Be afraid, be very afraid . . .


PONCHOS are back!

DH and I were in a local TJ Maxx on Sunday, and my eyes fell on these dreaded objects - crocheted, no less - and I thought I'd fallen into a cosmic wormhole and gone back in time to the Seventies-ieth Circle Of Hell.

They've resurrected bell-bottom pants and platform shoes, and now ponchos?! PONCHOS?! Can macrame', moccasins, leg warmers and leotards be far behind?

Why is it that every time the fashion and entertainment industries run out of truly innovative ideas (which is usually the case, come to think about it), it recycles the absolute cheesiest of fashions from 20-30 years previous? Or is it just me? What really torques me off is that some coked-out 22-year-old fashionista or two will run around talking like s/he invented stuff that died a natural and righteous death years ago.

In Mourning Again For Good Taste
You know I resisted this new trend until July 4th w/e--I was down the shore & had this very cute little tank dress on & I was freezing my little rear end off. So I picked up a pink chenille poncho which is really not too hideous.

I think they're OK as a coverup/sweater kind of thing, but I wouldn't wear it on its own.
Hi Annette! I've been looking all summer long at those dreaded crocheted ponchos here in NY. They're everywhere!:7 Ha! Kathy:D
I think there's probably a bright orange one still in what used to be "my" closet in my parents' house. Maybe I should dig it out?

I've seen quite a few fashion trends from the 70's come back over the years. But never in quite the same way (so you really can't dig out the old stuff and wear it again). There's usually a change in fabrication, color, or style.

What about paper dresses? Anyone have one of those? I did, in around 1973 or so. And a micro-mini skirt that came with matching panties.
I have two of those crocheted ponchos....they're cute! :p

I used to wear them when I was litte, my grandma (my Hispanic side) used to make them for me. So I'm glad they're coming back. :)

The neat thing is that these older type clothes are coming back, but with a modern spin to them. They look similar the old style, but they still have a modern look to them at the same time.

I was in a children's store yesterday and saw some and couldn't help but think which brightly coloured one was I going to buy for my 2 year old. Sorry, I know they are a born again fashion but so cute for little kids, I remember I looooved mine when I was little, and I can't wait for my daughter to wear one.Sue
I have bad news...leg warmers are back...and not with dancewear...with heels!

Moccasins have made a comeback, too.

DH has been getting Seventeen magazine and I've been catching up with the teen/college culture. (DH is a pediatrician and I think the magazine company wants him to put it in his office. He's doing a fellowship so he doesn't have an office.)

Oh no, I need to go find the one my grandmother made for me in the 1970s. I thought I was really something wearing that poncho!

Actually, I think I'm getting old enough to be nostalgic about some of these styles coming back, but I don't think I'll be wearing a poncho again!
Apparently you're not getting as much support as you had hoped for on this thread, Annette, so let me just say this in writing. :p

I hate ponchos. I will never wear one. I will never buy one. If my daughter (19) buys one, I will ridicule her.

OK, the Wicked Witch has spoken!

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Have not seen to many of those poncho's here and in one ad for back to school clothes my 9 year old daughter saw one and did not request one, but wait till school starts it might change LOL. as for me I don't think I will wear one any time soon.
Mogambo - we'll just have to be not-so-silent sufferers here . . .

I know how out of touch I am. DH and I have no cable TV, I think cell phones are an invention of the devil, and I've never watched Episode One of any reality TV show. But damnit . . . I've gotta draw the line somewhere.



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My 29 year old daughter loves fashions from the 70's.

Although I probably won't purchase a poncho, I thought the 70's fashions were just plain fun!!! But I like trendy...

BTW, I liked the way those 70's platforms added a few inches to my 5'0".

AJ - although we do have cable T.V., I have never watched a reality show either. I just don't get it...but that's just me :7
I'm with you on the cell phones and reality TV. But I think ponchos are cute and I've already gotten one for my almost 2-year old daughter that is the cutest thing you've ever seen (the poncho, not the daughter - I realize I can't make an unbiased assessment of my daughters cuteness!). least we partly agree! :)

My son watches shows on TV that are geared toward teens and they are all wearing ponchos on these shows, too. One girls had on a pink and white striped crocheted one that was..... not cute. ;-) :p

I didn't like them when everyone was wearing them in the 60's and 70's. What a style to resurrect. :7
I'm with you on this one, Ajock. The ponchos are pretty dreadful. And yes, I don't like the 70's resurrections, either. At least that decade I had an excuse - I was too little to pick my own clothes and dress myself.
Kotacam - I have no excuse. I DID think they were cool at the time. At least I thought that I SHOULD think they were cool, since they were all over the place.

How dearly I love being in my 40's . . .


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