Barry's BootCamp....yeowza!

LOL!!! I hear ya!!! }( When I started a BBC rotation I had just gotten done with a S&H rotation. I thought what a nice change of pace....:eek: ha ha The rotation did give me great results. I also was 18 weeks post-op from a major surgery. It was nice when I wasn't feeling BBC cardio-ish I would do a Cardio Coach instead, or use my spin bike for one of the BBC treadmill cardio portions and increase the resistance/speed accordingly. (Since then have found iTrain and can't get enough!!! :) )

I know someone asked how it was used in a rotation. I followed along with the plan, but did a Cathe circuit on the Barry - full body day. I needed my Cathe fix!! ;-) My first time through with a BBC rotation I did weights first followed by BBC treadmill portion and then non-treadmill portion (not every day, mind you). I definitely took one rest day a week too. I needed it. }( I did add some type of yoga/stretching in daily. ;)

As for keeping the pace on the treadmill portions, I didn't get my sprints as high as they did. However, I did push myself and ran faster than I ever thought I could go!! :7

I know I'll be using them again. I'm thinking when I don't have as much time around the holidays to workout. I love how short, but effective they are. Who needs an hour cardio when you have BBC!?!?! LOL!
Ok, yesterday I finished day 4 and I think day 3 and 4 (chest/abs and shoulders/back)are much kinder than the first two days. Having said that my calves were on fire yesterday and today my back is Killing me ... I almost had to roll out of bed this AM. But today is the total body with Barry again as the trainer .... I will admit to a certain amount of trepidation concerning this!
I ordered my set a couple days ago and it's supposed to come today - any suggestions on how to start, or is that detailed for you in the package?
there's actually nothing in the package besides the dvd and some dog tags. i believe the idea is to do one a day and finish with total body. barry says something about total body being on the fifth day.

you will LOVE these workouts!!!
So you really like them? I am looking for something motivating. I couldn't resist when I saw what a deal they were on HSN. I'm so excited to review them. Do you really feel like you've had a strong workout when you're done? I'm really psyched now. I can't wait to get home and review them. Do they have any complicated parts to them? The website doesn't really reveal much about how the workouts are broken down.
I think it's pretty clear from the thread that it's a love/hate relationship:p

There's no complexity. They're bootcamp workouts. Everything is very straightforward.

There are three parts to each workout - weights, non-treadmill cardio and cardio. So you do the weights section, then you choose which cardio you're going to do. And as Lorie said, there are five DVDs so it's meant to be done as a five day split. Day 1 is Arms/Abs, Day 2 is Legs/Butt, Day 3 is Chest/Abs, Day 4 is Shoulders/Back and Day 5 is a full body workout (and I don't think it uses any weights).

The cardio is all short. 20-30 minutes. The weight segments are all around 30 minutes or so.
i am one of those people that thinks if i don't do cardio forever or run at least 7 miles, i'm not getting a good workout. i was hesitant that the cardio wouldn't be enough. well, in the time that i have been doing it (tomorrow is the end of my second week), i have lost three pounds (and i have been eating terribly) and have noticed i am leaner and can see more definition. also, i was sick with bronchitis and took 8 days off before i started bbc. i also do one or two runs on the treadmill (between 6-7 miles), but that's because i am training for a half marathon. i would have no problem just following bbc if i wasn't running the half.

one thing i did was do two bbc workouts every time with the two non-treadmill cardios. after my first workout, i was so sore there was NO WAY i was going to be able to work out the next day. so, i rationalized that two body parts was good if i was going to take a day off after each. the first week i took three rest days. i did bbc three times and ran once. this week, i am not feeling as sore (although the butt and legs killed me) and have done three bbc days and three runs.

so, this is what my two weeks have looked like:
M-bbc total body and bbc chest
W-6.6 mile run (iTread)
Th-bbc arms and bbc shoulders and back
S-bbc total body and bbc legs

M-7 mile run (iTread)
T-bbc arms and bbc chest
W-iTread sprints 4 miles and bbc shoulders and back (no cardio)
Th-6.5 mile run (iTread)
F-bbc total body and bbc legs

sorry for the long post, but i am just so thrilled with these workouts and the results i am seeing. i have not done the treadmill cardio because i don't have a dvd player where my treadmill is. i am going to put one down there this weekend. although, after reading shelley's posts, i'm a bit scared of the treadmill cardio!!! i thnk the non-TM cardi is really tough, and especially the stuff on the step using four risers. i think i am going to go down to three or two...

you will not be sorry you got these workouts. especially at FIVE DOLLARS EACH!!!

