Barbell/recording notes

Hello, I am new to STS. Just started week 2 of meso 1. I hate using a barbell because all I have is my husbands, and it is longer than I am tall, so its very hard to balance and Ihave no idea how heavy it is. Plus it is a pain to switch the weights. I always substitute dumbells in for the barbell. Is that a problem with any exercises? ARe there any exercises where I shouldnt do this?

Another question is that I have been printing out my workout cards and i notice there is a place for notes on the cards. can we type notes in their so they show up for that particular excercise no matter what workout you are doing, or is that notes section just their for writing your own notes on the workout card?

Lastly, there are a few workouts that require weights but I cant find them to plug in my 1RM calculator. Are some exercises missing from the 1RM calculator?

Hi Shannon:
regarding your question about notes on the workout card,....
SM posted info on their blog about it:

Workout Manager Beta 2.6 Released

Published on 02 July 2009 by CatheDotCom in Announcements, Blog, Workout Manager

beta 2.6 Workout Manager

We have now just released beta 2.6 of the Workout Manager. We have fixed a few bugs in this release, but the main new feature is the ability to add notes to any exercise on your STS workout card.
We have also made a change concerning the note and pencil icon. Formerly, the note and pencil icon was what you clicked to edit your 1RM. Now you click the note and pencil icon when you want to add a workout note for an exercise. To edit your 1RM you just need to click on the calculator icon that we have just added. The only drawback with the new feature for adding notes is that the note will appear for every workout that exercise is used in the STS series. You cannot make a note for an exercise for just a specific date at this time. We’re curious to see if this is really problem, so please let us know. We can make the “add a note” feature” date specific, but it is going to take a lot of work. Before investing the time we want to first see if and how you use this feature. As always we welcome feedback in our support
Hi Shannon

I think it depends upon how many dumb bells you have and what weight variations you can make from them.

I think you probably could make it all the way through without a barbell, but as you increase in strength and therefore the weights you will be using, you may find getting enough weight from dumb bells challenging, especially with dead lifts, rows and later on squats.

I'm using a 5 foot, 17.5 pound barbell, it originally had red top screw thingys, I bought 2" wide spring collars which has helped with weight changes. They were only $2.

A lighter barbell, similar to Cathe's is available at Amazon this one is from US weights:

As for the 1RM question - yes - not all exercises are on the list, just the most important key ones, other exercises (gosh, can't remember which one's now) you just choose what you know you can safely do.

HTH - I am loving STS and I am sure you will too.
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how do you get to that screen pictured from the workout manager home page?

HOw do you get to that screen pictured from th workout manager home page? Thanks!

Hi Shannon:
regarding your question about notes on the workout card,....
SM posted info on their blog about it:

Workout Manager Beta 2.6 Released

Published on 02 July 2009 by CatheDotCom in Announcements, Blog, Workout Manager

beta 2.6 Workout Manager

We have now just released beta 2.6 of the Workout Manager. We have fixed a few bugs in this release, but the main new feature is the ability to add notes to any exercise on your STS workout card.
We have also made a change concerning the note and pencil icon. Formerly, the note and pencil icon was what you clicked to edit your 1RM. Now you click the note and pencil icon when you want to add a workout note for an exercise. To edit your 1RM you just need to click on the calculator icon that we have just added. The only drawback with the new feature for adding notes is that the note will appear for every workout that exercise is used in the STS series. You cannot make a note for an exercise for just a specific date at this time. We’re curious to see if this is really problem, so please let us know. We can make the “add a note” feature” date specific, but it is going to take a lot of work. Before investing the time we want to first see if and how you use this feature. As always we welcome feedback in our support
In your calendar - Add the Sts workout that you are on - then select edit and that page should come up. It is very handy now that it will allow you to put in the weight that you actually used to failure and then recalculates your 1RM based on the new weight. Then the next time you do that exercise it shows up in the workout guide.

Good luck!
I do not have a barbell so I used dumbbells for the entire STS series. The only time I felt it was an issue was not having a rack system like Cathe uses when it came to chest presses. I felt like I was exerting more energy trying to hoist the heavy dumbbells into place (finally got hubby to hand them to me and I was able to go heavier and complete all reps).

I will say my dumbbell collection grew like mad.


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