The reason for comparing you 1RM result for an exercise or some other piece of data with a large group is that it helps you to identify strengths and weaknesses, identify problems, set realistic goals and let’s you know where you may need improvement.
You already probably do things, or have done things like measure your heart rate to see if you’re training in the proper heart rate zone. When you do this you’re statistically comparing your individual results to a large group people that researchers have applied the same statistical results as we’re doing. The same is also true when you go on a diet of “X” number of calories. We know from studying statistical calorie consumption averages of thousands of people what the number of calories an average person needs to consume daily.
Using statistics allows you to identify and set realistic benchmarks. We’re just using the same statistical principles to help people who work out to have information available to them that just might help or motivate them in their daily fitness routines. Though you certainly don’t have to use the stats, we personally feel it will help many people.