Benefits of Boot Camp


I don't have the DVDs yet, so I am only going off of posts and reviews. Besides feeling like the King/Queen of the world for attempting to complete this video - what do those of you that have tried it think about its benefits? Is it increased aerobic capacity? Increased endurance? I'm thinking if we can survive this workout (after reading Donna's hilarious description of it) we might be able to leap tall buildings in a single bound!?!
I'm thinking an overall increase in maybe "total body" endurance.
Everything is in 1 minute increments, but you tire after a couple of cycles. And even though it's all "do-able" at 1 minute each, after about 20 minutes of it, it all adds up! :)
So I guess it's an increase in overall capacity? I really don't know, but bet next time I smear the "war paint" on under my eyes like the "Rambo" dudes in the movies do before I start! :)


Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-31-02 AT 07:14PM (Est)[/font][p]I did it today and am wondering where to put it in my rotation. Personally, I found it to be more strength oriented than cardio, but not enough strength for a true total body day on it's own - I would want to add more chest/back work. But Cathe put it the day after Pyramid Upper in the rotation she suggested, so she probably didn't intend on it being strength work. I have a feeling I'm going to feel the same way about Cardio & Weights. :-hmmm


I haven't got the tapes yet, they are due on Friday. I have to admit, I was hoping that Boot Camp would be considered Cardio as well as a muscle Endurance and I was hoping that for Cardio & Weights - since it seems to be comparable to Circuit Max.

It is just nice to have all these tapes classified. The reviews of these have been great! I can't wait to see for myself.

I know I am being a real pain in the you know what but can anyone help me out with the link to Cathe's recommended rotation for the Intensity series, please ?

Anna :)

I would love to have the link to Cathy's rotations. Can you post it please? Thanks.

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