the message boards or read the personal stories sections, you will hear about the good AND the bad...I ate, drank and slept that site (as well as others) when I was researching and found it very helpful.

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img]
Hi Wendy!

I just wanted to compliment you on your common sense, level headed approach to discussing the pros and cons of breast augmentation. :)

A little bit of history on me... I am small breasted and very happy that I am. My sister has had implants. THANK GOODNESS she has had no problems and she looks absolutely wonderful... natural and proportional. I do worry for her in the future, as I know that she will have to go under the knife again at some point to have them replaced, but so far she has had a wonderful experience.

I try not to get too involved in the breast implant discussions, as they can become very heated. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about!

It sounds like you've had a very positive experience, and I'm so glad for you. I guess I'm just a Mother Hen with my sister, as well as others, and don't want to see anyone do something that will harm their health or even possibly threaten their lives.

Fortunately, I am thrilled to be small breasted. I am slender and lean, and I run quite a bit. Larger breasts would not only look funny on me, they would definitely be in the way.

Again, thank you for your perspective and for being such a nice person to discuss with!
Realize that a lot, lot, lot of women have had them, who sit silently by while lots of debates go on about them. They don't want anyone to know or they are not the arguing type.

Lots of regular sized, and even petite-breasted women have had them. They are not done just for size. People talk bad about them in front of women who have had them. This means that the talkers can't tell. They look natural most of the time. Only the exceptions get noticed.
Other than because of cancer, why do people have them? Is it just for cosmetic purposes? Is it just to defy gravity? I've heard a lot of good arguments against it, but haven't heard a single argument, good or bad, in favor. Unless they're deformed or something, what's wrong with a women's natural breasts that a bra can't take care of?

I admit to being truly clueless.

my sister got hers because she hated being a flat A cup. it hurt her esteem, and maybe that's because of the public's perception or whatever, but the fact is it messed with her mind and there was only so much she could do to fix that. there's no saying that it's just the public that influences how people see themselves. there's more to it than that. the real fact is that she was unhappy with herself. she didn't rush into it, she thought long and hard and discussed it with family, her boyfriend (husband now), and her doctor. she knew she would feel better about herself if she had this surgery done.
to tell the truth it wasn't even something that i noticed, she was just my sister. she lives on the other side of the country and i went out to visit her somewhat soon after her surgery, not knowing she had had it. she was beaming! asked if i noticed anything different, and you know what? i didn't! hers look so natural that i didn't notice. but she was sooo much happier with herself.
plus, there's no bra i've ever heard of that's going to make you go from an A to a C and still look like that when you take it off and look in the mirror. a bra is good for the day, but what happens when you go home at night take it off and see that nothing has changed? and you are still depressed with not being 'feminine'? once again, still a personal choice and everyone who has them done will have their own individual story.
maddie ^^
You know how I look at it; while it's something that wouldn't suit me for many reasons that don't matter, plastic surgery has the power to transform someone who is unhappy about herself for what she alone may consider a flaw, and if it makes her feel happy or sexy and more condfident, she should do it. Because life is short and we should strive to feel our best, however that is acheived. Some people will judge it and find it inconceivable but that should not matter. We each get to decide what is the right thing to do.

There's nothing wrong with any type of natural breast if they are acceptable to their owner but if she wants more or less because they aren't her idea of perfect, why not? Because children are starving in the world and it's vanity? Guess what, starvation won't go away whether a woman has surgery or not, but negative feelings might and positive people make the world a better place. Someone else might go in for a new car, a to die for wardrobe or a million other things that can be perceived as a different type of vanity.

People are not just vain about physical characteristics and it's a natural human quailty. Unchecked it can be grotesque but a little vanity is great because it makes us balance out giving with taking. Positives make us grateful and gratitude also creates good things. My sister Jan, who has breast implants and now wants a face lift, works with children who come from lives that are heartbreaking. Some of them have mothers who were 13 year olds when they gave birth. Two of her students have in common that one's mother shot and killed the other's. Jan is a free spirit with great humor and tireless devotion to those kids. She's pretty beautiful on the inside and I have always found her outside rather lovely too but she's of a mind to improve it. There's nothing vain about her.

