Govtgirl...congratulations on your new blog! You are gonna LOVE it, I know! You must give us your blog address so we can follow.
About the blog will get lots of people requesting for you to link to them and vice versa because the more websites that link to you...the more you will be bumped up in Google searches. I usually just ignore them...or, if I love their site, I will include it in my links.
You might also want to know that people/companies will start contacting you to advertise on your site. That, to me, is more frustrating than anything. I've had companies selling cheap jewelry want me to put a button on the blog. I'm thinking...I write a weight loss blog...what in the WORLD does that have to do with jewelry?!?
Or you may have people who want to send you products related to something you're writing about for you to try.
In any event...I usually just ignore the requests unless, as I said, they have a site I really love and want to link to. I'm always so grateful people are reading...and I don't want to sound rude in reply to their reaching I just don't send a response. But that's just me...I know there are lots of bloggers on Cathe's forum who will have great advice based on what worked for them.
Have you thought about joining the BlogHer community? It is a website and community for female bloggers...and it sounds like your blog would be a very original and interesting addition.
All the best...hope you love the blogging world!
*EDIT/Addition: Sorry, Govtgirl...I misread your question and thought you were annoyed that people were asking you about linking. I don't think it's crass at all to e-mail and ask this question. It NEVER hurts to ask. I did it a lot when I first started blogging (as well as a few very crass things!). But I have found that this kind of contact usually doesn't lead to much increase in traffic because a)many authors ignore the requests and b)you will be AMAZED at how many people find you on their own and link to you. I'm sure you are able to see your traffic on the blog site? I don't know about yours, but my blog service offers a breakdown of every website that has linked to me (the address, the traffic from the address, etc.). You will find over the months that other people and websites that you've never spoken to have found your site and added you as a link on theirs. It takes a few months for people (besides your mom and few closest friends) to find you, but as you write more, add tag words to your posts, and join forums like BlogHer or websites like Twitter, you will have much more focused exposure from people who share your blogging interests. Hope this helps!