Congrats on your results with the workouts! I have to say that although I LOVE Cathe and her workouts certainly challenge me.... I am starting to prefer this type of no-nonsense cardio that delivers awesome results in less time.

I previewed and attempted Higher Intensity Step from the new 4 Day Split series and was VERY frustrated with all that choreography. I mean, I know in time I will learn it and like it but gosh, the time to learn the moves and get my heartrate up all at the same time wasn't working for me today.....I just wanted a SOLID NO NONSENSE cardio workout that didn't require all the "thinking" and twists and turns...... Sorry all.... just an opinion so no rants please;-)
that's what worries me because i am very choreographically challenged!!! while i have no problem with the cathe workouts i have, i think it's partly because her moves are familiar. i have imax3 and only tried the step combos once (and turned it off i was so frustrated). i do like to do the imax3 blasts only premix but i didn't like the step routines...too dancy.

so, i am not sure how i will like the step portions of the new dvds. i kind of got them figuring i would use them mostly for the weight work. the atlanta cathe group is having a preview get together tomorrow to watch them but i don't plan on doing them anytime soon. i am going to stick with barry for now.

i also enjoy doing HIIT on the treadmill. a lot of workout in a little time.
Well, I got to spend some quality time with Joey tonight *sigh* I didn't have time for the cardio portion, so I just did the weights and I'm already sore. Tomorrow is full body with Barry. I'm a bit askeered.:p
>that's what worries me because i am very choreographically
>challenged!!! while i have no problem with the cathe workouts
>i have, i think it's partly because her moves are familiar. i
>have imax3 and only tried the step combos once (and turned it
>off i was so frustrated). i do like to do the imax3 blasts
>only premix but i didn't like the step routines...too dancy.
>so, i am not sure how i will like the step portions of the new

Hey Lorie!

I am decent when it comes to choreo. I have learned most of Cathe's stuff with no or minimal issues. I had/have problems with the 3rd combo from RS and for the longest time Allstep was beyond me for some reason though I've since conquered it. Anywho...I tried both step routines from the new series and got frustrated and turned them off. I lasted longer with HIS then LIS but still. They are tricky IMO unless you are really good at that stuff or have lots of patience to rewind a move until you get it down. I am not normally that patient.

That being said, you may not like the step work outs BUT I have done the kick and bootcamp and those along with the weight sections are worth the cost of the series IMO! You can always sub in another step routine or part of one in place of HIS and LIS. That's what I think I'm going to do until I decide to give a go at learning them again. :)
I bought this workout set on HSN just based on reading this thread! You guys are the best infomercials there are--I place complete trust in your judgement, much more so than seeing Alison Sweeney is a client of Barry's. I also bought a couple of new Champion sports bras based on a previous post--looks like I'm gonna need them!

wendy-i think that part of my problem is that i don't have the patience to rewind and rewind. i like to put in a workout and go. i never preview first. i think that's why i am loving bbc so much. it's totally challenging but easy to get. i will probably use the new workouts like you said. i am going to preview them tonight. the girls from the atlanta cathe group are coming over and we are going to preview all of them. i'll get a better idea as to how difficult they will be for me. i don't like to be frustrated when working out, so if they seem too difficult, i probably won't do them very often. with the number of premixes, i am sure i will get tons of use out of them even if i didn't do the step.
After reading all tese posts, I'm terribly confused on how to handle this. I just got BBC in the mail a couple days ago and have yet to even open the box.

On the rotations that you posted, you didn't seem to do any of the BBC cardio. When did you add that in? (or did you just do your own cardio?)

Sometimes I think I buy too much and give myself too many options. Can you tell I get frazzled and overwhelmed easily? ;)


i did both bbc cardios every time i did bbc except for the day i did sprints. i did cardio first then weights for each workout. so, it was cardio, weights, cardio, weights.

my suggestion would be to do one a day both the cardio (TM or non-TM) and weights. it would be a five day rotation.
every time i told myself i was going to time it, i forgot. i only did the non-TM cardios. they are 20 minutes each but i think some of the weight workouts are 30 minutes and some seem longer. basically, it took me just under two hours to complete two workouts.
Okay - got my DVDs yesterday and viewed one of them - I think it was arms and what amazes me is how easy Barry makes those moves look. I was quite impressed. I like to view new workouts through before I do them so I just popped the DVD in and started watching. I think I was breaking a sweat just WATCHING it! I can't wait to get started. I think I'm going to do one of the workouts tomorrow.

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