My top 2 favorite workout DVDs are Cathe's Boot Camp with one minute cardio, one minute lower, one minute upper, and one minute core cycles and aslo Jari Love's Ripped 1000. I like the fact that I can do the complete workout in 60 minutes and work all areas including cardio. Plus I like that the cardio is intense, but short before moving onto another exercise. And last of all I love that the choreography is a piece of cake to follow. Anyone know of any other workouts that follow this kind of format that I may like? I had IMAX 3 and Body Max 2, but sold them cause I couldn't figure out the steps and I guess I'm really not a fan of complicated moves. If any one has something along these lines to recommend, I would be grateful, not that I need any new DVDs, but sometimes something new adds to the excitement and gets me motivated again! Thanks!