Plastic surgery has a place with every other thing. It's superficiality is a matter of personal preference, which is subjective and therefore, it's up to each of us to decide what's right.

Nancy, bras! I bought a padded T back exercise bra and the cups caved in (A cups!) so I took the outplants I bought at Target, those silicone inserts, to fill in the dents. My niece complimented me on my workout top at yoga and after class I stuck out my chest and tried to draw her attention to that little bit of extra boobage I had. For once my breasts were a titch bigger than my ribcage. She hadn't noticed other than to admire my top. Nobody noticed and I had spent the class fearing I was going to lose a boob in headstand. I have always been self-conscious about my small breasts and ribcage of elephantine proportions. I am hard to fit when it comes to bras. I have spent most of my life getting over the feeling that my body is odd and refusing to pay attention to media standards. I know you can relate to disordered eating and probably to dismorphic body image. Who knows if breast implants might have changed that? I am a minimalist when it comes to my looks so surgery is not right for me. But sometimes I wonder. Apparently, no one else gives it much thought. Good to know.
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Man improves himself as he follows his path; if he stands still, waiting to improve before he makes a decision, he'll never move.

-Paulo Coelho
I hear you, Bobbi, and I'm all about feeling and looking your best. I know as well as anyone what some new make-up, or a new haircut or losing 5 lbs. can do for a person's confidence. You don't want to know what I spent at Bloomingdale's yesterday on make-up after I had a makeover! "Vanity" to me is not a dirty word.

Maybe it's because I'm older than most here, but there was a time when anything that required general anesthetic was considered drastic, and in my mind so it remains. If a person truly is unhappy with themselves just because their breasts are an "A" cup, then I'm thinking that they need more than surgery to enhance self-esteem. It is particularly frightening to me when surgeons agree to perform procedures on really young women who very well may regret their decisions when they have matured and developed real identities. If a woman is 40 years old and wants breast implants, fine. But I doubt there are very many of those. I think the vast majority are women in their twenties or even their teens who may later regret their decisions. I'd be more than happy to hear that I'm wrong about my assumptions.

I suppose I'd better apologize at this point for hijacking the thread. This always seems to happen when this topic comes up, and I'm often the first to jump in and hijack. Obviously, I remain deeply troubled by this topic.
I appreciate everyone's opinion. I have been doing research on this subject and have surgery scheduled in 2 mo. I have finally lost all of my pregnancy wt. and then some so this is a reward to myself. I was left with extremely saggy boobs and stretch marks only on my boobs. I was lucky and don't have any on my stomach. The way I think of it is, you only live once - I am working on the lean body that I want and having perkier boobs would top it off. All of my family has been very supportive and offered to help me with my girls (3yo and 1yo) after the surgery. I am worried about taking care of my kids after the surgery like picking my 1yo up but today I found a few people that will come over and help me. My implants will be subglandular so I hope that my recovery will be quicker and I can ease back into my workouts without a problem. Again I loved hearing everyone's opinion on this and the websites were very helpful.
Thanks a bunch,
true, it's distressing to hear about the young girls who get implants before their body is ready. and to hear about the parents who buy them as graduation gifts is just sickening to me. and the doctors who do these procedures purely for the money isn't sis was actually almost 30 when she got hers. but i think there are a lot of older women who do get implants. especially after having children and breastfeeding. or after massive weightloss, they may then have the excess skin removed and then an implant to fill up and 'lost' space.
but i think i agree with you about it being disturbing in young people. i'm only 24, and i can't imagine being able to make a decision like getting implants as lightly as some of these young pop tartlets on tv do.
I don't think you have to apologize. This sort of discussion is the whole idea. Sharing might just make someone weigh their desires in a different way and see that there may be more to a breast job than a breast job. You make a good point about very young ones and breast jobs but I think Beth knows exactly what she wants and has it all worked to suit her. I don't think she minds that we get off topic. One thing leads to another. :)
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Man improves himself as he follows his path; if he stands still, waiting to improve before he makes a decision, he'll never move.

