Barry's BootCamp....yeowza!

I'm so excited! I just ordered it so we'll see when I get it in the mail. I can't wait to try the treadmill workout! Killer eh!;)
I'm doing a Barry's Bootcamp rotation now. I didn't expect it to be so challenging!! This series takes you to a new fitness level. This was a great purchase.
I am thinking about ordering this set. I have a club step but only 4 risers. Do you think I'll get a good workout/results without 8 risers. I am thinking about ordering a high step to get the extra risers but don't have the $ for both right now.
>>I have a club step but only 4 risers. Do you think I'll get a good workout/results without 8 risers.

Debbie, YES!! I think you'll get a good workout with only 4 risers. I only have 4 risers too and get a great workout.
Okay-I tried this workout this morning. I did arms. I didn't finish it though because the weight portion started out with all the push ups on the bench, and I hurt my lower back doing the flunging in the cardio portion. Now I'm really sad. ;(

Did you have to work up to do the entire video set? I thought i was in pretty good shape but I am seriously reconsidering this after this morning. I can't be sure if I hurt my back on the flunging or the bike pedaling part. It's not excruciating, but it's noticable pain. I am really bummed because I was so excited about doing the series. Now I'm wondering if I'm sidelined....boohoo

;( ;( ;(
Reese - I was seriously sore after all the workouts, but in a DOMS kind of way. Is your DOMS or just pain?

And Carrie, I agree about being able to see results almost right away. I'm going to do another week this week but I can already see results after only a week.
I'm really confused about how to do this rotation. There are two cardio's on each dvd, right? So am I supposed to do one entire dvd per day (i.e. arms/abs and both cardios)? I don't know why I feel so overwhelmed and confused about this series. I'm hesitant to try it because I can't figure out how to utilize it.

I am just curious as to how you're using it since you seem to love it so much. :) Thanks!

I had to work up to it, definately. DOMS big time. But in a good way}(

I have lower back troubles, so I have to be careful how far to bring my legs up for the bicycles. But I still get a great ab work out.

Like Barry said, people with lower back problems can do the wall stand, instead of flunges. That's what I do. Great workout...

Hope this helps...

Take care.

Okay, what is wrong with me?

I know I'm not in the same league as you guys....hell, I still have trouble doing LowMax all the way through. But, what to I do after reading this thread? Oh, I just skip off and buy this KILLER workout, thinking, "Oh, sure, I'll make myself do that."


Will you help me when I come here crying that I'm a wimp? Please help me...........
Shelley or Others--please help!

I'm desperate for advice on how to use this series. Shell---if you get the chance, can you check out what I wrote to you a few posts up?

RE: Shelley or Others--please help!


i don't think you should do both cardios. that seems a bit much to me. i think they put both on there to give you options. i would do one cardio and weights per day. see what shelley says, but that would be my suggestion.
RE: Shelley or Others--please help!

Allison, Allison.... for all that is holy, do NOT do both cardios per day!!! LOL You won't be able to move. Well, unless you're superhuman like Lorie.

I've been doing them as a five day split, and I'm alternating the cardios (for instance, Monday, I'll do the TM cardio, and then Tuesday, the non-TM cardio, etc.). The full body workout doesn't have a cardio portion, and I thought to myself "oh, I'll just add some cardio on the end". After I was done, I thought "oh, I hope I can make it up the stairs", so I didn't add any cardio (he does a bit anyway, through the workout - power lunges, jumping jacks, etc.).

I would suggest you try it like that for your first week and then you can play around with it as you see fit.
RE: Shelley or Others--please help!

You guys are the best! Thanks so much. Ok, five day split it is. We'll see how that goes.

RE: Shelley or Others--please help!

no superhuman abilities here. i have actually just made a "resolution" to try and curtail my cardio-junkie-habit. i am not going to be doing that much cardio, or as much running as i have been. one barry a day is enough and i am going to rty to keep the itreads to 40 minutes instead of 60 (except for one long run a week to get ready for my half).

shelley-what is the tm cardio like? is it similar to grace?
RE: Shelley or Others--please help!

Lorie - the TM cardio is HARD. Well, for me anyway:p I did two segments last week, one with Barry and one with Joey. The Barry one had things like running backwards on a 12% incline, speedwalking and sprints at around 9 mph. The Joey one had some running at a 12% incline, intervals switching between running at 7 mph on a 7% incline and 5 mph at a 5% incline, and then a series of sprints at the end where you gradually increased your speed and decreased your incline, until you were doing around 10-11 mph on a 0% incline. Well, let me rephrase that. THEY were running at 10-11 mph. I was NOT:p
RE: Shelley or Others--please help!

The only bummer for me about these is I don't have a flippin' treadmill!!!!

Aw well, I'll figure something out.

RE: Shelley or Others--please help!

okay, that is just CRAZY!!! first of all, I HATE INCLINES! HATE! second, even when i was doing a lot of HIIT work, the fastest i ever did was 10.0 and that was only for 45-60 seconds. i am thinking that the TM cardio would kick my a$$ (and not in a good way). as for running backwards, i think i would kill myself. how do you even do that?!?! i would fall flat on my face!

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