RE: Shelley or Others--please help!
Allison, Allison.... for all that is holy, do NOT do both cardios per day!!! LOL You won't be able to move. Well, unless you're superhuman like Lorie.
I've been doing them as a five day split, and I'm alternating the cardios (for instance, Monday, I'll do the TM cardio, and then Tuesday, the non-TM cardio, etc.). The full body workout doesn't have a cardio portion, and I thought to myself "oh, I'll just add some cardio on the end". After I was done, I thought "oh, I hope I can make it up the stairs", so I didn't add any cardio (he does a bit anyway, through the workout - power lunges, jumping jacks, etc.).
I would suggest you try it like that for your first week and then you can play around with it as you see fit.