-Paulo Coelho
Good luck to you, Beth. How wonderful to have your family to help you. I wish you a speedy recovery and fabulous breasts! You sound like you have done your homework and that's the most important thing when it comes to elective surgery.
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Man improves himself as he follows his path; if he stands still, waiting to improve before he makes a decision, he'll never move.

-Paulo Coelho
First I want to say that Maddie and Bobbie could not have said any of it better!

Second, I am not here to debate. This is an issue that I refuse to debate for several reasons. For one, I refuse to spend my time trying to convince another person that such a surgery is the wrong or right choice for me. I went into feeling like it was the right decision and in my sorest moments just after surgery I was smiling ear to ear saying "I'm so glad I did this, I am so glad I did this". Still, no doubt I did the right thing.

I don't believe at all that if a woman who has such deep rooted self esteem issues that drive her to a plastic surgeon means she has a whole lot of more severe problems. I can honestly say I had severe self esteem issues about my breasts before surgery and LOVE LOVE LOVE my entire body now! Money well spent! I hold my head high and know I look good. Many may look at me and say they don't look good, but who cares? The only person who needs to love my appearance is ME!

The other reason why I don't debate the issue (especially with women) is because if you don't "get it", no debate in the world is going to make you understand. Quite honestly, you don't need to "get it".

I can't understand for the life of me why anyone would be troubled by other women having breast surgery. Who cares?! Doesn't change your day at all. What difference does it make?

Also, as for thinking that women younger than 40ish should wait to have such a surgery I just want to suggest that you lurk around on a breast augmentation forum to hear what those 40+ ladies are all saying after they have surgery..."Wish I'd done it sooner!"

I do have a final question for everyone...why is it that the breast implant posts get all the discussion on whether it's "o.k. or not o.k.", self esteem issues and such, but none of this seems to come up on any of the "lipo" threads?
Beth, If you want to PM me, I can give you tips on handling the kids during the recovery. My son was 18 months old at the time and my daughter was 3 years old.
Hi Beth...
I too plan on having the breast implants surgery, within a yr, hoping maybe before christmas, we will see....
I am 45 and petite, have always had small breast some where between an A and a B cup.... but I just want them bigger, not real big just bigger...... I am also doing research until I am able to get it done.... Rhonda:7
I'd do it. but it's not in the budget right now. As everyone has said, do the research.
Also, here in MA, there is a state website where you can go to find out whether an MD has had any malpractice suits and how they were resolved. I don't know if other states have this.

"Don't forget to breathe!"
Hi Jeanne Marie.

Thank you for your kind words.

I know how "heated" this discussion can get. I always try, with this topic and any other topic, to state my opinnion as nicely as possible. I don't wish to ARGUE with anyone about this. I am so happy that you did not mistake my answer to your post as arguing or anything because I try my hardest not to come off sounding that way! :)

BTW- I was 30 yrs old when I had the surgery done and my mom was RIGHT THERE with me so I know about you "hens" and I wouldn't have traded that for the world! :) My mom didn't agree with my decision but stuck by me through out it all! Moms are AWESOME!

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img]
Beth and Rhonda,

Good for both of you! :)

This surgery is something you need to do for you and ONLY you. If you do your "homework" on it and decide that it is something that is right for you, then there is no shame in it!


Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img]
I know this thread is about BA but that does fall under the cosmetic surgery umbrella so....I wish I would have gotten my lipo sooner :)

I think there are many fears relating to altering our bodies cosmetically. Not just the fears relating to elective surgery itself but deep rooted fears about body image. Once you climb above the emotional component...the surgery is not that complicated from what I have read and understand.

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