Boot Camp is my favorite!


My top 2 favorite workout DVDs are Cathe's Boot Camp with one minute cardio, one minute lower, one minute upper, and one minute core cycles and aslo Jari Love's Ripped 1000. I like the fact that I can do the complete workout in 60 minutes and work all areas including cardio. Plus I like that the cardio is intense, but short before moving onto another exercise. And last of all I love that the choreography is a piece of cake to follow. Anyone know of any other workouts that follow this kind of format that I may like? I had IMAX 3 and Body Max 2, but sold them cause I couldn't figure out the steps and I guess I'm really not a fan of complicated moves. If any one has something along these lines to recommend, I would be grateful, not that I need any new DVDs, but sometimes something new adds to the excitement and gets me motivated again! Thanks!
I like Boot Camp too -- I did it this past week and it always makes me feel so accomplished when I get to the end. I really like the 4DS bootcamp too -- It's not as intense but its FUN!

Boot Camp is one of my favorites. In fact it was my first Cathe workout. I loaned my dvd to a friend in August and finally got it back last week. Like you, I'm not very good with complicated moves. You might want to try High Step Training Advanced (HSTA) or High Step Challenge (HSC). These are very good circuit workouts that are similar to boot camp. You might like Drill Max too. Although it uses the step in some parts, the move ares easy. I love the cardio premixes on this dvd.

I love bootcamp, too! My vote would be for drill max. Its a bit longer than bootcamp, but alot of fun, and the moves are not complex.
Take care, Nancy~~~
I like BC but I like guantlet much better. Have you tried that one?
The combination of IMAX and bootcamp cardio blasts is great. If you like the about 1 minute theme, you should like gauntlet.
BC was also my first workout!! My fave is DM though! Oh, what the heck, they are all great, right?? :)

Clarissa :)
I haven't done bootcamp in a while but the last time I did it I had a blast. I remember the first time I was able to get through it how proud I was of myself.


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