Barry's BootCamp....yeowza!

Crazy Treadmill Cardio!!!!

Lorie--agreed! That is nuts. It just doesn't sound fun at all (and my knees can NOT take those inclines or speeds anyway). Ok, so maybe I'll be ok not having a treadmill. It doesn't sound like I could do that stuff anyway (or if I did, boy would I have to modify!)

RE: Crazy Treadmill Cardio!!!!

Oh, believe me, I modified. I can't run that fast and I'm not so fond of inclines either, so I did what I could. Those speeds are just guidelines, or something to aim for, I guess. And the running backwards is actually not as hard as it sounds, and you're going VERY slowly (about 2 mph). It's kind of fun!
RE: Crazy Treadmill Cardio!!!!

shelley, i'm not sure if "bbc" and "fun" should be used in the same sentence!!! ;)
No, I don't think it's started pinching during the little four count flunging in that set at the end of the rotation - the one where you do 4 jacks, 4 squats then 4 flunges? Of course, this one came after the bicycle movement. After thinking about it more, I'm thinking that is the one that may have hurt my back and i just felt it in the flunging...don't know for sure but by mid day today I was walking a bit lopsided! Stiffens up after sitting a while.

When I got home this afternoon tho, I felt a tiny hint of something in my legs so they may feel like lead tomorrow...ouchie.
RE: Crazy Treadmill Cardio!!!!

Okay, I just ordered BBC from the HSN link on this page before I even finished reading the entire thread. You guys are sooooo convincing!!!!! I ordered Squeeze the other day too and am about to order a BOSU to use instead of a step!!! I love the challenge!!!!

I started 4-day split on Friday. Did BC, Sat KB Mon-LIS! My legs are feeling it today, especialy my inner thighs, YES}( ! I agree with you guys on the choreo for the step routines. I takes me a while to get them, but I just keep moving around and know that eventually I will get it. LIS today, I actually did get the first 2 rounds, but the 3rd, I was completely lost!x(

Yesterday, I put together a workout routine to take me through to the end of the year. So I will start 2008 with BBC!!! I can't wait!!! I hope I can refrain, but usually when I get a new workout that looks just too good to sit on my shelf, I break down and do it! Like most of you, I think that I am in pretty good shape, but from what you've been saying about BBC, I really need whip my butt into gear before I start BBC.

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