Blog etiquette?


Ok, I've started a blog :) It's all about forensic art, since that's what I do. It's an educational and informative site, kind of "what the job is really like" sort of thing.

I know that traffic builds through linking to other blogs, they link back ,etc, but what I'm wondering is, is it crass to email the other blogger and say something like:
"Hi, I really like your site and have linked to it. If you have a moment, please check out my site and see if it is something you would like to link to as well. If you don't that's fine too!"

I don't want anyone to feel pressured to link back, but I'm thinking not every blogger checks their analytics, and they may not know I've linked to them unless I tell them. What do you think??
I think that's perfectly fine, if for no other reason than to let them know that you've linked to their site. In the event they have an issue with that, they can let you know. Just a courtesy thing.
Govtgirl...congratulations on your new blog! You are gonna LOVE it, I know! You must give us your blog address so we can follow. :)

About the blog will get lots of people requesting for you to link to them and vice versa because the more websites that link to you...the more you will be bumped up in Google searches. I usually just ignore them...or, if I love their site, I will include it in my links.

You might also want to know that people/companies will start contacting you to advertise on your site. That, to me, is more frustrating than anything. I've had companies selling cheap jewelry want me to put a button on the blog. I'm thinking...I write a weight loss blog...what in the WORLD does that have to do with jewelry?!?

Or you may have people who want to send you products related to something you're writing about for you to try.

In any event...I usually just ignore the requests unless, as I said, they have a site I really love and want to link to. I'm always so grateful people are reading...and I don't want to sound rude in reply to their reaching I just don't send a response. But that's just me...I know there are lots of bloggers on Cathe's forum who will have great advice based on what worked for them.

Have you thought about joining the BlogHer community? It is a website and community for female bloggers...and it sounds like your blog would be a very original and interesting addition.

All the best...hope you love the blogging world!


*EDIT/Addition: Sorry, Govtgirl...I misread your question and thought you were annoyed that people were asking you about linking. I don't think it's crass at all to e-mail and ask this question. It NEVER hurts to ask. I did it a lot when I first started blogging (as well as a few very crass things!). But I have found that this kind of contact usually doesn't lead to much increase in traffic because a)many authors ignore the requests and b)you will be AMAZED at how many people find you on their own and link to you. I'm sure you are able to see your traffic on the blog site? I don't know about yours, but my blog service offers a breakdown of every website that has linked to me (the address, the traffic from the address, etc.). You will find over the months that other people and websites that you've never spoken to have found your site and added you as a link on theirs. It takes a few months for people (besides your mom and few closest friends) to find you, but as you write more, add tag words to your posts, and join forums like BlogHer or websites like Twitter, you will have much more focused exposure from people who share your blogging interests. Hope this helps!
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thats normal

That is completely reasonable. That is often how bloggers communicate with each other. I do it all the time. I don't necessarily expect an answer. Leo Laporte tells us thats the best way to get readership on our blogs. If you don't like their blog, give gentle constructive criticism and be kind. Lots of us have tender egos. Btw, I think the idea of a forensic art blog is stupendous and terribly interesting.
Thanks everybody! Ok, I'll start sending messages to some of the other bloggers, and see if they'll link back. I just wanted to make sure I do things right :)

The name of my blog is I can't post my real casework, but I posted a few practice drawings here:

I know forensic art is kind of a "niche" field, but I totally love it, and have LOTS to say about it! Hey, Jonezie, got any room on your blog roll for a forensic artist?!:eek: Thanks for all the adivce...I'd LOVE to be on BLogHer, but they said they aren't taking anybody new :( . Maybe they'll reconsider with a blog about a woman that handles skulls as part of her job and is more scared of a bug than a dead person!
Wow! Wow! Wow! Govtgirl your art work is absolutely AMAZING!!! The details, shading, WOW! When I first started college back in the day 1993 I desprately wanted to major in Fine Art/Textiles but my parents wouldn't have it. Since they were helping front the bill they settled with me double majoring in Interior Design and Clothing Design, . . which I don't even practice. :( I enjoy it but don't love it. I much prefer Costume Design, painting, and drawing. Seeing your work just makes me want to call my parents and say "You see, . .you can have a job that you love that requires you to draw and help people!" I mean you help people. You help put bad guys behind bars! I don't know about Blog etiquette but I hope it is okay with you, . .I'm adding your blog to my list of favorites. You are the type of person whose brain I'd just love to pick and ask a million questions. Thanks for sharing this. Oh I also have to add, . . to be able to draw something from a persons description is ridicoulously hard. It is like trying to draw a landscape from a childhood memory and portray that image to someone who has never seen it before. It is very very difficult to do.
Govtgirl your work is wonderful!
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Hey, Jonezie, got any room on your blog roll for a forensic artist?!
Absolutely! Do you think you could sketch the offending bag of M&M's that accosted me earlier this week?

PS...Wow...fascinating site!!! Except I am going to have friggin' nightmares over that guy's real mugshot!!! NIGHTMARES! But love your tag section.

Hey do you stay positive when you're amidst crime and criminals and death all day? If I had that guy in my head...I'd be spitting and cursing at random people all day. "You want paper...or plastic" would instigate a can of whoop ass on some unsuspecting sacker at the grocery store.

:)Jonezie might also want to contact professional organizations and related magazines/publications to let them know about your site. I think they'd be interested. Novel idea!
It takes a special person to do what you do, Govtgirl. You have a very admirable profession.

But those pictures scared me! The before and after meth photos are really disturbing.
Gosh, thanks everybody for the kind words! I totally love my job :D I never thought I'd be an artist for a living, and the fact that it's forensic is a dream come true. I remember as a kid I saw a show about a sketch artist and said "that's what I want to be" and my mother said "raise your expectations.":confused: Nope, not the most supportive of parents. Anyway, I'm doing it now, that's what matters.

Funny, some of the questions you have asked have reminded me what I used to wonder before I did this! I used to think I wouldn't be able to look at horrible pictures (I have a weak stomach) but I know I'm trying to help in some way, so I can do it. And skulls don't bother me in the least...I'm like a kid in a candy store around them :p They're just so fascinating. I even went to a morgue and did totally fine. The one thing that grossed me out was when I was holding a skull, and a roach crawled out of the eye socket. I yelped, and the guys in the other room heard me and laughed. Haven't lived that one down yet.

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