I used to be awesome with money- paid off every credit card each month, perfect but flexible budget, etc. Then I lost 125 pounds in a year, got into fitness, and the following year I quit my traumatic job and was out of work for three months. Losing the weight, especially that quickly, meant that I had to buy 4-5 new wardrobes from the skin out in a short time. Getting into fitness meant that I bought a lot of gear, videos, etc. Being out of work ran up my debt and decimated my savings. I'm still trying to dig out. I'm thinking of rolling my credit card and line of credit debt into my mortgage when I renegotiate it in September. God, I hope that works! It would just give me a little breathing space and allow me to take back all my good money habits. When you are in major debt, you are always running behind, trying to keep up, and it is so ****** stressfull.