Belly Fat


New Member
Hi Cathe,

I have started working out to your videos on Fittv. I love them so much I have taped almost all of them.

My question is, I had a third baby 16 mths ago at age 37. I have always been very active and have always excersied daily. However since given birth I am having a more difficult time losing the weight(fat) around my middle. I have noticed a great deal of change in my legs and arms from doing your heavy slow tapes, but for some reason i just can not loose around the waist/middle.

I follow a good diet and try to eat three meals a day with healthy snacks in between, and I do the workouts at least times a week.

Do you have any other suggestions for me, I am close to 40 and I would love to be in the shape ever by then.

hope to hear back soon
Hi Karen!

Cathe's been busy getting the HC series completed and sent out, so I just thought I'd add what works for me. I'm 40 and have 2 kids. What works for me is to increase my cardio. Right now, I'm doing at least 30 min. of cardio a day/6 days a week. Sometimes I do a couple of longer 60 min workouts. Belly fat is hard to lose and the only way I can lose it is by burning it off with cardio. Ab work helps tighten, but you won't see much muscle if there's a layer of fat. Of course, diet is also key, but I have a hard time following one!

Thank you for the reply, I have decided to increase my cardio a bit more, I currently work out 6 times a week but I usually do two weight training tapes on a couple of those days, Power Hour or Pyarmid tapes, Do you suggest adding cardio to those days as well?
Thanks for the reply.

I do try and maintain a low sugar diet, however I do eat fruits, should I monitor that or just keep out the bad sugars.
LOTS of water helps me. When I remember.

Also losing more fat...on me, the fat in the ab area is the last to go. Sad but true.

LOTS of water helps me. When I remember.

Also losing more fat...on me, the fat in the ab area is the last to go. Sad but true.

I've read running gets into that deep belly fat. I even think Cathe once recommended it and said that she includes running in her program. I also seem to recall her saying that is where she stores her fat--if she ever has any! Cedie says she ran to get in shape for the Intensity Series and it looks like she lost belly fat too. I personally hate running and won't do it even to lose my own. Jeanne
I've read running gets into that deep belly fat. I even think Cathe once recommended it and said that she includes running in her program. I also seem to recall her saying that is where she stores her fat--if she ever has any! Cedie says she ran to get in shape for the Intensity Series and it looks like she lost belly fat too. I personally hate running and won't do it even to lose my own. Jeanne
Running has really helped me loose that pudge and the love handles. It has come back a little because I went on a cruise and my eating healthly kinda went out the door. I can't run as much as I used to because of the weather, but as soon as it starts getting warm I will be back to it with full force. I run 5.7 miles 3 time a week.
4 days of cardio ought to be plenty, that is what you say you are doing...depending on your body type, I would think that is enough. I personally could not take the pounding of 6 days of cardio. May I suggest you do some interval aerobic training on 1 or 2 of the 4 cardio days. IMAX1 or IMAX2....or similar. Go for intensity rather than quantity.

Other than playing with your diet.

I personally hate running and won't do it
>even to lose my own. Jeanne

The last time I ran with any regularity, I started suffering from plantar's fascitis and had to give it up.

So what is a safer alternative for those of us who choose not to run?
Last night I was reading Oxygen Magazine's special issue devoted entirely to abs (it's called "Abs Training for Women). Some main points I read:

"It is well known in the physique-building industry that to create a fine physique takes a combination of 80% nutrition, 10% training, and 10% genetics"

"Amazing abdominals are created in the kitchen with excellent nutrition."

"Just as every other muscle in the body requires rest between workouts, so do the abdominals. Overworking ab muscles only serves to defeat ab-defining efforts."

Hope this helps! :D

Marla G.

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