Barry's BootCamp....yeowza!

i finished my first barry rotation on saturday. i doubled up the workouts (and did both non-TM cardios) so monday was total body and arms and abs, wednesday was chest and shoulders, saturday was legs and total body again. i am STILL feeling the doms in my legs from nadia!

also, all the cardio is done on FOUR RISERS which is really tough (especially since i am 5'3).

i thought i was in good shape but i am definitely sucking wind during the cardio. and the burpees...forget it! there is no way i could do 12 in one minute!

i am really enjoying these workouts. tomorrow is chest and shoulders again.
I ordered this - what a deal too - I can't believe I got it at such a savings. I hope it doesn't break me in half...I'm kinda scared to do it! }(
Wow, are you all saying they are harder than Cathe and P90X?

I just had to try them. I have ordered and cannot wait. Hoping they will not be another workouts will ended in shelf again. Other than P90X, almost all others has been either given away or just became collection.

These are such a bargain and worth of try out.:)
they can be as difficult or easy as you make them. if you don't push yourself, they won't be that difficult. i found them very challenging. if you can do 12 burpees in one minute, you won't think it's that difficult (for me, that might be the most difficult part and i can't do 12 yet).
Thanks to one of the post here saying that there was sale going on HSN. I bought it. I tried it after two weeks Cathe's Dec rotation. Oh man, it was tough.

So far, I did all except total body one. Since I need to lose fat, I did weight, non treadmil cardio and sometimes threw in Itread (also thanks to the post here telling me about this wonderful treadmill mp3 workout). I could not finish all the reps in each work out. But I tried. Each time I got DOM. For back, the first time, I felt it because I was not good at the traditional posture doing the back exercises. I could never do exactly everything in non treadmill cardio session. I replaced step with BOSU. It is not 4 steps. But it is still really tough. My heart rate was in the zone all the time during the non treadmill session. Then I would do Itread 30 min or 60 min depends on how much time I had. Boy, I got the good burn. If I finished weight, non treadmill and treadmill with ITREAD, I would burn between 670 -707 calories.

I love this set.

Questions, how do you guys use them as a rotation?



"Become the change you want to see in the world. Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." - Mahatma Gandhi
Okay, so I have to ask again. Does anyone have the 411 on this guy? Is he going to put out another set of DVD's? I love the music too!! It really gets you going. I had to take a day off today from it but I'll be back to it tomorrow. I have a virus or something. Great DVD's.
Rotation Question: i have been using them exactly as is for five days straight and lately I have been just adding one day of pilates at the end for the sixth day which I need for stretching and one day off - then I start over.....I love this series so far! Totally the best $25 spent in a long time!
does anyone do both the non-TM cardio and the TM cardio one after the other? also, do you do cardio then weights or vice versa? i do cardio first.

i follow the bbc workouts and do running on the non-barry days. i ran today so tomrrow will be barry x 2. this is my second week.
I bought these from HSN for $20. If I paid full price I would have been very disappointed since the cardio is too high impact for me. I have tried to modify but I end up doing a cardio w/o that works for me. I can't do any impact. I can't even jump on my rebounder and it's been 2 years since I had knee surgery on both knees.

I am enjoying the weight work and that has been worth the $$

Ok, so I ordered! How could I not for $20 for FIVE DVDs? Even if it's not that great, (which, according to you all, it will be great and will kick my butt), I'm still not out that much money. So now, I have NINE new workouts coming to me and I am sooo pumped. This will really be a change that I've been needing. Wooohooooo!

start out standing
do a tuck jump
land in a squat
"jump" legs out into push up position
do a push up
"jump" legs back in to chest
tuck jump

that's the best explanation i can come up with. barry wants you to do 12 in one minute...yeah, right!
>does anyone do both the non-TM cardio and the TM cardio one
>after the other? also, do you do cardio then weights or vice
>versa? i do cardio first.

I did it once. I did Weight, non TM Cardio, then TM. It was totally killer. For TM, I could not do exactly the same numbers showed in DVD. I just came back from almost one year off workout due to my foot surgery.

I would give it try, doing cardio first. I don't know if I would have enough energy to lift.

>i follow the bbc workouts and do running on the non-barry
>days. i ran today so tomrrow will be barry x 2. this is my
>second week.

What do you mean barry x 2. Do you mean you do the same dvd twice same day?



"Become the change you want to see in the world. Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." - Mahatma Gandhi
barry x2-i do two workouts in one day. for example, today i did arms and abs and chest and abs BUT i only do the non-TM cardios. i like doing two at once because i like doing 40 minutes of cardio as opposed to 20.
i have really noticed a difference and this is only my second week! i have definitely lost some fat around my middle and toned up. it must be something with the sequencing of the workouts or the short-but-intense cardio? i did barry last week, took off three days (tuesday, friday, and sunday) and ran 6.6 miles one day (so only worked out five days) and seemed to have lost weight (i did do two back-to-back barry workouts on monday, thursday, and saturday). i am planning on continuing with my barry rotation!
I am SO glad to see posts that are describing results with these workouts! I have completed 2 weeks of the BBC Rotation and I have lost 3 lbs AND I am fitting VERY comfortably into my "thin" jeans! I have noticed the most improvement thus far in my middle section. I can actually see slight cuts that are really motivating me to continue with this rotation for a while longer until the new Cathes arrive!

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