I'm with you there. I figure the getting started rotation is just helping me get to know the workouts and come Jan. I'm going to do the RWH/Low Impact rotation. I'm still trying to eat right currently, but with the holidays, I do a lot of baking and have parties to attend.Just finished this workout and wow, can barely move my arms. I used the heaviest I knew I could use and my arms are on FIRE! I am really enjoying these workouts. Once the holidays are over and I can really watch my eating, I'm sure this set will really help blast fat!![]()
gibbee- good article, I'll try the pull overs on a decline. I found the best exercise to isolate my lats is a pull down. I sling my blue band over my pull up bar and then, holding both ends in one hand, do the pull down unilaterally. I can use the other hand to feel my lats working. I used to have difficulty isolating my lats. It's really helped with my pull ups (well, sort of... I can do 5 only).
Does your tubing have very heavy resistance? Mine is 'medium' and I'm without a pull up bar, so I did the tubing variation for STS back stuff. But it always felt like everyone was doing one-armed burpees while I was jogging in place. Maybe it was the positioning of the tubing or its resistance?gibbee- good article, I'll try the pull overs on a decline. I found the best exercise to isolate my lats is a pull down. I sling my blue band over my pull up bar and then, holding both ends in one hand, do the pull down unilaterally. I can use the other hand to feel my lats working. I used to have difficulty isolating my lats. It's really helped with my pull ups (well, sort of... I can do 5 only).
Thanks, Justine! That's super helpful. I love the feeling of learning to fire up a muscle. Expanding/increasing body control is amazing.Roz, I use Cathe's blue band, but it's doubled up - so reasonable resistance. For me, though, it was as much about learning how to fire up my lats, as actually working them (I was inspired by various glute activation techniques). It's what has enabled me to do pull ups - using my lats rather than arms. Sometimes I sling the band over my barbell whilst it rests on the squat rack, and do the pull downs that way (although I have to sit on the floor for those). I pull from shoulder height (or just above), down to hip height, with a slightly bent arm. HTH x
Justinef: I dropped pullovers a while back because I tend to feel pinched in my anterior shoulder. I ran into an article talking about putting more arch in the upper back to ease this problem. I hadn't really tried them, though. Typically I find another rowing motion to replace them to avoid any shoulder impingement.
But THEN I found this article and I have thought about this as a substitution:
Pimp Your Dumbbell Pullovers
I did this one this morning and was totally questioning my sanity when my pecs started feeling those pullovers. Glad it wasn't just me -- or a form problem!Isn't it interesting that this move activates chest more that back?
I started using 2 dumbbells for pullovers during a Cathe live. When she did it for the first time live I wasn't sure, but really like it better that way. I can feel when I have 1 side weaker than the other. I also feel like I have more control that way.Did this workout Sunday and really felt worked. I was afraid my weakling forearms were going to limit the weights I could use or the reps/sets I could finish, but with Cathe & Crew's form tips & encouragement I pushed through. What a sense of accomplishment! Even though I use on average about 1/2 to 3/4 of the weight Cathe uses, I was making the same faces they did & my giddy giggles burst out at the same time she and her Crew's did. I'm usually strong with rear delts, but those prone rear delt flys
? I started with 7lbs., immediately dropped to 5 lbs, and thought about going to 3 lbs
. I ended up struggling through with 5 lbs & laughing with each set! Could not even push myself up between sets and just rolled off the step onto the floor when we were done
! Today (48 hours later) I'm feeling nice DOMS in my biceps, weakling forearms (yeah baby
), scapular area, and triceps (?).
I have problems with pullovers too, so I am very careful and conscious whenever I do them. I tend to feel "pinched" in my posterior shoulder when I'm in the stretch portion of this move. Because of that I don't allow the weight to go back too far and my ROM is very limited on this move. This article was very interesting with some links to other good articles. I like the idea of using two dumbbells for pullovers, and it seems to make physiological sense that it would be easier on the shoulder joint. Isn't it interesting that this move activates chest more that back?
I tried this premix and my forearms were so fried from holding heavy weight for back, I could barely get through biceps!!! Did anyone else experience this?