Best workout series that combines cardio and weights

Bobbie L

Hi! Any recommendations on which workout series is the best for combined cardio and weight workouts?I feel like i need cardio more often but want to get lifting in as well in about 1 hour. Any recommendations?
Hi! Any recommendations on which workout series is the best for combined cardio and weight workouts?I feel like i need cardio more often but want to get lifting in as well in about 1 hour. Any recommendations?
I enjoy After Burn and Athletic Training from the Low Impact Series. Boot Camp Circuit from ICE. Ripped with HIIT’s HIIT circuit upper and lower body are good too. And then the older high step circuit, high step training and high step challenge. And drill max, body max 2, and low impact circuit.
I enjoy After Burn and Athletic Training from the Low Impact Series. Boot Camp Circuit from ICE. Ripped with HIIT’s HIIT circuit upper and lower body are good too. And then the older high step circuit, high step training and high step challenge. And drill max, body max 2, and low impact circuit.
Hi! Thank you so much for this!!! I have most of these just missing a couple of them.
Perfect30 is good for shorter workouts and you can do both cardio and weights in an hour. But many series have cardio and weights, and add in premixes and you can make most series work for you, depending on what you want. Do you want high reps? Heavy weights? What kind of cardio? Advanced or intermediate? You have many choices.
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ETA: I see you posted this in the Ask Cathe section. Wanted to add, I'm not Cathe, but ...

Not entirely sure what you are asking, but if it's a cardio & weight circuit, then:

RWH's Upper & Lower Body Circuits - both are under an hour.

Body Blast's Cardio & Weights - may need to do a Timesaver type premix to be an hour or so, same as LI Circuit.

Any Bootcamp: ICE, S&S, Intensity's, FitTower

All the PHAs have a cardio effect as do many/most TB workouts.

If it's cardio & weight on the same day but not necessarily in a circuit & about an hour, then in addition to FitSplit: 4-Day Split, CTX, P30, & the BodyBlast Timesaver dvd.

Lots of options!
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I forgot to mention, you could devise your own rotation. For cardio use any High Intensity Interval Training workout which are usually a little less than 30 minutes: RWH, ICE, XTRAIN, P3O, Shock Cardio, the Itensity dvd, Crossfire, To the Max, LIS Cardio Supersets timesavers, the cardio from FitSplit/4DS/CTX, etc.

Then for weights, use P30, the splits (FitSplit, 4DS, CTX). Many other weight workouts have Timesavers and chapter breakdowns for shortened workouts. Then there are the ICE Muscle Meltdowns, the Burn Sets from Xtrain, the Pyramid Pumps from LITE.

Lots of options!
Hi! Any recommendations on which workout series is the best for combined cardio and weight workouts?I feel like i need cardio more often but want to get lifting in as well in about 1 hour. Any recommendations?
My favorites are 4-Day Split, and Fit Split.
Hi! Any recommendations on which workout series is the best for combined cardio and weight workouts?I feel like i need cardio more often but want to get lifting in as well in about 1 hour. Any recommendations?
You can also get a combination of cardio and weight during one lifting workout regardless of the series.

Truly in cathe collection, options are literally limitless.

For example if you want to lift heavy within 10 or 12 reps range, you can opt for triset from STS original or STS 2.0. Just choose the right weight to match good form and speed to the point of tightening the rest period. Basically lifting on triset, you do 3 set of exercice without resting back to back. It is a lifting workout but when it is done correctly you should be breathing heavy at the end of those set. So it's a lifting program with some cardio. You can also opt for Giant set from Strong and sweaty and STS, make it an intense lifting session.
Here is a STS 2.0 triset clip
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I enjoy After Burn and Athletic Training from the Low Impact Series. Boot Camp Circuit from ICE. Ripped with HIIT’s HIIT circuit upper and lower body are good too. And then the older high step circuit, high step training and high step challenge. And drill max, body max 2, and low impact circuit.
Can I ask what weights most of you use in the Low Impact Athletic Training and Low Impact series generally? I know the recommendation is a light and heavy set (presumably relative to one's own level), but I really like to know what the trainer is using in the video as a guide, and am aware that there was never a handbook for the LI series. Having just reinvested in the Cathe OnDemand, I want to try a lot of the series I haven't used before!
Can I ask what weights most of you use in the Low Impact Athletic Training and Low Impact series generally? I know the recommendation is a light and heavy set (presumably relative to one's own level), but I really like to know what the trainer is using in the video as a guide, and am aware that there was never a handbook for the LI series. Having just reinvested in the Cathe OnDemand, I want to try a lot of the series I haven't used before!
I think Cathen'crew use 5 &15's for LIS Afterburn & Athletic Training. You can find the equipment list in the DVD description page (on the Equipment tab) on the Shop Cathe pages. I typically use 5 or 8's for Afterburn, and vary between 5, 8,10, 12, 15 & sometimes 20's for Athletic Training depending on the specific exercise and my energy for the day. Have fun!
ETA: I see you posted this in the Ask Cathe section. Wanted to add, I'm not Cathe, but ...

Not entirely sure what you are asking, but if it's a cardio & weight circuit, then:

RWH's Upper & Lower Body Circuits - both are under an hour.

Body Blast's Cardio & Weights - may need to do a Timesaver type premix to be an hour or so, same as LI Circuit.

Any Bootcamp: ICE, S&S, Intensity's, FitTower

All the PHAs have a cardio effect as do many/most TB workouts.

If it's cardio & weight on the same day but not necessarily in a circuit & about an hour, then in addition to FitSplit: 4-Day Split, CTX, P30, & the BodyBlast Timesaver dvd.

Lots of options!
Good options!

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